I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
December 25, 2010
Merry Christmas
Visited with other family members for the 10 days that Spencer has off. Headed back to NC tomorrow, day after Christmas. Should be fun.
This year so far I've bought for myself I have given a new haircut and acrylic nails. Which the nails may going soon. I can't remember the last time I had these nails but I know it's been a long time. Most of the stuff that I have a problem with is my phone keys and opening things. I've been giving it time but I'm getting irritated. Lol.
Hayden got from Santa a Vtech Camera and it hold up to 500 pictures. We got that for him so he'd leave mine alone. So he's off taking pictures. I'm probably going to make him his own Facebook just filled with his pictures so that the family can see what a good picture taker he is. Not bad either.
December 7, 2010
I think Spencer was sorry...
He brought me this last night when he came home. I think he was sorry because he knew I was right the day before.
For the past, oh week, I've been telling him he needs to get a ladder to get on the roof to hang the rest of the lights since I can't reach that high and if I get on the roof I ain't coming down. Well he said he was 100% sure that he could get up there without a ladder. sure.....
Well the night before he was going to get up there and he realized, oh hey, I need a ladder. ***head desk*** So he went next door to borrow one from the neighbor. I knew it wasn't tall enough because these are old people and they don't need to be climbing. Well, it was off a foot or two. ***double head desk*** It irritated me more because we were out that day and before, during and after driving past Lowes & Home Depot I checked with him again.
So right now we have hanging lights in our walkway from the area I could reach, and all these other decor in the yard not lite up because someone couldn't listen to the wife, who knows what the hell she's talking about.November 24, 2010
I want to take this opportunity to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving since half of us won't be here tomorrow ... aka me :)
Hope everyone has a safe, baby-making, face-stuffing, family gathering, wishing for no drama (from friends and/or family), head in the oven and turkey, beating the Black Friday crowds, no emergency room because the turkey didn't want to be fried... Holiday! (I'm pretty sure there are more stuff that I can describe but can think of any)
While searching the net for a funny Thanksgiving picture I found this:
Roasted Turkey Pringles??
Well we were supposed to have people over tomorrow, but not so much anymore. For some reason we get invited to parties but when it comes to hosting our own party everyone else has plans, etc. Oh well, who needs them any-who, the 3 of us & the dogs can have our own party.
But for some miracle people come over, they have to bring their own food because last minute calls were a week ago when I did grocery shopping.
The Avon business is slowly going. Still not sure if I'll stick with it come the New Year. I mean I still have orders coming in, but actually making it my full/part-time job...a little iffy on it.
November 10, 2010
I spend 25 minutes searching for the code, that is still missing by the way, to shut the alarm off. It finally shut off by itself, but I was running around the house searching all the places where it could be, calling Spencer asking him if he knows it, telling him to call our Real Estate person and see if she still has it. But no luck.
But don't have to worry. Hayden won't be touching it anytime soon. And by the time he should want to touch it, we should have found out what it is, or changed it.
This morning I had to call the Dr's Office and reschedule my appointment since Spencer wouldn't have been able to come get me. So I call, and the nurse asked why I was canceling it. I told her, and before I got off the phone with her she has the nerve to say, "Make sure you get the car next time, so you don't have to cancel".
Mind your own business lady. You don't control my life, you don't know me. Unless you want to give me a car to use, shut your mouth. I wish I had gotten her name, but Hayden was screaming and it was early.
November 5, 2010
Quick Update
As you can see from my previous post, my brother died.
And Halloween basically sucked. For some stupid reason the county we are in decided to celebrate Halloween the day before, since Halloween fell on a Sunday and thought that it was sacrilegious. Whatever, they don't even know the true meaning of Halloween then. (Before you start changing the holidays, do your research!) Anyways, Halloween was a bust because this house celebrated it on Sunday, the day that it was supposed to be on. Hayden still had a blast but everyone's light was off, and we have mountains of candy since no kids came. And since some of our friends felt the same way they didn't come over so I had extra punch made.

Yesterday my mom's co-worker/friend died & Spencer's grandmother died.
Can we have happiness & joyful experiences now?!?!
But on another note, besides of all the crap, the Texas visit was nice. We will be returning to Texas in December for Christmas. Driving this time tho. We just don't have the money for another 3 plane tickets. We will also be taking the dogs with us too. Know they will be glad for some travel too!
It's getting colder outside. I think it started getting colder here a couple days before Halloween (Sunday). I'm def. going outside with a long sleeve shirt if not also with a sweater/jacket, also putting those closed toe shoes on too.
November 2, 2010

Michael Andrew Burge, 19, passed away on Saturday Oct. 16, 2010. He was born on May 21, 1991 in Webster, TX. Michael is survived by his parents, Allen J. and Janis L. Burge; grandparents, Edna and Bill Burge of Victoria, Texas and Frankie Marshall of Fort Worth, Texas; sister, Amanda Burgett and husband M. Spencer; nephew, Hayden Dean and numerous friends.
Michael had a passion for baseball and loved to watch Astros and Rangers baseball. Enjoyed bowling, basketball, and playing video games with friends and family.
The visitation was held on Friday, Oct 22, 2010 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at the Crowder Funeral Home Chapel ~ Webster, TX. The Funeral Service was held on Saturday, Oct. 23, 2010 at 12 noon at Crowder Funeral Home, Chapel ~ Webster, TX.
I love you Michael, and always will. I hope your happy now, and will see you again. No one could have been a better brother than you.
