Cooking dinner while Spencer is playing his Xbox. Bought to strangle the dog...just kidding. No, but seriously, Julie, the small one, we had to clip her nails since we are cheap and can't get them trimmed yet. Well I failed, she moved because she was freaking out and I cut a little too short. So got some flour and paper towel. Now, she's outside so I don't get blood on the carpet. We stopped the bleeding but still. Looks like I will just be trimming the bigger one, and taking the smaller one to get trimmed till she calms down. She acts like a tough dog but when it comes down to trimming nails and baths, (chicken shit).
Had fun while my parents were here. The only thing I didn't like was spoiling Hayden and the dogs. But hey, that's what they are for. They left yesterday and apparently their luggage never left.
One thing I would like to mention is Today's Disney is crap. It's not even Disney. Disney is like the Little Mermaid, Lion King, Dumbo. Instead of playing movies over and over and over. How about play the classics. What Disney himself made, what he dreamed of. I don't know where the company is coming up with these ideas that Hannah Montana or the damn Wizard show is Disney? Just makes me mad. I want Hayden to grow up knowing who Timon and Pumba is, and Ariel, and Belle, and can't forget about Cinderella, and Aurora.
I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
May 30, 2010
May 27, 2010
Ha Ha Ha, that's funny. The Bump thinks that I was actually talking to them. It may have been about a few of them, but ha! Hilarious! They are obviously reading my statements all wrong. I may have said some harsh comments, but seriously how can't you be that rude to a woman who is worried about her unborn children. When I was pregnant with Hayden I was scared of foods that I might eat. So I researched everything and asked my doctors all sorts of questions. Apparently they haven't watched those TLC or medical shows where doctors diagnose the wrong symptoms. If something is being either injected or taken from your body your worried about the effects that happen to your body. Even vitamins, even those don't all work. AKA: Dr. Oz!! Whatever, Ladies think what you want to think. I don't care anymore.
Past 3 days Spencer had to work over night so been sleeping with the dogs. But he's able to come home today and he wants to go out drinking. His buddies at work are all going out to the bar, with my parents being here we have a babysitter. So taking advantage while we can. Then back to the home parties. LOL. He's on his way home, and I am sooo making him take a shower before I hug him. I'll give him a kiss but I'm holding my breath. LOL. Then out to eat and get something in our stomachs before we go out.
Past 3 days Spencer had to work over night so been sleeping with the dogs. But he's able to come home today and he wants to go out drinking. His buddies at work are all going out to the bar, with my parents being here we have a babysitter. So taking advantage while we can. Then back to the home parties. LOL. He's on his way home, and I am sooo making him take a shower before I hug him. I'll give him a kiss but I'm holding my breath. LOL. Then out to eat and get something in our stomachs before we go out.
May 26, 2010
Research and Examine
Always look and examine toys. My mom bought Hayden a car parking lot. It was mainly to go with his Hot Wheels, but not made for Hot Wheels. Well, obviously the toy was cheaply made. We got it put together and by the same night he'd broken most of the attachments off. Sometimes buying the most expensive toys pay off in the long run. But at least he still has a nice collection of toys cars to play with.
I took my parents to the museum today and Hayden looked at some of the statues made of wax, and wasn't sure about them. He was trying to figure out if they were real or fake people. Well when I was doing those school field trips to wax museums and such they actually freaked me out a little bit too. I knew that they were fake but I was always afraid they would jump out and attack me or something. Still a little bit now, on some of them.
So far with my parents here has been very relaxing. I'm able to wash dishes, vacuum, laundry, etc. a lot Well, with the dogs I throw them outside anyways, but with Hayden I'm usually stop what I'm doing and tell him to stop, behave, pick this up, do this, etc. Now, I'm just saying Grandma hold on to him real quick so I can do this. And then I'm done.
Well, a couple months ago I was complaining about not having any rain. Well, since then I've gotten rain. Don't worry I'm not going to be complaining anytime soon. We've got rain day after day...hopefully now we can get some sun. To dry the ground a little bit. Well after my parents leave I've gotta get out in the front and get some more rocks. Since it rained the ground and dirt flattened/washed away so get the rocks will be easier, OR wait till we get some money and I can just build a flower garden over it. First I'm going to be needing a cutter attachment because right now the cutter drain flows right into the flower bed (aka dirt) so I've had to remove a brick to let the water drain.
I took my parents to the museum today and Hayden looked at some of the statues made of wax, and wasn't sure about them. He was trying to figure out if they were real or fake people. Well when I was doing those school field trips to wax museums and such they actually freaked me out a little bit too. I knew that they were fake but I was always afraid they would jump out and attack me or something. Still a little bit now, on some of them.
So far with my parents here has been very relaxing. I'm able to wash dishes, vacuum, laundry, etc. a lot Well, with the dogs I throw them outside anyways, but with Hayden I'm usually stop what I'm doing and tell him to stop, behave, pick this up, do this, etc. Now, I'm just saying Grandma hold on to him real quick so I can do this. And then I'm done.
