We are at my Grandparents & started joking about going Black Friday shopping. My grandpa thought I was serious & gave me Ad's from the paper. I looked through then just see what they had. Then I saw amazing deals. I started getting a little bit more serious about it. But as the night went on, I got tired & not so into it.
I figured that I wait to see what the Target looked like before I made up my mind. Since maybe being in a smaller town. Might make a difference.
Our Hotel is next to a Target. So glad I decided not to go next door to Target from the Hotel. Like I said, I thought being in a smaller town would be better. Nope! This Target at 9pm, last night had a line almost wrapping itself to the back. I thought about it & then I saw it, then decided that I can wait till Cyber Monday & stay at home. And do Black Friday next year when I have 2 kids, & will need the savings.
I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
November 23, 2012
November 21, 2012
Happy Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving Everyone! Please everyone be safe with your travels, cooking, & family events.
As for me Im making the food this year & transporting it to my grandparents. Grandma cant see anymore to cook in the kitchen. The Turkey is almost done, Green Bean Casserole prepared for morning, & Fruit Salad made. Then it's up to my dad & hubby to carve & package up the Turkey for our 2 hour trip tomorrow.
Soon I can pass out so I can wake up at 2am. Lol. In exhausted but baby won't let me sleep. Baby isn't letting me sleep as much as I want. Went to see the baby yesterday. 11 weeks. Almost done with the first trimester.
As for me Im making the food this year & transporting it to my grandparents. Grandma cant see anymore to cook in the kitchen. The Turkey is almost done, Green Bean Casserole prepared for morning, & Fruit Salad made. Then it's up to my dad & hubby to carve & package up the Turkey for our 2 hour trip tomorrow.
Soon I can pass out so I can wake up at 2am. Lol. In exhausted but baby won't let me sleep. Baby isn't letting me sleep as much as I want. Went to see the baby yesterday. 11 weeks. Almost done with the first trimester.
October 25, 2012
Since I've moved back home to Texas I really haven't had much time to get on here & talk, do recipes or anything. So I'm going to see about to something so you can have something to read.
Halloween is coming up & so is Hayden's birthday along with Thanksgiving. So possibly something to do with that.
So here's your chance. Tell me what your looking for. Food, funny stuff, whatever. Go!
One more thing. I'm going to be ending Baby All About It. I have accomplished my goal & I am pregnant. I'm not going to be closing it down since all of it has good info on it, but there will be no more posts on it.
Anything related to the pregnancy/baby will be posted here.
So now I end this post with a picture of the ultrasound.
Halloween is coming up & so is Hayden's birthday along with Thanksgiving. So possibly something to do with that.
So here's your chance. Tell me what your looking for. Food, funny stuff, whatever. Go!
One more thing. I'm going to be ending Baby All About It. I have accomplished my goal & I am pregnant. I'm not going to be closing it down since all of it has good info on it, but there will be no more posts on it.
Anything related to the pregnancy/baby will be posted here.
So now I end this post with a picture of the ultrasound.
October 7, 2012
Early June Baby?!?!
YES! I am pregnant! We found out on Wednesday that I'm pregnant. Don't know how far along I am but heading to the Dr. tomorrow. Hopefully find out soon. I went in Tuesday to the appt. to figure out what was going on. Like why I wasn't getting pregnant & also get my cycle going again. They had to do an Ultrasound to see if my tubes were open. We didn't see anything but the Dr. did notice that one of my Follicles were popped. But she said that doesn't mean anything, sometimes they pop & don't go anywhere. (Meaning I ovulated, the egg was released but the egg didn't travel down the tubes like it was supposed to.)
But in order to get my cycle going they went ahead & did a Pregnancy Blood Test just to make sure. Well, SURPRISE! There was in fact a baby in there. When I found out I was at the VA Hospital with Spencer getting paperwork filled out (nothing wrong) in the hallway jumping up & down. Spencer couldn't freak out as much because he was being called back to talk to people. But he's excited.