October 11, 2010
Houston Trip Pt. 1 (just "some" pics)

Christie's 24th Birthday At Kemah & Texas Roadhouse
Hayden, Haleigh, & Brooklynn
He loved the Sting Rays. Got to feed them too

October 6, 2010
Please note: I am afraid of heights......
I was thinking of random airplane songs or puns or jokes whatever, like stuff while traveling, came to my mind this morning.
I posted this on Facebook earlier : "Tooommoorrrrooww Tomorrow I'll See Ya'll Tomoorrooww It's Ooonnllyy A Daaaayyy Aaaawaaayy!!"------from Annie
"I'm leaving, on a jet plane. I don't know when I'll be back again.....''-----Armageddon
*If you step onto a plane and recognize a friend of yours named Jack don't yell out Hi Jack!
*He became a sky diver out of the blue.
*Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.
*The propeller is just a big fan in the front of the plane to keep the pilot cool. Want proof? Make it stop; then watch the pilot break out into a sweat

October 5, 2010
Hayden started freaking out earlier because I told him that we weren't leaving today. He is so ready. The last time he was on a plane was like 2 years ago....before he turned 1. (I think)
This time he gets his own seat. I have provided him a coloring book and 2 books with some toys....I even put a movie on the iPod just in case with a BUNCH of songs.
I come prepared. lol
Spencer leaves really early that morning too. So we are trying to figure out if there is going to be a point in sleeping at all, Well for Hayden yes. I'll do my best on trying to get a nap sometime tomorrow to help it out.
October 4, 2010
Fall is here!

Going to Texas on Thursday. Flying of course. There is NO way I'm driving 20 hours by myself. I mean I'm going to have Hayden but still. Plus if I was driving I would take the dogs with me, since I'm flying I'm boarding them cuz I'm not paying for them to fly. It's would probably cost more.
So happy that my new phone is arriving today. Hopefully soon so I can activate it. Rebecca, the 65lb Chocolate Lab, stepped on it about a month ago, and cracked the screen of it. Since it's a touch screen I couldn't answer it or anything, so I had to go and switch back to my old, battery draining, P.O.S. flip phone. So I'm like dying here waiting for my phone to arrive. I ordered it Friday and it's supposed to be an over-night thing, but since they don't want it delivered on a Saturday and mail doesn't work on Sundays I had to wait. UGH!
October 1, 2010
Outspoken by Fergie - Commercial
Just want the Spray $28
Not sure you will like the fragrance??---No problem
Contact me for free samples...by email or phone
September 29, 2010
I'm a horrible Avon Rep
Guess maybe I should've gone with Pampered Chef...since I like cooking. Maybe I can do both....I dunno...I'm going to stick with Avon for a little while longer and if nothing I'll switch to something else. It should pick up since I'm going through the airport(s) next week so "BROCHURES AHOY!!"
Hahaha! Anywho...hopefully while I'm in Texas I can get my transcripts from my High School & College so I can sign up and take classes this next semester....of course I'm going to need my car fixed before then, and also get Hayden set up for daycare...and all that wonderful fun stuff.
September 28, 2010
Now the reason why I'm so freaking scared of these damn f'ers is because 5-6 years ago I was at my friend Christie's house. She had this tree that hung over the driveway (it was like 10pm-11pm ), I was holding a flashlight for her aunt so she could see inside the car since the light went out and I soon then felt something on my head. Yup, your right, a roach! I start freaking out I drop the flashlight and started screaming, then more of them start to fall.
At this point I am freaking the "F" out and I'm running down the street screaming without a shirt. About 10-15 minutes later, cops show up, and I had to apologize for freaking out like that. The cop gave me a warning and drove off. I soon then got in my car and drove off myself freaking the fuck out.
Never been the same since. LOL
So Christie and me now have our own site. It is called Tutu's, Tote's & More. I originally had this site created for my crafts, but recently Christie has started making Tutu's & Bows, etc so I figured that we should combine our creative selves and our minds together and make a site. Now, my part of the creative-ness won't be available until I get back from Texas but Christie's is still good to go. I know not a good way to start a site, but it was kinda out of the blue.
I can't remember if I told you if I was going to Texas yet or not. (I'm not going back and searching right now) But anyways, me and Hayden are going to Texas in Oct. Spencer won't be joining us, :( , because he's going to be doing some training for the Army. (sorry can't tell you where, or when) BUT, we are still going to have fun. Going to the Texas Renaissance Festival too. I think I have been EVERY year except for the year Hayden was born. Too close to the due date, etc. Wasn't going to chance it. But anywho, I can't wait. Hayden will be old enough this year to do more stuff and understand it.
September 25, 2010
I got this idea from another Youtube blogger that I'm actually subscribed to called ShayTards, I know weird name but sooo funny. Anyways he's been on Youtube for like 2-3 years. Possibly 2 going to 3, but anyways. I don't want to really copy him or anything, but I'm going to start off that way. I already have some videos on there for my Avon, but being a stay-at-home mom, working for Avon, having a kid and 2 dogs, and a husband that works all the time....gotta keep myself busy. There are going to be some limits, having my hubby dear in the military I can't show you everything. So if I film something that can't be seen or Spencer doesn't want it to be public I'll be cutting it out. Sooooooo.....
http://www.youtube.com/user/SHAYTARDS <----------Channel I'm subscribed to
http://www.youtube.com/user/adburgett23 <-----------My Youtube Site
.........anyways check out those two links, have fun. And don't forget to check out my other blog that I link ALL of my Avon stuff on. Just click on my picture on the side and scroll down. Not hard to miss.