Well, a couple months ago I was complaining about not having any rain. Well, since then I've gotten rain. Don't worry I'm not going to be complaining anytime soon. We've got rain day after day...hopefully now we can get some sun. To dry the ground a little bit. Well after my parents leave I've gotta get out in the front and get some more rocks. Since it rained the ground and dirt flattened/washed away so get the rocks will be easier, OR wait till we get some money and I can just build a flower garden over it. First I'm going to be needing a cutter attachment because right now the cutter drain flows right into the flower bed (aka dirt) so I've had to remove a brick to let the water drain.
May 22, 2010
Last night was interesting. Got into a fight over the internet on No matter what your background is, or what you did there's no reason to not care about your unborn children. Short story....this girl had to to the E.R. for breathing problems, she's pregnant with triplets and she was had to be given iodine and have a CT scan. The doctors said everything was safe. This woman was getting grilled about being worried about the iodine and radiation affecting her children.
There were tons of people who were caring for her and sending her thoughts and prayers but there were a select few (3-4) that were grilling her for posting about her experience and being worried about her children. Now from what I read her background wasn't that great for some. But no matter what your background is, you care and worry about your children. You do everything and anything in your power to protect them. If it calls for being worried so be it. It's the beginning of the rest of your life. Plain and simple. Some of these ladies that were grilling her, have never been pregnant before or even close so they have no right to say that she was over reacting. No, you don't have to be a parent to understand this feeling, it's common sense. It's the thing called Mama-Cub Syndrome. As my mom would say, well the mama-cub part...I just added the
Truthfully, I would do the same thing. You know there are "some'' doctors/nurses out there that may have not of received proper medical training. How are you supposed to trust these strangers you've never met and put your life and/or your children in their care. Yes, most of the time we have no choice and you have to wish and pray that, that doctor has had proper teachings.
There were tons of people who were caring for her and sending her thoughts and prayers but there were a select few (3-4) that were grilling her for posting about her experience and being worried about her children. Now from what I read her background wasn't that great for some. But no matter what your background is, you care and worry about your children. You do everything and anything in your power to protect them. If it calls for being worried so be it. It's the beginning of the rest of your life. Plain and simple. Some of these ladies that were grilling her, have never been pregnant before or even close so they have no right to say that she was over reacting. No, you don't have to be a parent to understand this feeling, it's common sense. It's the thing called Mama-Cub Syndrome. As my mom would say, well the mama-cub part...I just added the
Truthfully, I would do the same thing. You know there are "some'' doctors/nurses out there that may have not of received proper medical training. How are you supposed to trust these strangers you've never met and put your life and/or your children in their care. Yes, most of the time we have no choice and you have to wish and pray that, that doctor has had proper teachings.
May 21, 2010
Well, today went sorta fast. I had to take Spencer his phone charger this morning because he wanted to play games on it this morning and ran down the battery. Next Paycheck I will be buying him a car charger. Came home, watched my shows, did a load of laundry, and went outside and took down those eagles on the posts.
Now I am bored, planned on watching a movie or t.v. or something with Spencer but his ass couldn't stay awake for 5 minutes so I could load the dishwasher. And I'm not even close to going to bed. Weird, I know. Sooo, ya.
My parents and my brother are flying in tomorrow afternoon-ish. Hopefully I can get Spencer to mow the yard. If not I will be going out there and do it myself. 11:30-12 I will get out there if it looks like he's not doing anything. When he came home today, I told him I cleaned up the front and backyard so nothing would tear up the lawn mower and he would step in dog poo, he was like thanks for telling me to get to work. Well, yes, it was a hint, but I wasn't saying right then and there. He still didn't do it and went to change into PJ's. Sooo like I said, I'll mow in the morning.
On another note. Obama has screwed us again. That whole health care plan he thinks will change the world. Whatever. Loads of BULL SHIT. Spencer told me last night that because of him, our health care is going down. If I go off-post to a doctor more than 3 times in 6 months or something like that, we would have to pay out of pocket. But we can go to post as many times we want. Well, doctor appointments are no problem, excluding dentist. E.R. is pay out of pocket, and duh, dentist. But still. Obama needs to think before he makes choices. Isn't that what we are trying to teach our children?? Apparently his mother/father forgot that subject.
Now I am bored, planned on watching a movie or t.v. or something with Spencer but his ass couldn't stay awake for 5 minutes so I could load the dishwasher. And I'm not even close to going to bed. Weird, I know. Sooo, ya.
My parents and my brother are flying in tomorrow afternoon-ish. Hopefully I can get Spencer to mow the yard. If not I will be going out there and do it myself. 11:30-12 I will get out there if it looks like he's not doing anything. When he came home today, I told him I cleaned up the front and backyard so nothing would tear up the lawn mower and he would step in dog poo, he was like thanks for telling me to get to work. Well, yes, it was a hint, but I wasn't saying right then and there. He still didn't do it and went to change into PJ's. Sooo like I said, I'll mow in the morning.