We called Peggy while still at the Hospital. She was the first to know. I told her over the phone & I made her cry. She got her wish. That night we took Mom & Dad out to eat at Olive Garden. Gave them a card that stated that they are going to be Grandparents ... AGAIN! Took them a second but they figured it out. Gave Hayden a T-Shirt that says, "Big Brother". We had to read it to him & once he heard he got super excited. He's so happy to become a big brother.
2 days ago I had my first run at morning sickness. This baby either doesn't like Whataburger Burgers or Hot Cheetos or both. But for the next 9 months I am staying far away from both just to make sure.
But in order to get my cycle going they went ahead & did a Pregnancy Blood Test just to make sure. Well, SURPRISE! There was in fact a baby in there. When I found out I was at the VA Hospital with Spencer getting paperwork filled out (nothing wrong) in the hallway jumping up & down. Spencer couldn't freak out as much because he was being called back to talk to people. But he's excited.
We called Peggy while still at the Hospital. She was the first to know. I told her over the phone & I made her cry. She got her wish. That night we took Mom & Dad out to eat at Olive Garden. Gave them a card that stated that they are going to be Grandparents ... AGAIN! Took them a second but they figured it out. Gave Hayden a T-Shirt that says, "Big Brother". We had to read it to him & once he heard he got super excited. He's so happy to become a big brother.
2 days ago I had my first run at morning sickness. This baby either doesn't like Whataburger Burgers or Hot Cheetos or both. But for the next 9 months I am staying far away from both just to make sure.
August 25, 2012
Birthday & Moving
Hey people I'm back. It hasn't been that long since I've been on here but enough to give you a few updates & make this post somewhat long. Let's see. I've turned 24 on the 23rd. The boys took me out to eat at Samurai Hibachi Grill, then came home & they made me a Triple Chocolate Cake. Amazing! I did do some painting but not a lot, we've got to get this house going, but relaxed the rest of the day & was a lazy bum.
been off & on FB, & super busy trying to get this house done so
we can put it up for Rent so you know I haven't had time to get on here & update y'all. Good News on that. We finally got a Rental
Agency (AAIMS) that we've already signed papers with before the repairs are
finished. Now we've got to get this place picture ready (at least the
front) for Show. Which we almost have done. If we can get it to stop raining long enough we can have it done before Monday. We added new mulch, I've already painted the door, I need to do some final touch ups on the side window next to the door, I'm painting the shutters around Hayden's bedroom window, & Spencer is going to paint the vents on the outside of the house. He's also trying to get some guys from work to come help us paint, so we can get this over with.
We've set it up to where this place is good to go on
the 15th. Just waiting on the Insurance Co. to call us back (giving them
till Monday) to see if they are going to pay for the repairs on the
house. Our plan is to have this place ready for Carpet before the 13th
& then we will be set to go.
So my parents are still coming up here to help us. They will be leaving Texas on the 8th & should be here on the 10th to help us with any leftover stuff that needs to happen, then on the 13th we are hitting the road. Can't wait to say GOODBYE NORTH CAROLINA!! I know that we won't be officially be done with this state since we have the house, but it is going to be nice to be living in Texas again around my family & friends. Now if we can get someone in this house before October everything will be 'Amazing'.
So that's it for now. I'll give you more updates when I can. Other than that, check me out on FB.
August 8, 2012
Better than I have been since my last post. I still feel it there but not in pain or agony. I'm trying to hold off on getting another Dr. Appt. but with all this rain every single day is driving my sinuses crazy. I cant stand waking up everyday with a sore throat & drainage no matter how much "drainage sucking meds" I take. It's working, but not how I want it.
Just in our 5 day, makes it look like we are in Hurricane or Monsoon Weather. Crazy! I'm afraid to look at the 10 day.
For about a week Taco one of our Iguanas has had a bit of swelling on his bottom jaw. We though for a day or two that his head was going through a growth spurt & his body hasn't caught up yet. BUT... After few days it got worse.
So yesterday Spencer took Taco to the Vet. & discovered that he not only has Metabolic Bone Disease but a Parasite.Thankfully neither is contagious to humans. Just have to worry about Paco.