September 22, 2010
Brother and Sister Dental Odyssey
September 20, 2010
Snot, flem, and baby rub
18 more days till I leave for Houston. Can't wait. Not a big fan of flying but I'm not driving the 20 hours by myself with Hayden from here to Houston. Not gonna happen, plus my mom would kill me.
Hopefully when I take my trip through the airport I can drop off a few brochures at random places to boost my sales through Avon. I'm just hoping that business with Avon gets better. I know everyone doing a at home business deal like what I'm doing has a rough start but I'm keeping on trying.
Don't forget that I made an Avon blog. You can get to it by clicking on my picture on the side bar and it will take it straight to it. It should be able to help you know all the new products that are coming out. I'm linking all my videos from YouTube to them, and all the news, specials, etc. If there is anything that you would like to see let me know and I'll do my best to add it.
September 16, 2010
I actually considered switching places with Spencer last night for about a week. He can be Mr. Mom, and I'll go to work. Yup, I think that will work. At least for a week. He thinks my job is so fucking easy. I know his is hard and shit and I'm not saying it's not but he thinks that he will do a great job at it. Yeah....okay.....so that's why when I came home last night from Verizon he was still on the computer....still haven't taken a shower....and the kid destroyed the living room, oh and still haven't eaten. Sure......good fucking job.
September 15, 2010
I heard him crying (cuz he knows he's in trouble) and I'm walking into the living room and I already smell it. I'm like what the hell is that smell. I see pink on his foot so I'm already thinking, CRAP! So I follow the smell and low and behold, HOT PINK NAIL POLISH. Just what I needed for the day. To clean, like I don't have enough already.
I will post pictures later. I'm going to go soak it some more.
September 14, 2010
No new additions of stories lately. I really am trying to get on here regularly but when nothing to talk about happens, kind of hard to write about nothing.
September 9, 2010
Early Morning?...I think so
But it's all good. I needed to wake up this early anyways, so I can deliver my brochures. Which I've been putting off for a while. I still need to make out notes and put them in the bags, which I think I need to make 25-30 notes. So I've got to make the note short as possible so I'm not writing forever.
September 8, 2010
Avon Animal Testing
Avon is known for its leading efforts to eliminate animal testing. On June 2, 1989, Avon became the first major cosmetic company to announce a permanent end to animal testing on all Avon-manufactured products. In place of animal testing, our safety evaluation process utilizes data from in-vitro tests (test tube/cell culture) or clinical tests (on human volunteers), and references existing animal-testing data.
Click Here for ReferenceClick Here to My Site
September 5, 2010
A day in the life of....
Okay I like having a clean cut yard, I don't want it looking like trash. Also, since I took down those fences I needed to run over those spots to even out the yard.
Anyways, I went outside and mowed, edged, and took the leaf (grass) blower to everything. I'm finishing up edging on the side and Spencer comes out and says, "I was going to do that". I laughed, I couldn't help it. Sorry but ummm...if you were going to do it, you should have been out here helping me DO IT, and not play that damn stupid game.
Which in fact, he played that damn f-ing game ALL day! I even went to sleep without him. There's no telling what time he decided to come to bed. Oh, there was one thing he did do. Make pasta. He also wanted to go for a walk at one time and it was like 730-8pm...yes I want to take my 2 year old son walking while it is pitch black outside.
I was watching t.v. at one point and he said he was off, nope...5 minutes later he got back on. Whatever. All I know is that mess he made in the kitchen last night, I'm gonna end up cleaning it.
September 3, 2010
My Grandfather's Pickles
Now my mom just recently just gave me my grandfather's recipe for making Hot & Dill Pickles. Now that's something I can do. Turn my grandfather's pickles into a profit. Now I'm not talking about going big like the ones you see in the store. I'm talking about Flea Markets, or Farmer's Markets. That's something that's in my area. Plus I want to do something that is going to make me happy. And Avon...not really.
I am going to give Avon a try though. Possibly when I get the pickle making going, I can do Avon part-time. Just for a few extra bucks. But I truthfully think making my grandfather's pickles will be a better, happier, and not time wasting job/hobby.
September 2, 2010
Another Day Another Drama

So I've done it again. I haven't been on Twitter for for like a year at the least. I got back in it. Not sure why. (Mom, please don't sign up for Twitter, you have to much stuff already) Basically lately I've been just trying to get the word out online that I'm working with Avon. I guess I'm doing okay in the business. Hasn't been a full month yet. So as some businesses go you've got to give them time. Spend money to make money. Well me not so much of the spending part.
OMG! I woke up this morning at 7:20am to the damn doorbell and the dogs barking. Of course that woke up Hayden. But this dude at the door asked if he could take the stuff by the side of the road. Ummmm....DUH! That's why at it's on the side of the road aka CURB! It's like an unwritten rule that once someone doesn't want it anymore and it's too big for the trash they "Curb It". Free to all may want. I just really hope today isn't "Ask Stupid Question Day". I'm sorry but DUMBASS!
Yesterday Spencer got paid and he said we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings. So we got there and by the time we sat down and got our food it was 2HOURS!! And it took 30 freaking minutes for our ticket to get to our table. So much for going grocery shopping. It was soo freaking slow, we only gave our server a dollar. She should have been happy she got that. They supposedly dropped Hayden's food and had to remake it. But we had 3 different people come to our table and tell us a different story on why Hayden's food still wasn't there. Lies! The server said she put Hayden's order in with the appetizer so it would be out faster. NOPE...it was after we got our food. And with the normal food..our fries were cold. And we had to ask multiple times for napkins and refills.