On another note. Obama has screwed us again. That whole health care plan he thinks will change the world. Whatever. Loads of BULL SHIT. Spencer told me last night that because of him, our health care is going down. If I go off-post to a doctor more than 3 times in 6 months or something like that, we would have to pay out of pocket. But we can go to post as many times we want. Well, doctor appointments are no problem, excluding dentist. E.R. is pay out of pocket, and duh, dentist. But still. Obama needs to think before he makes choices. Isn't that what we are trying to teach our children?? Apparently his mother/father forgot that subject.
May 20, 2010
Thursday.....that means Friday is right around the corner. Today has kinda of been a blah day. I've done as much as I can do in the house (cleaning and organizing wise) until Spencer comes home. Hopefully he gets home soon so we can mow the yard or I'm gonna have to do it tomorrow, and hopefully its a better day for him. He has a crappy day yesterday so I tried to make it better as much as possible. Momma wants some attention today.
Last week in a half it been all him and Hayden, I've been putting them before me. Which usually that's how it goes but spread the love a little bit. Considering Mother's Day wasn't all that I thought it was going to be, and I've done all the yard work without anyone's help. Spencer broke everything up with the sledge hammer but I could use some help with the clean up. Well, it's all cleaned up now so there's no point but it the matter of the fact. Having him come home KNOWING that I need his help and he goes and sits on the couch and watch t.v. without even asking what he could do, if there was something. Now, we just need to either wait for the grass to grow or buy some SOD.
I guess I feel neglected, or a word I can't think of right now. But the way Spencer's attitude he's been putting off towards me the past couple of weeks is like he resents me or feels embarrassed that I'm a stay at home mom. He keeps on asking me to get a job but every time I tell him I don't want to get a job because I want to go to school in August he gets pissed off at me. We've talked about it before but he just doesn't get the point. I don't want another P.O.S. job at a restaurant being a Hostess or a Waitress. I want to go to school get a degree so I can later get a job that will help support this family for when Spencer does get out of the Army he can go to school or whatever. I just want to know from him that I'm doing a good job at what I'm doing, that I don't embarrass him.
Wow, okay enough of that. I'm going to go see where Spencer is at, and ask him if I need to be cooking supper.
Last week in a half it been all him and Hayden, I've been putting them before me. Which usually that's how it goes but spread the love a little bit. Considering Mother's Day wasn't all that I thought it was going to be, and I've done all the yard work without anyone's help. Spencer broke everything up with the sledge hammer but I could use some help with the clean up. Well, it's all cleaned up now so there's no point but it the matter of the fact. Having him come home KNOWING that I need his help and he goes and sits on the couch and watch t.v. without even asking what he could do, if there was something. Now, we just need to either wait for the grass to grow or buy some SOD.
I guess I feel neglected, or a word I can't think of right now. But the way Spencer's attitude he's been putting off towards me the past couple of weeks is like he resents me or feels embarrassed that I'm a stay at home mom. He keeps on asking me to get a job but every time I tell him I don't want to get a job because I want to go to school in August he gets pissed off at me. We've talked about it before but he just doesn't get the point. I don't want another P.O.S. job at a restaurant being a Hostess or a Waitress. I want to go to school get a degree so I can later get a job that will help support this family for when Spencer does get out of the Army he can go to school or whatever. I just want to know from him that I'm doing a good job at what I'm doing, that I don't embarrass him.
Wow, okay enough of that. I'm going to go see where Spencer is at, and ask him if I need to be cooking supper.
May 19, 2010
Choosy Mother Choose Jiff, who came up with this??
Choosy Mother Choose Jiff, who came up with this?? I keep on seeing the commercials for the peanut butter Jiff. I know it's just a commercial but still. How do they say that we choose Jiff, well happens to be that I have Peter Pan in the kitchen. Just my random thought for the day. You know before becoming a mom that thought never really crossed my mind. How do you know we all choose Jiff?
Busy, Busy for the day. Gotta vacuum, do the dishes, and possibly do some laundry. I know that I need to fold a few towels, and hang up some shirts. I horrible bout' folding the laundry. I've got no problem putting them in for wash and then the dryer. I just hate folding with a passion. Some mom's prefer to fold but no me.
Busy, Busy for the day. Gotta vacuum, do the dishes, and possibly do some laundry. I know that I need to fold a few towels, and hang up some shirts. I horrible bout' folding the laundry. I've got no problem putting them in for wash and then the dryer. I just hate folding with a passion. Some mom's prefer to fold but no me.
May 18, 2010
Maggots and Flies
Okay First Off I would like to state that I am a clean person and any kind of dirt drives me nuts. Earlier I picked up a piece of paper that the husband dropped and under it there were maggots. Ya, I know ewww...that's what I thought. I got pissed off too, cuz I knew it was from those damn flies that keep flying in. And as I continue to clean up those nasty things and the floor I find more...under the trash can and under the dogs bowl. Gross!! So I grabbed the husband and told him to take everything out into the back and hose it down. Well, after I finished sweeping the floor I ended up hosing it down, and Spencer mopped. Kinda worked out I guess.