You can read more about Taco here.
Not really much else is going on. Busy next 2 months. Busy packing for the move, & getting stuff situated on the house for rent.
Just in our 5 day, makes it look like we are in Hurricane or Monsoon Weather. Crazy! I'm afraid to look at the 10 day.
For about a week Taco one of our Iguanas has had a bit of swelling on his bottom jaw. We though for a day or two that his head was going through a growth spurt & his body hasn't caught up yet. BUT... After few days it got worse.
So yesterday Spencer took Taco to the Vet. & discovered that he not only has Metabolic Bone Disease but a Parasite.Thankfully neither is contagious to humans. Just have to worry about Paco.
You can read more about Taco here.
Not really much else is going on. Busy next 2 months. Busy packing for the move, & getting stuff situated on the house for rent.
July 27, 2012
So like I said in the past. I hate NC. I know people get sick & states don't have anything to do with it, but I've had more health issues in NC than I have had in my whole life in TX. Over the weekend when I thought I was dehydrated, which might still have been a possibility, I developed a sore throat 2 days ago.
I went to the Dr. yesterday & had a Rapid Strep test that came out negative, & a throat culture which I'm still waiting on the results from that. Should get it today but having it being Friday I may not get it till Monday. But until then the Dr. has me on Tylenol, Sudafed, Ibuprofen, & Clartin until we can find out what's up with my throat. It hurt like hell yesterday & the day before. After finally getting some sleep & the meds. getting into my system, it's very slowing starting to feel better.
I went to the Dr. yesterday & had a Rapid Strep test that came out negative, & a throat culture which I'm still waiting on the results from that. Should get it today but having it being Friday I may not get it till Monday. But until then the Dr. has me on Tylenol, Sudafed, Ibuprofen, & Clartin until we can find out what's up with my throat. It hurt like hell yesterday & the day before. After finally getting some sleep & the meds. getting into my system, it's very slowing starting to feel better.
July 25, 2012
Long Post Update
So I'm sure as you fellow bloggers heard of a scandal in the nail polish world with "Sinful Colors" nail polish. We'll I know I've told you to visit sites & go places but thank goodness I've never posted something that could be stolen. I'm not much for magazines anymore anyways so how would I know. I think an apology is in order &/or credit.
I'm soooo over this ridiculous weather. July Monsoon leading into August Hurricanes. I just feel it. I can't go outside & enjoy my backyard because I mow one day, then rains 3 days in a row, grass half way back to way it was, think about mowing, something comes up, rains again, muggy, grass is back to the grassy plains state.
Plus, it's not even giving a chance for my annoying neighbors behind us to take care of their yard. Their yard is horrible. I'm not sure if I ever talked about them. But the yard is sooo bad that if my dogs get through the broken fence again, because their jungle in over growing trees, bushes, vines & causing the fence to rot away, it will be the last time they get a call to the county. It will be made to the city, & it will be a lawsuit. And if my dogs get picked up by the city, they are paying every penny to get them out, and possibly extra for the inconvenience.
I'm soooo over this ridiculous weather. July Monsoon leading into August Hurricanes. I just feel it. I can't go outside & enjoy my backyard because I mow one day, then rains 3 days in a row, grass half way back to way it was, think about mowing, something comes up, rains again, muggy, grass is back to the grassy plains state.
Plus, it's not even giving a chance for my annoying neighbors behind us to take care of their yard. Their yard is horrible. I'm not sure if I ever talked about them. But the yard is sooo bad that if my dogs get through the broken fence again, because their jungle in over growing trees, bushes, vines & causing the fence to rot away, it will be the last time they get a call to the county. It will be made to the city, & it will be a lawsuit. And if my dogs get picked up by the city, they are paying every penny to get them out, and possibly extra for the inconvenience.
So the past 5 days I've been feeling like poo. According to Spencer last night that I'm dehydrated. In a way I see it. I'm addicted to sodas. Even
though I've been drinking the Red Sea & peeing like a Race Horse.
