Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

August 15, 2010

Toys....For Real??


Are we really running out of ideas for toys? I understand this may be for a baby shower or a prank or something. But really? Barbie has now done everything. Barbie has the car, the masion, she turned into a slut with Ken, GI Joe, and having kids without being pregnant and enduring the wonderful wonders and pains of labor. BUT...they are getting there now. She is now pregnant. I can't wait for a Barbie being made with a head sticking out of her crotch, and an epidural needle coming out of her back. Actually what would make this better is if they do make this "Labor Barbie" is have Ken and all her boyfriends included with the box. Hahaha.
I'm sorry but this Pregnant Barbie has sent me back in time when I had Barbies. My barbie went through EVERYTHING. Even an occasional haircut, and a brother pulling their heads off.

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