So now I'm going to be getting a trash can to go under the sink and find something waterproof to go under the dog bowl. And now, I feel gross like something is crawling on me. You know like those CSI shows. Ewwww.., great now I'm going to be paranoid and watch where I step when I go into the kitchen.
But other than little disgusting adventure everything else today has been good. Spencer only had to go into work today for only 3 hours. (root canal) I wanted to sleep in today and I tried to give Spencer a hint since he's had multiple sleep in days and I didn't get to on Mother's Day. But guess he didn't get that point. Hayden was crawling up in bed and I kept on rolling over and Spencer rolled over a second after. Ugh. Guess I'll get at least one day when my parents come Saturday.
Oh, ya, don't think I've talked bout' that. My parents and my brother are coming in this Saturday around 2ish, and stay a week. Spencer won't be spending most of the time with us. He is going to be able to see them 4 out of the 7 and half days that they are going to be here. A lot better than last time they came to see us. He only got to see him for a day. Not sure yet on what we are going to be doing but I know 1 of those days me and mom are going out for a girls day. Mom is missing her shopping partner and I am too. Maybe the Rose Garden that I'm still trying to figure out where that's at. A lot of eating out, Hayden has a list of places to eat thanks to restaurant commercials on T.V.
So now I'm going to be getting a trash can to go under the sink and find something waterproof to go under the dog bowl. And now, I feel gross like something is crawling on me. You know like those CSI shows. Ewwww.., great now I'm going to be paranoid and watch where I step when I go into the kitchen.
But other than little disgusting adventure everything else today has been good. Spencer only had to go into work today for only 3 hours. (root canal) I wanted to sleep in today and I tried to give Spencer a hint since he's had multiple sleep in days and I didn't get to on Mother's Day. But guess he didn't get that point. Hayden was crawling up in bed and I kept on rolling over and Spencer rolled over a second after. Ugh. Guess I'll get at least one day when my parents come Saturday.
Oh, ya, don't think I've talked bout' that. My parents and my brother are coming in this Saturday around 2ish, and stay a week. Spencer won't be spending most of the time with us. He is going to be able to see them 4 out of the 7 and half days that they are going to be here. A lot better than last time they came to see us. He only got to see him for a day. Not sure yet on what we are going to be doing but I know 1 of those days me and mom are going out for a girls day. Mom is missing her shopping partner and I am too. Maybe the Rose Garden that I'm still trying to figure out where that's at. A lot of eating out, Hayden has a list of places to eat thanks to restaurant commercials on T.V.
May 17, 2010
Rain Rain

Well finally got the rain I've been asking for. More than expected though but got it. I'm either gonna have to move my rose bush or have to get and extension for the rain gutter. The water is drowning my roses. But because of the rain me and Hayden found a Toad this morning stuck in between our screen door and metal door. At first I screamed because I wasn't expecting it, but got it to go back outside. It's now hanging outside on our porch, Spencer wants to keep it as a pet but I said no, because if it happens to get loose and one of the dogs eat it, it won't be the Toad I'll be worried about. I'm pretty sure as soon as it stops raining the little guy will hop off.
Also got my Mother's Day present from my boys last night. We went to the movies. Took Hayden to his first movie, Iron Man 2. Started off a little rough but he ended up falling asleep for the rest of it after calling and talking to grandma. Either he's not ready for it or pick a cartoon, like Shrek, or make sure he gets a nap before we go. But Me and Spencer haven't been to the movies in a long time and it was nice even though it started off rough.
Making my Spicy Honey Pork Chops again tonight. Maybe I might actually take a few pictures for ya'll, and also give ya'll the recipe so you can pass it on.
Spencer had a tooth pulled today and had a cap put in so he's off work till 3 tomorrow. Don't know how long he's supposed to stay there. Will ask tonight before we go to bed. But now he's complaining he's hungry so gotta go. Will be back on here either tonight or tomorrow to make sure you guys get the Pork Chop recipe.
May 16, 2010
sitting on the couch....
I'm feeling much better today, after 2 benadryl and a sudafed we finally BOTH went to bed around mid-night, and woke up around 9am when Spencer came home. So he went to bed and I'm up. I probably would have slept longer but someone didn't have his keys and of course when I opened the front door Hayden woke up.
I'm might go outside in a little bit and pick out some of the rocks out of the grass so when Spencer wakes up he can mow. The grass is getting a little tall (where its growing). I went out last night, when it cooled down some, and watered the grass to help it out. I'm gonna have to do that to the backyard tonight. I'm thinking every other night I'm gonna alternate watering the back and front yards. Speaking of backyard, I've gotta get out there and pick up trash. I don't know how but there is trash scattered all over. Plus I've got to find out if there are more holes that need to be filled.
I'm might go outside in a little bit and pick out some of the rocks out of the grass so when Spencer wakes up he can mow. The grass is getting a little tall (where its growing). I went out last night, when it cooled down some, and watered the grass to help it out. I'm gonna have to do that to the backyard tonight. I'm thinking every other night I'm gonna alternate watering the back and front yards. Speaking of backyard, I've gotta get out there and pick up trash. I don't know how but there is trash scattered all over. Plus I've got to find out if there are more holes that need to be filled.