But anywho, I have decided to go caffeine/soda free & drink nothing
but water for a month at the minimum. It's gonna be hard since I'm like an
addicted crack whore with caffeine but maybe it will improve my body, & my
fertility issue. So since we currently don't
have sodas in the house I'm going to do it. :) Next week is payday so it
will take all my strength not to get some. But I just need to remind myself that it's for my body, & for the hopefully future baby, & not to mention for Spencer & Hayden. We've gotta cut it down in this house. I know, I know, I've said something like this before but after the past few days will the way I've been feeling. Headaches, stomachaches, sinus issues, insomnia(it's 6:45am right now, I'm not even close to being tired & I'm never awake at this time & possibly working on 4-5 hours of sleep), earaches, throat, nose, bowel movement issues, etc. Also I know some of my friends that know me will think I'm the perfect size but I've got a little muffin top going on, & would like to get rid of it.
So along with Excedrin that I'm using for not only pain but since it has a tiny bit of caffiene I'm using it as a way of weening myself off of it, without the cold turkey effect, & according to Spencer I need to drink a quart of water per hour/2 hours until my body catches up. So WATER-HO! I'm not going anywhere today since I'm going to need to be close to the bathroom. Eeek! Let's pee like a pregnant woman!! Lol.
Spencer's birthday just passed. My mom & his mom sent him some Gift Cards to Khols. I thought this was a perfect idea, not only because he's picky & he hasn't bought any jeans since last year & Khols seems to be the only place he buys his clothes from but he's going to be a civilian soon & will need to stock up his closet. I know civilian sounds weird. By the time that he gets out I will have known the Army for 5 years with 1 deployment. Holy Moly! I know for most military families that 5 years are nothing compared to what y'all have been through, & I feel your pain. But thanks to the Gift Cards we were able to get a Cash Back Coupon that I was able to use to get some awesome cute new pink sandal wedges, with 5 something dollars left on it.
So my birthday is coming up & I have no idea what I want. As in object wise. But I do want to be home with my Family & Friends. But I will put my thinking cap on, I'm sure I can come up with something. Possibly a Gift Card to Target or Khols. But who knows, I'm think I'll come up with something by next week. :D
So like I've already mentioned that I'm working little sleep & awake at this time, I've seem to write a lot on here. Can't remember the last time I've gotten on here & wrote this much. It was due time, but WOW. Lol.
July 17, 2012
English Muffin Pizzas
English Muffin Pizzas
Break open the muffin to where the inside is placed up. Next place your Pizza Sauce on top of English Muffins. Sprinkle with cheese and top with your favorite toppings(2-3 pepperonis) Going through some sites I never knew it was so popular.
Bake 350 for 10 Mins. Easy and quick great for those busy nights, or when your drunk & need something in your stomach. :)
July 13, 2012
My Big Girl Panties.
My mother in law asked me on one of my previous posts, where to get Big Girl Panties from. At first I told her I get them from Victoria Secret on FB, but afterwards I started thinking back to some sites I went to & talked on & thought of some big ass underwear. So I Googled & thought of this.
**Insert soo much laughter that it almost woke up Spencer**
After finding this photo I got a flash back to the crazy days with my friend Christie. I don't remember how it started but we would go shopping, looking around at the local Dollar Store. For some reason the Dollar Store sold underwear. I wouldn't come close to buying & wearing these or why they sold it there. But we would make jokes about buying the biggest size they had (which was maybe half the size of the underwear in this picture) and start throwing them at people we despised.
Now, don't ask us why we thought of this idea, we were teenagers & did some crazy shit. And this underwear scenario is nothing.
July 10, 2012
>$5 Meals
I was browsing the net for some awesome food, went through Pinterest tho. That site can me the death of me. LOL But here are my favorites that I found. Most of these I've already done, but some I want to try. Hope you enjoy.
Beef Stew: (throw in a crockpot...cook all day!)
