Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

July 6, 2010

Let's get better

Well everyone seems to be sick now. Spencer has this sinus infection going on in his nose and throat. He's coughing up Flem and his nose...eww. Hayden is starting to get better, he still has a cough every once in a while, and for me I still have the ear infection and every morning my throat hurts so much. Like a hedgehog crawled up there and raped it. So since Spencer is sick, he's taking medicine that makes him want to "sleep it off" so that makes him stay up to 3am, and when 7-8am comes around for me and Hayden, I'm stuck with Hayden and the dogs again. I know nothing different from the work days, but since he's off I at least want one day to sleep in. Whatever.

The BBQ we had on Sunday went okay. Could have been better. We ended up watching a movie. Woo! Which I didn't see half of it anyways because of the kids fighting over the toys. Issac and Hayden if you were wondering. Hayden wasn't sharing, and Issac, well, he didn't seem to care much. Kinda looked at Hayden like "whats your problem?". They ended up leaving after the movie so they could get Issac a nap, and go watch Fireworks on Post. We ended up not going for a couple reasons. I'm not battling traffic to get on and off. I'm not driving all the way there and back, and Spencer is off until next Monday, so he didn't want to go up there unless he had too. So we did our own Fireworks here at the house. Well come to think of it, that maybe the cause of us getting sick. All that smoke inhalation. At least for Spencer anyways.

But like I said Hayden is feeling better, also has his attitude towards us. Like he got sick and his manners went out the window. He thinks that he can get whatever he wants, when he wants it, and if he doesn't get it he pouts and cries, he doesn't say Please or Thank You anymore, and his temper tantrums are not going to fly. So the past couple days he's been getting his butt busted. I know he's two, but he knows better. We've taught him better than that.

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