May 15, 2010
Ugh, last night was ridiculous. We went to Spencer's buddies place for a BBQ and some drinks. Well after telling Spencer not to drink to much he ended up mixing too many drinks and he ended up sleeping on the bathroom floor. I'm actually kinda used to sleeping by myself so nothing new. Men!, they never listen. Oh, well, guess you gotta learn by doing sometimes. We got home around 1, Hayden past out on the way home, and Spencer past out on the floor shortly after getting home, but me, I didn't get to go to sleep until 2:30 and then I had to wake up before 7 to wake Spencer up so he can go to work. Which I ended up having to wake Hayden up and drive him to work. The only thing productive I've got out of waking up early was getting the groceries done, so I can relax.
So with 4 hours of sleep, I feel like crap, my head feels like it's going to pop and my nose is stuffy.
So no chores, no laundry, no dishes, no cooking (just microwave), watching t.v., sitting on my ass, NOTHING. At least until I get rid of my headache.
Yay!, someone came by and took a pile of rocks. And told me where I can take the rest. Almost rid of them. Now just gotta wait for Spencer to come home and I can take the truck over there. Well nothing else for now.
So with 4 hours of sleep, I feel like crap, my head feels like it's going to pop and my nose is stuffy.
So no chores, no laundry, no dishes, no cooking (just microwave), watching t.v., sitting on my ass, NOTHING. At least until I get rid of my headache.
Yay!, someone came by and took a pile of rocks. And told me where I can take the rest. Almost rid of them. Now just gotta wait for Spencer to come home and I can take the truck over there. Well nothing else for now.
May 13, 2010
A little grumpy
Grrr...i'm tired, sick, achy, bitchy, etc. you got the point. Well after Spencer gave everything he had to me and Hayden we are all kinda in the dumps. I was well enough today though to work out in the front yard. Wow! That big bush that's in the front up against the finally gone!! YAY! After 3-4 hours or more of chopping, pulling, digging, threatening to burn it (LOL) finally got it up. It took 30 minutes of bitching and complaining to Spencer to help me after I asked him to BEFORE he even came home. Well, got his help and couldn't have done it without him, well I could just would have taken longer. Also got all those rocks/dirt off the tarp and into Spencers truck. Thankfully that only took 2 hours to do, a lot faster than I thought.
Also got an email from someone to come by and take the rocks/dirt off our hands. Thanks to the Ad I put up on Craigslist. Craigslist is my new best This whole project is just a pain in the ass!! I will be soooooooooo happy when all of the construction will be done, and I can get started planting flowers and such. Just nothing with giant roots. Spencer just thinks that I'm trying to do everything at once. Which in a way I am but the only thing I did yesterday was go through dirt and pick out the rocks, and today we dug up a tree/bush. Sometimes I don't know what he wants because one day he complains that I'm not doing enough for the house and then the next day he says I'm doing to much. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!! Ahhhhhh!!!!
On another note. Wasn't able to go out for Mexican food today, but definitely tomorrow....or else! Just kidding....sorta. We were wrong on PayDay so that's why. Well Spencer is past out I probably should be too, I only got up because my back was hurting. Didn't get that back massage I was promised....grrrr. I never do. I'm starting to live with it, that when he promises something ...I'm not gonna get it. SO whatever. Anyways I need to go to bed. Night!
Also got an email from someone to come by and take the rocks/dirt off our hands. Thanks to the Ad I put up on Craigslist. Craigslist is my new best This whole project is just a pain in the ass!! I will be soooooooooo happy when all of the construction will be done, and I can get started planting flowers and such. Just nothing with giant roots. Spencer just thinks that I'm trying to do everything at once. Which in a way I am but the only thing I did yesterday was go through dirt and pick out the rocks, and today we dug up a tree/bush. Sometimes I don't know what he wants because one day he complains that I'm not doing enough for the house and then the next day he says I'm doing to much. MAKE UP YOUR MIND!! Ahhhhhh!!!!
On another note. Wasn't able to go out for Mexican food today, but definitely tomorrow....or else! Just kidding....sorta. We were wrong on PayDay so that's why. Well Spencer is past out I probably should be too, I only got up because my back was hurting. Didn't get that back massage I was promised....grrrr. I never do. I'm starting to live with it, that when he promises something ...I'm not gonna get it. SO whatever. Anyways I need to go to bed. Night!
May 12, 2010
Well nothing really important happened today. I went and picked my prescription for Vitamin D tablets today from post, plus get a copy of my test results for my own records. I wanted to talk to my doctor and ask why I got lied to last week, but they were doing construction on the building and it was a mad house in there.
I woke up this morning by a lady wanting to take my garden rocks. (Craigslist Ad.) Thank goodness she came by and got it, she saved so much labor on my part. I was able to dig some dirt out and transfer it to the back and fill in MORE holes that the dogs have dug, and also water and put down weed killer in the back. I still have more work to do in the front walkway but it will work for tonight.