1 lb on stew meat
1 package of baby carrots
4 white or red potatoes (skin on) 1/4 of a bag
1 medium sized onion
1 can of beef broth
spices (optional)
Spaghetti and meatballs
Grilled Cheese and tomato soup
Chicken breasts cooked in skillet with cream of mushroom soup
Sloppy Joes: Just brown 1 lb ground beef with chopped up onion. Drain. Add squirt of mustard and enough Ketchup to make the right consistency. I also add a pinch of sugar. Serve on buns.
Cheeseburgers and french fries
Grill chicken or steak marinated in homemade Teriyaki Sauce
Chicken Tenders- I dip them in milk, then in some flour seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. Pan fry them.
Breakfast for dinner: whatever I have on hand, pancakes with eggs & bacon, french toast, sausage gravy & biscuits, etc...
BBQ Chicken Sandwiches: I put a couple of chicken breasts in crock-pot with a jar of BBQ sauce, cook for 6-8 hrs on low, shred, and serve on Texas Toast or hamburger buns
One I did get from one of my friends. Supper easy, very yummy is English Muffin Pizzas
Pizza sauce on top of English Muffins, sprinkle with cheese and top with your favorite toppings(2-3 pepperonis) bake 350 about 10 mins. Easy and quick great for those busy nights, or when your drunk & need something in your stomach. :)
Going through some sites I never knew it was so popular.
What are your $5 Meals?? I want to hear from you! (If your on my FB you can message me there if you can't post here. I'll copy & paste it for ya.)
Beef Stew: (throw in a crockpot...cook all day!)
1 lb on stew meat
1 package of baby carrots
4 white or red potatoes (skin on) 1/4 of a bag
1 medium sized onion
1 can of beef broth
spices (optional)
Spaghetti and meatballs
Grilled Cheese and tomato soup
Chicken breasts cooked in skillet with cream of mushroom soup
Sloppy Joes: Just brown 1 lb ground beef with chopped up onion. Drain. Add squirt of mustard and enough Ketchup to make the right consistency. I also add a pinch of sugar. Serve on buns.
Cheeseburgers and french fries
Grill chicken or steak marinated in homemade Teriyaki Sauce
Chicken Tenders- I dip them in milk, then in some flour seasoned with salt, pepper, garlic powder, and paprika. Pan fry them.
Breakfast for dinner: whatever I have on hand, pancakes with eggs & bacon, french toast, sausage gravy & biscuits, etc...
BBQ Chicken Sandwiches: I put a couple of chicken breasts in crock-pot with a jar of BBQ sauce, cook for 6-8 hrs on low, shred, and serve on Texas Toast or hamburger buns
One I did get from one of my friends. Supper easy, very yummy is English Muffin Pizzas
Pizza sauce on top of English Muffins, sprinkle with cheese and top with your favorite toppings(2-3 pepperonis) bake 350 about 10 mins. Easy and quick great for those busy nights, or when your drunk & need something in your stomach. :)
Going through some sites I never knew it was so popular.
What are your $5 Meals?? I want to hear from you! (If your on my FB you can message me there if you can't post here. I'll copy & paste it for ya.)
July 9, 2012
Clean All The Things!!
So far, no major changes to the blog. Added a few items on the side bar, the intro., & removed some items. Maybe more to come later if I find anything I like, but still if you would like to see something different let me know.
We went to go see Madagascar 3 yesterday. As of right now, this movie is Hayden favorite movie. Told Spencer that when we take him to see Ice Age 4 & Spiderman the status will change.

When we got home last night Hershey's (guinea pig) cage was destroyed. He was still in there and shocked that he was. But I had to clean, re-do his cage. I don't know how it happened but we ended up cleaning the whole house. We went from the living room, to the kitchen, to Hayden's room, to the master bathroom, then ending in our bedroom. Apparently it needed to be done. I promise I do clean. But the stuff that we pulled up was bad. Finally got Spencer to go through some paper work that needed to be culled through.
Helped with my sinuses the next morning to. I remember a little over a month ago, I deep cleaned & Lysoled everything. We basically did the same thing yesterday just without the Lysol. I'm afraid I'm going to use a full can of Lysol again.