I'm sorry. I'm a server..I mean was a server. I worked in 3 different restaurants. If you can't handle your job ASK FOR HELP! Don't be afraid to ask for help. You get more "respect" from the customers, and your co-workers if you ask for help. And don't take on more that you can handle too. If you have to many tables and you can't do it, your going to struggle and piss off your customers.
August 31, 2010
It's been a while...
So ya it's been a while since I've been on here. Not much important going on lately. Yesterday I took down the front part of the fence in our yard. I'll be taking down the side pieces either today or later this week. I like being different in the neighborhood but I didn't really like the white fence in our yard. Also needing to take down the other brick column and get a actual mailbox. Like I said not much going on.
August 25, 2010
I think.....
I think we had a cool front last night. I never watch the news or weather so I never know anything unless I look it up, and that VERY rarely, like a hurricane or something. I let my dogs outside this morning and it was sooo much cooler than it was yesterday. Feels good!! Now if we can keep it like this temperature it will be perfect. No colder, no warmer. LOL I know...don't hold my breath! I like this weather that's between Summer and Fall/Winter.
Yesterday was so cool. I got my first Avon package trough the mail, with more brochures and some samples I order. It was like Christmas. I was soo excited.
August 24, 2010
Good Morning!
I got soo many Birthday wishes from my friends and I'm glad that I so loved.
August 21, 2010
August 19, 2010
Spencer is funny, and Rain is not

Well, apparently that small little rain cloud I saw on our radar was a little bit bigger than what they weather man thought. It rained for a little bit during the day, but after 7pm-ish it hit. For a while too. It ended up doing a power surge and of course that didn't help the cause with Hayden. He was already freaking out with the thunder. We were watching the rain through our back door and lighting hit, next thing I knew I saw our fence. LOL. And Hayden ran to the couch and hid under the blanket.
August 17, 2010
Guess that's okay, I can get everything set up for Halloween. I love decorating for Halloween. I try to go all out as much as possible. (You can ask my parents) Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays to decorate. I mean Thanksgiving has some decorating in it but its mainly all about food. I go all out on that too. And since we have our house now....I don't have to worry about decorating restrictions. Don't worry, I "WILL"be posting pictures of my decor after it's all up. I'm sooooo proud of myself after I do it. I will in fact have to invest in a ladder before then tho, especially before Christmas so we can do the light. Ohhh, I can't wait. I like the heat (some) of Summer, but I'm ready for it to be fall now.
August 15, 2010
Toys....For Real??

Are we really running out of ideas for toys? I understand this may be for a baby shower or a prank or something. But really? Barbie has now done everything. Barbie has the car, the masion, she turned into a slut with Ken, GI Joe, and having kids without being pregnant and enduring the wonderful wonders and pains of labor. BUT...they are getting there now. She is now pregnant. I can't wait for a Barbie being made with a head sticking out of her crotch, and an epidural needle coming out of her back. Actually what would make this better is if they do make this "Labor Barbie" is have Ken and all her boyfriends included with the box. Hahaha.
I'm sorry but this Pregnant Barbie has sent me back in time when I had Barbies. My barbie went through EVERYTHING. Even an occasional haircut, and a brother pulling their heads off.
August 13, 2010
I laughed so hard, I thought I was going to wake up Spencer. Don't know why I thought it was so funny but at that particular time it was.
But later on when I pulled the chicken out of the oven, Hayden didn't care about anything but eating it. The chicken was devoured, only the bones were left. I mainly ate the skin, *drool*, the way I cooked the chicken left the skin crispy, and the meat tender and juicy. Sooo good, probably not the healthiest chicken but lets just say that it would be perfect for Thanksgiving for those who don't like turkey.
August 4, 2010
Just another day in paradise....
Got out and mowed yesterday since not only did it need it, but I was so bored of being inside. Plus my skin needed a little sun. Hell, I also edged. I kinda scalped a few spots but hey, it's grass it will grow back. Plus I am still learning. This morning when I let the dogs outside I noticed that I missed a few spots in the grass. Hey, it was towards the end of the day and it was really hot and I was trying to hurry up and finish. I wasn't trying to make it perfect, I was just trying to get it cut. I also removed the damn vines that were up and down the back fence from our neighbor. I had to take the saw to a couple pieces but got it.
Also Hayden found a dead butterfly yesterday and I thought we would have tears. But no, he looked at it, went Oh, Noooo, and walked away. Lucked out on that one.
I also made Spencer cook last night. After cleaning inside and then outside I was in no mood to do anything else. One thing Spencer forgot was cleaning up the kitchen. I am getting really tired of the damn computer game he plays. I mean he watched a movie with me yesterday and he cooked for us. But thinks that doing those things would make up for the time he spends on the game. I can't put Facebook or this blog before Hayden and the house duties. And having him say, "Well I worked all day that should mean something". NO, it doesn't Work and Home are 2 different things, places, and situations. Yes, at Work (Spencers work) he has no choice but to do stuff, BUT....at home there are responsibilities that need to be done. He did laundry yesterday BUT for work.
We had a deal/agreement (no it wasn't written or in blood) but who ever cooks, the other one cleans. But the past couple times I've been cooking and cleaning. So when he cooked last night I clean most of it but I told him that he had to take care of the rest. Which was to pan on the stove and clean the table and counters since the dishwasher was already running and full. Something so simple. I told him that and he said I'm playing a game. That "game" is going to get deleted one of these days. I'm sooooooooooo tired of this BULLSHIT. I've tried everything.