To top it off Spencer got me sick, and Hayden. Me a soree throat and stuffy nose, and Hayden a runny nose and cough. YAY FOR GERMS!! Benadryl is needed to be bought tomorrow.
Other than that, I am done for the night. Plus Spencer wants to know about the blog and I'm pretty sure he wants to read it. HI Babe Love You
I woke up this morning by a lady wanting to take my garden rocks. (Craigslist Ad.) Thank goodness she came by and got it, she saved so much labor on my part. I was able to dig some dirt out and transfer it to the back and fill in MORE holes that the dogs have dug, and also water and put down weed killer in the back. I still have more work to do in the front walkway but it will work for tonight.
To top it off Spencer got me sick, and Hayden. Me a soree throat and stuffy nose, and Hayden a runny nose and cough. YAY FOR GERMS!! Benadryl is needed to be bought tomorrow.
Other than that, I am done for the night. Plus Spencer wants to know about the blog and I'm pretty sure he wants to read it. HI Babe Love You
May 11, 2010
Vitamin D...a little pissed
Well this is great...not! I just got a call from the doctor(nurse) saying that they have put in a prescription for me for Vitamin D tablets. Well at first I thought what the hell changed from 6 days ago? Well apparently the doctor filling in for my normal doctor didn't look at the test results even though she said she did. I have a Vitamin D deficiency. When I asked the nurse what my Vitamin D level was she told me it's supposed to be above 30, normal people have an average above 20......well mine was NO where close to that. My level was below 4! Yes 4, I couldn't believe it. How could that doctor miss it? Especially something like that, and have her tell me that my fatigue and dizziness/fainting is just based on allergies. Dumbass! I knew better than that. But just blew it off like nothing since my blood work came back normal.
But after this little phone call I'm am so going to file a complaint when I go pick up my V. D tablets tomorrow. And see if I can have a short talk with my doctor, this is B.S.
I could have already had 6 days of Vitamins in my system. But NOOOOO!!
Vitamin D deficiency may be characterized by muscle pain, weak bones/fractures,low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, symptoms of depression and mood swings.
Which the immune topic got me the past I've had bladder infection problems. There's no telling how long I've had this problem.
On the other hand, Spencer will be home soon and it looks like he's cooking since he keeps messaging me about it and asking me how much milk we have. So yay! Hayden and I have been lazy today, not just because of the rain. Oh ya, I made my own fried pickles yesterday, OMG! that was soo good. Not as good as my fav. back in Houston but it will serve its purpose. I used flour instead of fry since all I had was flour. Recipe is on the other page.
But after this little phone call I'm am so going to file a complaint when I go pick up my V. D tablets tomorrow. And see if I can have a short talk with my doctor, this is B.S.
I could have already had 6 days of Vitamins in my system. But NOOOOO!!
Vitamin D deficiency may be characterized by muscle pain, weak bones/fractures,low energy and fatigue, lowered immunity, symptoms of depression and mood swings.
Which the immune topic got me the past I've had bladder infection problems. There's no telling how long I've had this problem.
On the other hand, Spencer will be home soon and it looks like he's cooking since he keeps messaging me about it and asking me how much milk we have. So yay! Hayden and I have been lazy today, not just because of the rain. Oh ya, I made my own fried pickles yesterday, OMG! that was soo good. Not as good as my fav. back in Houston but it will serve its purpose. I used flour instead of fry since all I had was flour. Recipe is on the other page.
May 10, 2010
They need me.....
(This was supposed to be posted 2 hours ago but Blogger was messing up)
As my mom would say either we are really clean or really dirty. We have at least 3 maybe 4 loads of laundry. I loved having a day off but, "What would these boys do if they didn't have me?" They trashed the house, and left me a mountain of clothes and dirty dishes in the sink and dishwasher that Spencer forgot to start.
I already swept and moped the bathroom and kitchen floor, did the trash, a load of laundry and of course started the dishwasher. I still need to finish that and also go to Wal-mart and get more pull-ups for Hayden. He has maybe one or two left. So like I said, "What would they do without me?"
Earlier I was flipping through blogs and found this blog that someone was using coupons for everything. I'm not a fan of coupons but after I noticed how much she saved by changing her grocery bill from $300 to $167 I think I might join the coupon clan. I am going to become a coupon clipper/saver. Try it out for 3 months and see how much I save. And if it works out for the money I will keep at it. Especially during this economy now.
The economy isn't as bad as it was a couple months ago. Well that's why me and Spencer took advantage of the First Home Buyers credit. Still waiting on that though. Sent it off the 1st of April and here it is mid-May. The IRS is moving super super super slow!!
You know I've gotta get off this computer and get moving before Hayden needs another pull-up.
As my mom would say either we are really clean or really dirty. We have at least 3 maybe 4 loads of laundry. I loved having a day off but, "What would these boys do if they didn't have me?" They trashed the house, and left me a mountain of clothes and dirty dishes in the sink and dishwasher that Spencer forgot to start.
