I was thinking of random airplane songs or puns or jokes whatever, like stuff while traveling, came to my mind this morning.
I posted this on Facebook earlier : "Tooommoorrrrooww Tomorrow I'll See Ya'll Tomoorrooww It's Ooonnllyy A Daaaayyy Aaaawaaayy!!"------from Annie
"I'm leaving, on a jet plane. I don't know when I'll be back again.....''-----Armageddon
*If you step onto a plane and recognize a friend of yours named Jack don't yell out Hi Jack!
*He became a sky diver out of the blue.
*Takeoffs are optional. Landings are mandatory.
*The propeller is just a big fan in the front of the plane to keep the pilot cool. Want proof? Make it stop; then watch the pilot break out into a sweat

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