Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

June 12, 2010

Am I really?

So the other day Spencer told me that his buddies at work think I'm intimidating when they first meet me. Not sure if this is a good thing. Like they expect me to be a total bitch or something. We are going to a party tonight so lets see if notice anything with the new guys. LOL. When I think of it, it's kinda funny, because truthfully if I wanted to be a bitch, I can do bitch. It won't be a problem. I told Spencer that and he was like, "Noooo", and then I laughed.

Another random two year old thing just happened. Hayden came up to me, sat down, layed his head down on my stomach, and then quickly bounced up and said,"I want Ice Cream". Ummmm, okay. I didn't have anything else to say besides, "Go ask Daddy". Next thing I heard, Spencer saying, "We don't have Ice Cream, why did you tell him to come ask me?".Like I knew. LOL. And of course now he's moved onto Nemo Gummy. He's now sitting in the middle of the living room floor swaying side to side saying, "Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy". Funny how quickly their minds switch to one thing after another. Ha!

I'm having a hard time typing right now, my space bar is sticking and I'm having to slam down on it. Gonna go clean it now, and get Spencer dressed since he rushed me and Hayden to get dressed for this party. Laters!

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