I already swept and moped the bathroom and kitchen floor, did the trash, a load of laundry and of course started the dishwasher. I still need to finish that and also go to Wal-mart and get more pull-ups for Hayden. He has maybe one or two left. So like I said, "What would they do without me?"
Earlier I was flipping through blogs and found this blog that someone was using coupons for everything. I'm not a fan of coupons but after I noticed how much she saved by changing her grocery bill from $300 to $167 I think I might join the coupon clan. I am going to become a coupon clipper/saver. Try it out for 3 months and see how much I save. And if it works out for the money I will keep at it. Especially during this economy now.
The economy isn't as bad as it was a couple months ago. Well that's why me and Spencer took advantage of the First Home Buyers credit. Still waiting on that though. Sent it off the 1st of April and here it is mid-May. The IRS is moving super super super slow!!
You know I've gotta get off this computer and get moving before Hayden needs another pull-up.
May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day
Now this is what I call Mommy's Time Out. Husband is behaving himself, child taking a nap with no issues, dogs passed out on the floor and couch, and me ... TIME OUT!! I am laying on the couch, watching Spencer play his XBOX, I am able to be a lazy bum. No dishes, no laundry, no cooking, no pull-up changes, nothing.
So Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there.
I didn't a search to see if I could find my blog and apparently my blog is also a wine.
One of these days I want to try this out. Not much of a wine drinker but the name speaks for itself. LOL.
Had the cable guy out here today too. Our DVR was screwing up. On Demand wasn't working and some of the channels saying that it was unavailable for the moment. Well it was like that for 2-3 days. I think a moment past...and went straight to later. LOL. Well long story short. Got it fixed and going to try to get Spencer to get off his game and watch a movie since we got it fixed.
Getting a little hungry so I'm off to find something to eat without cooking too much.
So Happy Mother's Day to all the Mommies out there.
I didn't a search to see if I could find my blog and apparently my blog is also a wine.

One of these days I want to try this out. Not much of a wine drinker but the name speaks for itself. LOL.
Had the cable guy out here today too. Our DVR was screwing up. On Demand wasn't working and some of the channels saying that it was unavailable for the moment. Well it was like that for 2-3 days. I think a moment past...and went straight to later. LOL. Well long story short. Got it fixed and going to try to get Spencer to get off his game and watch a movie since we got it fixed.
Getting a little hungry so I'm off to find something to eat without cooking too much.
May 8, 2010
Why are guys such dicks? Is it because they have dicks or is it in their genes? Or both? Here's the story. I wanted to go to the mall today JUST to walk around, wasn't expecting to buy anything cuz we gotta wait for next paycheck. Anywho, of course I'm gonna go to the mall and see stuff that I want/like but know there are times that I can't get it. Well Husband dearest started bitching saying, "I knew this was going to happen, I'm sorry I'm such a shit bag and can't provide for my family, and can't buy you anything you want". Well okay that was out of nowhere. So of course I'm going to get pissed off at him because he couldn't be happy for one"" little trip to the mall. So I hurried through the mall skipping all the stores I "WANTED" to go in and LOOK but and hurry to the car. Once we were in the parking lot away from everyone and their mom. (Day before Mother's Day) I told him "Thanks for the wonderful trip to the mall without any bitching and complaining, I had a great time". Probably not the thing to say but I had enough. Like I said, I knew we didn't have the money, and second he doesn't have to buy me anything every single day, third I didn't even ask for a damn thing.
So basically it was a kinda quiet, short answer car ride home. (30 minutes)
For Mother's Day I'm not expecting anything. All I want is everyone to be happy, no yelling, screaming, bitching, complaining, dogs behaving, husband smiling, child not throwing a temper tantrum every 30 minutes, no one bleeding, getting sick, or dying, no one breaking anything (furniture/appliances and body parts), no unexpected horrifying calls from family members or solicitors, cable not freezing, house not burning to the ground, no one shoving anything up their nose, ears, or butt,...........
Bascially don't do anything......
So far my weekend for Mother's Day isn't leading up to anything good.
So basically it was a kinda quiet, short answer car ride home. (30 minutes)
For Mother's Day I'm not expecting anything. All I want is everyone to be happy, no yelling, screaming, bitching, complaining, dogs behaving, husband smiling, child not throwing a temper tantrum every 30 minutes, no one bleeding, getting sick, or dying, no one breaking anything (furniture/appliances and body parts), no unexpected horrifying calls from family members or solicitors, cable not freezing, house not burning to the ground, no one shoving anything up their nose, ears, or butt,...........
Bascially don't do anything......
So far my weekend for Mother's Day isn't leading up to anything good.