Not sure what else to talk about so when I think of something interesting I'll let you know. Until then I have Facebook & Pinterest you can Follow Me on.
We went to go see Madagascar 3 yesterday. As of right now, this movie is Hayden favorite movie. Told Spencer that when we take him to see Ice Age 4 & Spiderman the status will change.

Helped with my sinuses the next morning to. I remember a little over a month ago, I deep cleaned & Lysoled everything. We basically did the same thing yesterday just without the Lysol. I'm afraid I'm going to use a full can of Lysol again.
Not sure what else to talk about so when I think of something interesting I'll let you know. Until then I have Facebook & Pinterest you can Follow Me on.
Face Lift??
I'm wanting to give my blog a face lift but not sure what should be done. Soo, I ask you what would you like to see changed/done to the blog? Anything added....you let me know! Comment in the comment box below.....
**added** -- Don't be afraid to tell me anything. I'm a big girl & take criticism & not going to get butthurt. I wear my big girl panties. LOL
**added** -- Don't be afraid to tell me anything. I'm a big girl & take criticism & not going to get butthurt. I wear my big girl panties. LOL
July 5, 2012
Glasstop Stove Cleaner. (pinterest)
Forget that expensive B.S.! ... By the way Pinterest is amazing.
This amaziness actually works. But before what I tell you what it's all about I want to show you what I've been using.
This stuff came with the stove. It works but not for that heavy duty stuff on gunk. So when I found this on Pinterest I had to try it. And it works. I had to do it 2 times, but only because I had A LOT of gunk stuck on there.
So Click Here for the website with Pictures.
But in case you can't view it here is how it works.
All you need is
Apply baking soda in a generous amount all over the affected area.
Now pull out that hot soapy rag out of the bowl and squeeze half the water out. You want it to be soggy, not sopping.
Then wait about 15 minutes…
Then swirl the rag around in circles, using the baking soda paste as a gentle scrub.
Then dry up the surface and shine it up with windex. Good as new!!
I repeated these steps 1 time to achieve these results. You may also leave the rag on for longer, depending on how bad it is.
This amaziness actually works. But before what I tell you what it's all about I want to show you what I've been using.
This stuff came with the stove. It works but not for that heavy duty stuff on gunk. So when I found this on Pinterest I had to try it. And it works. I had to do it 2 times, but only because I had A LOT of gunk stuck on there.
So Click Here for the website with Pictures.
But in case you can't view it here is how it works.
All you need is
- Bowl & Hot Soapy Water
- Baking Soda
- A Cleaning Rag
- Gloves (optional)
Apply baking soda in a generous amount all over the affected area.
Now pull out that hot soapy rag out of the bowl and squeeze half the water out. You want it to be soggy, not sopping.
Then wait about 15 minutes…
Then swirl the rag around in circles, using the baking soda paste as a gentle scrub.
Then dry up the surface and shine it up with windex. Good as new!!
I repeated these steps 1 time to achieve these results. You may also leave the rag on for longer, depending on how bad it is.
Happy 4th
Hope everyone had a safe & enjoyable 4th of July. We had a blast.
First we attempted to go on Bragg since they were having some country singers & doing some Vendors/Kiddie Stuff. But around 5pm it started to rain it was over quick but we had already left & at home.
So we watched a movie, Hayden took a nap & Spencer cooked some Sausages & Beans.
Around 8pm we decided to try our luck at Hope Mills Park near/closer to us. Much better than the last time we went there. (Not last year but the year before) Hayden was in Aw.
Then came home. We had a box left over the past Holidays of Fireworks so we tried to use as much as possible since we are moving in a few months & I don't think traveling with explosives is a good idea. So we went to our street a lit stuff on fire. Hayden loved it, Rebecca wanted to eat it, Julie hid in the garage. Lol. This year we were out done by the neighbors. Sucked a bit but still put on a good show. After all that we are left with Sparklers, & those things you throw at people's feet. Lol. Forgot the name.
First we attempted to go on Bragg since they were having some country singers & doing some Vendors/Kiddie Stuff. But around 5pm it started to rain it was over quick but we had already left & at home.

