Well finally got the rain I've been asking for. More than expected though but got it. I'm either gonna have to move my rose bush or have to get and extension for the rain gutter. The water is drowning my roses. But because of the rain me and Hayden found a Toad this morning stuck in between our screen door and metal door. At first I screamed because I wasn't expecting it, but got it to go back outside. It's now hanging outside on our porch, Spencer wants to keep it as a pet but I said no, because if it happens to get loose and one of the dogs eat it, it won't be the Toad I'll be worried about. I'm pretty sure as soon as it stops raining the little guy will hop off.
Also got my Mother's Day present from my boys last night. We went to the movies. Took Hayden to his first movie, Iron Man 2. Started off a little rough but he ended up falling asleep for the rest of it after calling and talking to grandma. Either he's not ready for it or pick a cartoon, like Shrek, or make sure he gets a nap before we go. But Me and Spencer haven't been to the movies in a long time and it was nice even though it started off rough.
Making my Spicy Honey Pork Chops again tonight. Maybe I might actually take a few pictures for ya'll, and also give ya'll the recipe so you can pass it on.
Spencer had a tooth pulled today and had a cap put in so he's off work till 3 tomorrow. Don't know how long he's supposed to stay there. Will ask tonight before we go to bed. But now he's complaining he's hungry so gotta go. Will be back on here either tonight or tomorrow to make sure you guys get the Pork Chop recipe.
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