August 3, 2010
Yet another one
I'm am so prone to this stuff. I called my mother yesterday and asked how many Cranberry Pills I can take in one day, then told her that I have another infection. She then reminded me about me having "Interstitial Cystitis" back in 2006. And having the surgery to fix it. I'm not saying this is it, because I haven't gone to a specialist yet about it. But not saying it's not. But I can tell you that I do have a UTI, and don't have to go to the doctor to say I have it. Definitely uncomfortable.
Can I stop being sick? For at least a month. Is that so much to ask? I'm tired of feeling a mopey, and a couch potato. Well, it hasn't helped much having it being so hot outside.
Oh, on a positive note. A couple of ladies came this weekend and picked up ALL of that damn gravel, rocks, wire, etc. Not only the stuff that I had in Spencer's truck but also the stuff in the garage. Spencer is happy that he not only has more room in the garage again but he has his truck back. The tires on his truck had been looking a little low with all the weight on top of it. So after the ladies took it (for their blown out dam), we cleaned out the garage and re-arranged a few items. So much room in it now.
July 30, 2010
Mind of his own
July 26, 2010
- Had a baby (who is now 2 almost 3)
- We moved 4 times.
- Went through 1 LONG Deployment.
- Got 2 dogs, both 2 years old.
- Got a car.
- Got a House.
- Planning for our future.
And we are still happy, healthy, and under 25. I think we are doing a great job. Hey, in 20 years we could be for retirement. :) **Big smile** LOL
I'm just surprised on how much has changed and we achieved in 3 years.
Me now I'm off to go put the car seat in the car, fix a snack for me and Hayden then maybe off to the Dollar Store or something. I "need" out of this house for a while. Plus Hayden is getting restless since none of his shows are on (plus mine)
Just some pictures
July 24, 2010
Trying not to laugh
So I put the phone up to my ear and tell "Grandma" that Hayden isn't listening to Mommy and I have to go, I close the phone. So I left him in his room in the hopes that the toys will be picked up. Though, every 5 minutes I'm going in a checking on him, and he's picking each toy and inspecting it. I guess making sure if it's a toy, book, stuff animals, etc.
Now if only this would work with Spencer and the computer room that would be GREAT! LOL.
July 22, 2010
About Me Survey
about me survey
your name: Amanda
your hair color: Blonde
your eye color: Blue
websites you visit daily: Facebook, Yahoo Mail, The Bump
favorite hobby: Sewing, Cooking, Gardening, and Watching Movies with Hubby
favorite weather: Sunny but not HOT
favorite color: Pink (duh)
favorite scent: Cherry Blossom
favorite lotion: Nivea
favorite meal time: Supper
favorite television show: NCIS, True Blood, and Army Wives
favorite color combination: Pink and Black
favorite makeup line: CoverGirl
favorite hair product: Garnier Fructis
favorite clothing store: Target and Wal-Mart
favorite home decor store: Overstock.com
favorite day of the week: Friday
indoor or outdoors: Both
a family tradition of yours: Thanksgiving & Christmas Family Reunions
what makes you happiest: My Family
do you like to clean: NO
do you enjoy doing laundry: Washing Sure....Folding NO
channel you could watch all day: TLC, SciFi, and USA
dream vehicle: one that works 24/7/365...etc
item you couldn’t live without: Cell
what would you say your “style” is: what style...I wear blue jeans and tops everyday
one piece or two: 2
pedicure or manicure: Pedi...I love get my feet massaged
massage or facial: Massage
comfy or dressed up: Comfy
high heels or flip flops: Flips FLops
Now I'm saying that he doesn't exist and I'm not saying he does. But I'm saying I'm not going to church every Sunday and Wednesday night for some guy who thinks he knows everything brainwash me crap that's written in a book that has probably been misinterpreted by a person who translated it a 1,000 years after Jesus died. Stuff and Languages changed so much in that time period how do you know what's in the Bible is real. Because some so called scientists told you so?, no I don't think so. I can wait for God/Jesus/Moses, whoever I will meet when I die. People tell me that I HAVE to believe in them to live. NO, I don't I'm 21 years old, I think I'm living perfectly fine.
Basically what I'm saying is chill on the religion stuff and leave me out of it.
Enough about that, it's been a while I've been on here. I think I just got over whelmed with everything I didn't really care. Tomorrow I will actually have something more interesting to talk about. Laters
July 13, 2010
Tuesday Tuesday Tuesday
I think it also maybe time that we hire someone to come PROFESSIONALLY clean our carpet. The people that said they cleaned our house before we moved in so lied, but at that moment I was so happy we had a house I didn't much care. I was so happy to be out of apartments.
Oh, update! As of last week. We owe NOBODY nothing. No extra bills, and no one to pay off. (well except for my parents) We just have normal monthly bills, and credit cards to pay. We can actually start saving money now. It's like weight has been lifted off our shoulders, we don't have to worry about anything anymore. We can live our life, buy things for our house and not have to worry about the consequence behind it. If we screw up, it will be on our shoulders and no one can tell us otherwise. We can start making plans for our future.
Spencer's birthday is Thursday. 22! I will be 22 next month. We are having Amber watch Hayden so he can go out drinking for his birthday. And of course I'm going to be driving. Now, 2-3 drinks, taking it slow. Gotta make sure I can still drive. I've also gotta make sure Spencer doesn't over do it, like the last couple times he drank. I'm tired of him sleeping on the bathroom floor. I already have enough alone time when he was in Iraq.