Around 8pm we decided to try our luck at Hope Mills Park near/closer to us. Much better than the last time we went there. (Not last year but the year before) Hayden was in Aw.
Then came home. We had a box left over the past Holidays of Fireworks so we tried to use as much as possible since we are moving in a few months & I don't think traveling with explosives is a good idea. So we went to our street a lit stuff on fire. Hayden loved it, Rebecca wanted to eat it, Julie hid in the garage. Lol. This year we were out done by the neighbors. Sucked a bit but still put on a good show. After all that we are left with Sparklers, & those things you throw at people's feet. Lol. Forgot the name.
July 1, 2012
Save some $$$!
Want to go shopping online for kids clothes but don't want to spend a leg on it. Check out http://www.thredup.com/
I just browsed it for a few seconds & I already want to go shopping. But seriously, it's like shopping in a resale store. I haven't gotten anything from there yet, but plan on it. Especially the next time I want to go shopping.
I just browsed it for a few seconds & I already want to go shopping. But seriously, it's like shopping in a resale store. I haven't gotten anything from there yet, but plan on it. Especially the next time I want to go shopping.
Omelet in a Bag
So last night I tried something from Pinterest. Omelet In A Bag, the instructions are pretty straight forward but the taste of the food wasn't that great. It was okay for that one time trying it, but I don't see myself eating it again.
Even Spencer was skeptical about it when I was making it & he even said it wasn't that good. Which is a shame because I was excited about the reviews I've seen about it. But I guess if you like poached eggs then this would probably be for you.
Even Spencer was skeptical about it when I was making it & he even said it wasn't that good. Which is a shame because I was excited about the reviews I've seen about it. But I guess if you like poached eggs then this would probably be for you.
June 29, 2012
Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings (Lazy Way)
1 Tablespoon Butter
1 Can of Condensed Cream of Chicken Soup
1 package/can of Refrigerated Biscuit Dough (I didn't have Biscuit but have Crescent)
1 Can of Mixed Veggies (drained)-- (Didn't have Mixed Veggies but had different can's I'll explain later)
1 tsp of Cumin (used Tony's)
Sprinkle of Cayenne Pepper (used Tony's)
1/2 tsp of Pepper
Pinch of Salt
1/2 tsp of Onion Powder
1-1/2 cup of Chicken Stock
Here is everything but the Butter.
Now what your going to do it put everything in your Crockpot except your Biscuits/Cresents.
Now if your like me & only have multiple can's of veggies but no "mixed veggies", watch this!
I threw 1 Can of Whole Kernel Corn, 1 Can of Sliced Carrots, & 1 Can of Green Beans into a bowl. Stirred & plopped 3-4 scoops of it into the crockpot. You can always add more if your into the veggie thing.
Next I threw in the Stock. The reciepe asked for a cup but with my crockpot I add a half cup more because it just looked really low with all the ingredients in it.
Finally I added everything else, and put the chicken in last. So it can soak everything from the bottom. I squished it down a bit just for it to settle.
Now your going to Cover & Cook on Low for 5-6 hours.
About 2 hours before serving tear up the biscuit/crescent dough & place it in there. Make sure your "dumplings are cooked all the way through.
And stir, & Enjoy!!
About 2 hours before serving tear up the biscuit/crescent dough & place it in there. Make sure your "dumplings are cooked all the way through.
And stir, & Enjoy!!
June 28, 2012
Stay Tuned!
Another yummy goodness is coming. Crockpot Chicken & Dumplings. I found this baby off of Pinterest last night & I was already thawing out some Chicken so this was perfect. I rushed into the kitchen to check to see if I had all the ingredients. When I came back to the bedroom Spencer looked at me weird, apparently he's never seen a woman run to the kitchen that fast to cook. LOL.
So in a few hours, I'll be plopping those lovely chickens in the pot. It's so easy I may not have to do a step-by-step but I will include pictures of what I'm using tho.