May 6, 2010
Wow, after working in the front yard on the damn patio I got sunburned. Guess that's what I get when I wear a spaghetti strap shirt. We will find out tomorrow how bad. All I know is after the shower I just took it made it pop out a little bit. Starting to feel it. It's a good thing that if I burn that it turns into a tan, but what I need is some color in my legs. They aren't as bad as they were. They used to blind people they were so
That shower got me thinking, men's razors are so much better than women. They get closer and make your legs smooth. I ran out mine and Spencer picked up the wrong ones for his, luckily that they happened to fit on mine so close shave for muah.
As I was saying earlier, I was working outside and got sunburned. I was able to find a tarp so I moved all the concrete/gravel/rocks/dirt to the tarp. Needing to buy some SOD but gotta wait a little bit for that. After all of this is done, I DO NOT want to see another rock/pebble for at least a month. Since Spencer is working he isn't able to help me go through all these rocks so it's all up to me. Which is SOOOOOOOOO much fun. I'm just happy I'm almost done with it. I can soon start up on my garden, but first I want to get some grass growing.
Ouch, I'm starting to feel the burn. I would have Spencer put Aloe on my back but his ass past out already. I also would like to spend at least 5 minutes with him. (without the kid) but so far nothing. I was trying to get the kid to bed fast so maybe I lay next to him while he feel asleep but by the time I put Hayden to bed and walked through the door I heard snoring. So I came in here and decided to write you.
You know it's amazing, and kinda funny at the same time. I used not to be the writing type. But I guess now that I have nothing else to do, or I have something to write about that I "WANT" to write about, it's a little different.
That shower got me thinking, men's razors are so much better than women. They get closer and make your legs smooth. I ran out mine and Spencer picked up the wrong ones for his, luckily that they happened to fit on mine so close shave for muah.
As I was saying earlier, I was working outside and got sunburned. I was able to find a tarp so I moved all the concrete/gravel/rocks/dirt to the tarp. Needing to buy some SOD but gotta wait a little bit for that. After all of this is done, I DO NOT want to see another rock/pebble for at least a month. Since Spencer is working he isn't able to help me go through all these rocks so it's all up to me. Which is SOOOOOOOOO much fun. I'm just happy I'm almost done with it. I can soon start up on my garden, but first I want to get some grass growing.
Ouch, I'm starting to feel the burn. I would have Spencer put Aloe on my back but his ass past out already. I also would like to spend at least 5 minutes with him. (without the kid) but so far nothing. I was trying to get the kid to bed fast so maybe I lay next to him while he feel asleep but by the time I put Hayden to bed and walked through the door I heard snoring. So I came in here and decided to write you.
You know it's amazing, and kinda funny at the same time. I used not to be the writing type. But I guess now that I have nothing else to do, or I have something to write about that I "WANT" to write about, it's a little different.
May 5, 2010
In need of rain...
Well had to go out and water the backyard...just looked soo dry and cracky. If that makes sense, lol. Front yard looks fine, but I guess that since we've kept the dogs back there most of the time and we've only mowed it once I guess I can understand why it's taking a breather on growing. Well, after the mowing we happened to discover that the neighbor's tree happened to pollinate our yard and we now have 2 trees growing. One of the trees is growing against the fence so I'm waiting for it to get a little bigger and I'm going to re-plant it in the front yard. Spread the Or green. The front patio construction is going good I guess..didn't work on it today I will def. get out there tomorrow and pick up some more rocks. I 'm glad I found a place that would take the debris because we have so much gravel, rocks, dirt and the unsightly chicken wire. Who would have thought on using chicken wire to lay down concrete. Well it's almost done. Thank goodness. I'm ready to start my little garden in the front.
It's 11pm and hubby is in bed and that's the most I've seen him since Monday. Working long hours again. Sometimes I just can't understand the Army but this is how it's going to bed for the next 5 years so gotta live with it. Night everyone. See ya'll in the morning.
It's 11pm and hubby is in bed and that's the most I've seen him since Monday. Working long hours again. Sometimes I just can't understand the Army but this is how it's going to bed for the next 5 years so gotta live with it. Night everyone. See ya'll in the morning.
May 4, 2010
Another day...
Went to the doctor today for the follow up on the Vitamin D test. Everything came out fine and normal, they just blamed my dizziness on really bad allergies. Ya, ok?....whatever. They were trying to tell me that allergies can lead to fatigue, which can lead to dizziness. So, if that's the case why haven't I had this before. But apparently my ALL my blood tests came out fine so the only thing I can go on it allergies.
On another note, husband is working late so I'm catching up on recorded shows. All today I spent cleaning and construction in the front yard. I had Spencer do construction work on the patio (poorly done) by taking the sledge hammer to it, and now I'm cleaning up the mess. Yay Me! LOL But it will come out so pretty when its done.
Now off to bed, cuz I'm not even paying attention to my shows. And the screen is fading. Nite
On another note, husband is working late so I'm catching up on recorded shows. All today I spent cleaning and construction in the front yard. I had Spencer do construction work on the patio (poorly done) by taking the sledge hammer to it, and now I'm cleaning up the mess. Yay Me! LOL But it will come out so pretty when its done.
Now off to bed, cuz I'm not even paying attention to my shows. And the screen is fading. Nite
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