July 6, 2010
Let's get better
The BBQ we had on Sunday went okay. Could have been better. We ended up watching a movie. Woo! Which I didn't see half of it anyways because of the kids fighting over the toys. Issac and Hayden if you were wondering. Hayden wasn't sharing, and Issac, well, he didn't seem to care much. Kinda looked at Hayden like "whats your problem?". They ended up leaving after the movie so they could get Issac a nap, and go watch Fireworks on Post. We ended up not going for a couple reasons. I'm not battling traffic to get on and off. I'm not driving all the way there and back, and Spencer is off until next Monday, so he didn't want to go up there unless he had too. So we did our own Fireworks here at the house. Well come to think of it, that maybe the cause of us getting sick. All that smoke inhalation. At least for Spencer anyways.
But like I said Hayden is feeling better, also has his attitude towards us. Like he got sick and his manners went out the window. He thinks that he can get whatever he wants, when he wants it, and if he doesn't get it he pouts and cries, he doesn't say Please or Thank You anymore, and his temper tantrums are not going to fly. So the past couple days he's been getting his butt busted. I know he's two, but he knows better. We've taught him better than that.
July 5, 2010
I'm a SAHM because....
Now I'm not talking about NOT putting him in Daycare, I'm talking about were I only see my child on the weekends. Now, I am going to be going to school, and put him in Daycare then. But it's not going to be all day. I'm only going to be a Part-Time student. I still have a family/house to run. Still not sure what I'm going to be doing, probably stay with the cooking. I've gotta get an appointment with the Army people still to see what they will support. If I don't get a chance to enroll this fall, I will at least do some Online courses.
(so yes mom I am going to do something...lol)
July 2, 2010
So I woke up this morning and Hayden coughs in my face. Thanks, that should make me feel better. My throat is doing better. But still don't feel anything towards my ears yet. I'm going to be heading up to Walgreens or CVS...whatever is around the corner, I can't remember, and get Hayden some more Benadryl since he ran out last night. I just want everyone to start feeling better. Well, its just me and Hayden that are sick, Spencer is probably thinking to get inside a plastic bubble to stay safe...lol.
4th of JULY, Sunday, probably going to BBQ, and have some friends over. But I actually doubt it. Not the fact that we are sick but the people we are inviting over are only gonna be over here to eat then leave. So, whatever. I'm actually out of it right now so, I'll figure this issue out later with Spencer and see what he wants to do.
July 1, 2010
Lets stop getting sick...please
Well I woke up this morning at 5am, I think I woke up before that but 5am is when I called it. My throat was hurting soooo much. When I tried to swallow, I almost went into tears. So I got up and got something to drink, that didn't work, so I took Benadryl, Sudafed and a Vicodin. I tried to lay down and go back to sleep and that didn't work. So 2 and a half hours later, the medicine. are kicking my ass. I still feel a little pain but not to where I'm going to cry. If I'm still hurting around 9-10am, I'm calling the doctor and making an appointment. This happened out of no where, no warning or anything.
Now Hayden is sick so I may have caught it from him. Now he's coughing and it sounds painful so I'm gonna give him more Benadryl and Tylenol. Hope that it works. I don't want everyone sick for 4th of July. I might make him an appointment too. Probably see if we can do both of ours at the same time. I doubt it tho.
Oh ya, since I haven't been on here in a while. We got our House Refund back, early. So we are almost done paying off bills, and debt, and people, etc. And we still have a bunch of money left. But that, my friend, is going into Savings. Spencer got a new toy and I went shopping. LOL. I still want to go treat myself, like a mani/pedi, and eyebrow wax, you know girly stuff. So I may leave Hayden with Spencer today since he's off for a week and a half and go do that. Only if we start feeling better.
June 27, 2010
We're Back............and not burnt
Hayden ended up taking a nap around 4-5ish along with me. All that excitement just got to him. LOL
He kinda, enjoyed the beach, he wasn't too sure about the waves coming in. But I was having a blast. So much clearer than Galveston beaches, and not just the water I'm talking about.
Maybe next time we go he might enjoy the water a little bit more. That's okay, we spent most of our time in the pool anyways. They had 3 different sections for the little kids (toddler), a section for people to play basketball (yes in the water), 4 hot tubs, a lazy river, and a normal pool. You better believe we hit ALL of them.
Wish I got more sun than what I got, but that's okay I still have a backyard I can tan in. Speaking of that, 4th of July is coming up soon. Can't wait to do some Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Steaks, etc. And Spencer will be happy because he can fire off some Fireworks. Hope they still work. We bought them 2 years ago and only used half of them.
June 23, 2010
June 21, 2010
5 Stars

I am sooo excited about this weekend. This weekend the Army is sending us (me, Spencer and Hayden) to a 5 Star Resort in Myrtle Beach, NC. Right on the beach. The only catch is we have to go to this seminar but that is fine. I've got the dogs set up for the vet. to drop off on Friday and pick up on Monday. This week before we go I'm going to be getting all the laundry done and Thursday I will be packing and making sure we have everything. I can't wait. The Army finally came through with something other than screwing with us. They have it set up were when we show up on Friday a paid for Supper, on Saturday paid for breakfast and lunch but we've got to pay for supper, and finally on Sunday before we leave a paid for breakfast. Ahhh I can't wait. Relaxation here I come.
And to top off the deal, the Resort has a brand new Kids Water section. Doesn't that look soo cool. I think Hayden will have a blast. Hell, I'll have a blast. LOL. There's more pics but you can see those later.

June 20, 2010
Father's Day (part 3)
Father's Day (part 2)
Oh another is happening today. Christie is hopefully having the baby either tonight or tomorrow. She woke up this morning around 9am and her water broke. Yup, I think Ms. Brooklyn is finally ready to come see the world. And in perfect timing for Father's Day. At least now we know why she was taking her sweet time. As of an hour ago still no

Patient Mommy & Daddy waiting for their arrival.
Happy Father's Day!
Well, a little update on the front yard re-do/construction. Me, Myself and I, finished on taking down one of those towers in the drive-way. I am a little pissed at Spencer for that because yesterday I was finishing up on it and he's inside play his damn game while I'm out there not only sweating my ass off but hurting myself in the process. I also cleaned the garage too, on top of that. So I'm still on talking terms with him but I am a little pissed. He made up for some of it by cooking supper, so it's all good.
That was soo cool. As I was sitting here a little Finch, I think, flew up to the window and started chirping. I had the window cracked a little bit, and Rebecca saw it and was about to jump for it. She had that bird in her sight. I'm hoping it will come back longer so I can get a picture of it. It would be so cool. I know, I'm a little corny but it's not everyday that you can have a bird on your window.
June 18, 2010
Okay first, he's in the Army so he should be used to not have sleep. Second, he's about to have a child of his own so he's going to be screwed on sleep. And third, if he didn't want to be so called "sleep deprived", he shouldn't have volunteered to babysit. Wait, let me correct myself, shouldn't have volunteered his wife, who didn't say shit when I walked in.
So we left shortly after dropping him off, and got to the bar around 845, and we were there maybe 30 minutes before I started getting calls from Tyler saying, "You need to come pick him up". Okay we told him that we would be leaving the bar around 10 and be there to pick him up shortly after. We were there an hour. An HOUR! Oooohhhh...I had sooo much fun spending an hour at the F***ing bar!
Like I said, I maybe over-reacting but I hardly ever get to go out and do something for myself. Without a 2-year old up my ass. I deserve a little bit longer than an hour. Especially after everything I do, not jut for Hayden either. I can tell you one thing, I'm never having Ashley and Tyler babysit ever again. (unless its life and death but that's a different story) Until then, Amber is going to do. She at least has a child and knows how a child can be. I would invited her along other than she's under age right now, and I hardly see her drink anyways.
June 16, 2010
I can't believe it....
I am not going to go out into a public pool with a 2 piece kinda thing. Like I said, I'm not complaining (much) but the muffin top has got to go. So walks, and a little exercising, and getting rid of some junk food. Junk food is my problem, I eat when I'm bored. Plus this would Hayden out of the house and have him be healthy too. I mean I'm not going to be this health freak but at least be healthier and active, instead of a couch potato.
I've been a healthy person. I mean I had issues but not life threathening. You know like UTI's, Bladder infections, PID, normal stuff. Nothing like heart or lung problems. But maybe if I cut out some junk food I can stay healthy. Well not that my age is a problem but it needed to come to this soon. One thing I can't cut out but can reduce is caffeine. I am horrible with Dr. Pepper. LOL. Dr. Pepper is like my drug.
June 15, 2010
Yeah, Spencer told me last night that if my sunglasses keep on breaking that I'm going to get the more expensive/durable sunglasses. I was like okay, I think I can do that. HA! A shopping I will go, a shopping I will go, hi-ho-cherrio, a shopping I will go. Wow. I know I'm so weird. LOL.
June 12, 2010
Am I really?
Another random two year old thing just happened. Hayden came up to me, sat down, layed his head down on my stomach, and then quickly bounced up and said,"I want Ice Cream". Ummmm, okay. I didn't have anything else to say besides, "Go ask Daddy". Next thing I heard, Spencer saying, "We don't have Ice Cream, why did you tell him to come ask me?".Like I knew. LOL. And of course now he's moved onto Nemo Gummy. He's now sitting in the middle of the living room floor swaying side to side saying, "Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy". Funny how quickly their minds switch to one thing after another. Ha!
I'm having a hard time typing right now, my space bar is sticking and I'm having to slam down on it. Gonna go clean it now, and get Spencer dressed since he rushed me and Hayden to get dressed for this party. Laters!
June 10, 2010
Update: it's been a while
My sister (best-est friend) is about to be a mommy again, another girl. Before June 24th, she's almost 3 cm, and her doctor said that if she doesn't increase by next week they are going to induce her. Since I've moved and everything I' haven't had a chance to make the baby something. I am soo happy that this time around the father isn't a dead beat. (another story for another time)
Well guys there's not that much really to talk about. I'm trying to think of stuff but it's not coming to me. If I think of something I shall return. Ha!
June 3, 2010
(This is an old Photo but it works, see how her tongue is long. He He. If I find a better picture I'll edit it.)
She so cute, and funny. I love both my puppies.
Yesterday, me and a few extra friends had an argument with an old friend back from High School over Facebook. Well, she didn't say much but she had a hissy fit and deleted our comments. Basically she's 21 and on baby #3 and this is baby-daddy #3. Long disscusion I'm not saying anymore but she was being immature and delete ours comments when everyone else knows about it anyways. Plus, if she didn't want anyone to say anything about it, don't post it on Facebook where everyone in the world can read it. Whatever. I think its a little ridiculous. 21 years old, #3 baby, #1 & #2 are a year apart and this #3 is going to be a year apart too.
June 2, 2010
rain rain and oh did i mention rain

Like I said to someone earlier, "April Shower brings May flowers.....Not April Flowers brings May and June Showers". Also said, that Mother Nature is having a PMS moment.
My backyard looks like a have a stream running across the fence, and the street is getting there. But sadly, I'm used to it. I'm from Houston so I'm used to standing knee deep in water and know how to deal with it. These NC people are freaking out over a sprinkle. Ha! Paaleeasee!!
No but seriously this is another reason why I'm glad I moved away from Houston. To be away from the rain. Enough already. I would like some sun, or at least a sun behind the clouds. But no rain. Weird I know a couple of posts ago I was wanting rain but now...I think we've had enough. I can water my plants now.
Speaking of plants. The front yard construction is actually doing good. The rain is actually helping on this part. Washing away some dirt,sand, mud, little rocks. So now I can get to the bigger rocks I've left behind. Once we get our tax refund, we plan on getting some dirt/SOD and placing in down and getting some plants and putting them in the door way. I am so glad the hard part is done, well for up against the house. We still need to get the pillars and fencing down. The fencing should be easy, but the driveway pillars, ugh! I'll just wait till a day I'm pissed off and need something to hit or destroy. LOL I'll teach that brick!
May 30, 2010
Had fun while my parents were here. The only thing I didn't like was spoiling Hayden and the dogs. But hey, that's what they are for. They left yesterday and apparently their luggage never left.
One thing I would like to mention is Today's Disney is crap. It's not even Disney. Disney is like the Little Mermaid, Lion King, Dumbo. Instead of playing movies over and over and over. How about play the classics. What Disney himself made, what he dreamed of. I don't know where the company is coming up with these ideas that Hannah Montana or the damn Wizard show is Disney? Just makes me mad. I want Hayden to grow up knowing who Timon and Pumba is, and Ariel, and Belle, and can't forget about Cinderella, and Aurora.
May 27, 2010
Past 3 days Spencer had to work over night so been sleeping with the dogs. But he's able to come home today and he wants to go out drinking. His buddies at work are all going out to the bar, with my parents being here we have a babysitter. So taking advantage while we can. Then back to the home parties. LOL. He's on his way home, and I am sooo making him take a shower before I hug him. I'll give him a kiss but I'm holding my breath. LOL. Then out to eat and get something in our stomachs before we go out.
May 26, 2010
Research and Examine
I took my parents to the museum today and Hayden looked at some of the statues made of wax, and wasn't sure about them. He was trying to figure out if they were real or fake people. Well when I was doing those school field trips to wax museums and such they actually freaked me out a little bit too. I knew that they were fake but I was always afraid they would jump out and attack me or something. Still a little bit now, on some of them.
So far with my parents here has been very relaxing. I'm able to wash dishes, vacuum, laundry, etc. a lot faster...lol. Well, with the dogs I throw them outside anyways, but with Hayden I'm usually stop what I'm doing and tell him to stop, behave, pick this up, do this, etc. Now, I'm just saying Grandma hold on to him real quick so I can do this. And then I'm done.
Well, a couple months ago I was complaining about not having any rain. Well, since then I've gotten rain. Don't worry I'm not going to be complaining anytime soon. We've got rain day after day...hopefully now we can get some sun. To dry the ground a little bit. Well after my parents leave I've gotta get out in the front and get some more rocks. Since it rained the ground and dirt flattened/washed away so get the rocks will be easier, OR wait till we get some money and I can just build a flower garden over it. First I'm going to be needing a cutter attachment because right now the cutter drain flows right into the flower bed (aka dirt) so I've had to remove a brick to let the water drain.
May 22, 2010
There were tons of people who were caring for her and sending her thoughts and prayers but there were a select few (3-4) that were grilling her for posting about her experience and being worried about her children. Now from what I read her background wasn't that great for some. But no matter what your background is, you care and worry about your children. You do everything and anything in your power to protect them. If it calls for being worried so be it. It's the beginning of the rest of your life. Plain and simple. Some of these ladies that were grilling her, have never been pregnant before or even close so they have no right to say that she was over reacting. No, you don't have to be a parent to understand this feeling, it's common sense. It's the thing called Mama-Cub Syndrome. As my mom would say, well the mama-cub part...I just added the syndrome...lol.
Truthfully, I would do the same thing. You know there are "some'' doctors/nurses out there that may have not of received proper medical training. How are you supposed to trust these strangers you've never met and put your life and/or your children in their care. Yes, most of the time we have no choice and you have to wish and pray that, that doctor has had proper teachings.
May 21, 2010
Now I am bored, planned on watching a movie or t.v. or something with Spencer but his ass couldn't stay awake for 5 minutes so I could load the dishwasher. And I'm not even close to going to bed. Weird, I know. Sooo, ya.
My parents and my brother are flying in tomorrow afternoon-ish. Hopefully I can get Spencer to mow the yard. If not I will be going out there and do it myself. 11:30-12 I will get out there if it looks like he's not doing anything. When he came home today, I told him I cleaned up the front and backyard so nothing would tear up the lawn mower and he would step in dog poo, he was like thanks for telling me to get to work. Well, yes, it was a hint, but I wasn't saying right then and there. He still didn't do it and went to change into PJ's. Sooo like I said, I'll mow in the morning.
On another note. Obama has screwed us again. That whole health care plan he thinks will change the world. Whatever. Loads of BULL SHIT. Spencer told me last night that because of him, our health care is going down. If I go off-post to a doctor more than 3 times in 6 months or something like that, we would have to pay out of pocket. But we can go to post as many times we want. Well, doctor appointments are no problem, excluding dentist. E.R. is pay out of pocket, and duh, dentist. But still. Obama needs to think before he makes choices. Isn't that what we are trying to teach our children?? Apparently his mother/father forgot that subject.