So in a few hours, I'll be plopping those lovely chickens in the pot. It's so easy I may not have to do a step-by-step but I will include pictures of what I'm using tho.
June 26, 2012

$50 for this baby. I couldn't believe it. I know some of y'all may be thinking, "this is a bit to pricey". But think about it. --5 Small, 4 Medium, 2 Large, The tall box it comes with, 2 Rolls of Tape, 2 Rolls of Bubble Wrap (oh lordy it's tempting to pop some, lol), and a Marker. After everything adds up, it will cost a little bit more. Plus this will last me a while so I don't need to get boxes.
So far, I've boxed up almost all of Hayden's stuffed animals in a Large box, taped a few other boxes I got saved over from my business from Avon, and boxed up, but didn't tape, most of Hayden's books he has looked at for a few months, plus a few other odds & ends laying around. Later I'll hit up my closet & take care of some of the boxes that are up on the shelves collecting dust.
June 25, 2012
Hmm Potatoes & Meat
Scalloped Potato Casserole
1lb Ground Beef
1-1/1 cup grated cheese
Salt & Pepper
1 Can of Cream of Chicken
1/2 Onion, finely chopped
2 Large Thinly Sliced Potatoes
1 cup of milk
3 Quart Casserole Dish
1. Brown beef (not cook) & onion
2. Place Beef in Casserole Dish. Cover with Cheese, Salt & Pepper
3. Place Potatoes Over Meat & Cheese
(Now if your like me & for some stupid reason CANNOT for anything thinly slice a potato correctly & have them looking like wedges, it will not mess up the dish)
4. Mix 1 cup of milk & soup in bowl/pan & pour over top. (Might help to heat up a bit, but if in hurry you can mix off to the side of the stove.)
5. THEN! Bake at 350 for 1 to 1-1/2 hours.
Pull out & serve!
June 11, 2012
June 4, 2012
$10 Meal!
I came across another recipe the other day so I tried it out yesterday. It can also be used as a Freezer Meal, which isn't hard & I'll tell you.
Chicken & Rice
1 Box of Wild Rice w/ Seasoning Packet (didn't have any so used a Rice Side "Chicken & Broccoli")
1 Can Cream of Mushroom Soup
1 Can Cream of Chicken Soup
1 Can of Water (use one of the empty soup cans)
3-6 Skinless/Boneless Chicken Breasts (I used 3)
1. Mix together rice w/ seasonings, both soups, & water in a casserole dish.
Mix well. It will look like this.
Top with Chicken & season with salt & pepper if desired.
Then bake for 1 hour @ 350
Easy Right!!
Family verdict, they loved it. Next time I may op. out the mushroom soup & do a double chicken soup. I wasn't a big fan of the mushrooms.
For Freezer Instructions:
Same instructions for Number 1. Pour into 8x8 freezer dish. Top with Chicken. Double wrap in foil, label, & freeze.
Thaw & bake uncovered @ 350 for 1 hour.
I will try & find some more awesome Freezer Meals for ya.
May 29, 2012
Recipe for this baby coming soon.
Okay as I promised here it is. Found this recipe online. Made a few changes, and if I may say it was AMAZING.
Okay as I promised here it is. Found this recipe online. Made a few changes, and if I may say it was AMAZING.
Southwestern Beef Stew
1lb ground beef
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder OR 2 minced garlic cloves (I used powder)
1 Can Tomato Soup
1 Can (10 1/2oz--1 1/3 cup) Beef OR Chicken Broth
1 Cup Water
2 Tablespoons Chili Powder OR Tony's Creole Seasoning (I used Tony's)
3 Med. Potatoes (I used 2 Lg.)
1 Can Whole Kernel Corn
Shredded Chesse
Cook beef, & garlic over med-high heat. Drain. (I cooked it into a separate pan, since it wasn't deep enough & transferred it into a pot shown in the picture.
In the pot combine soup, broth, water, chili powder/Tony's, & potatoes. Add the cooked beef. Bring to boil. Then reduce to low, cover, & cook for 15 minutes. Stir in corn.
Once done, put in bowl/plate, sprinkle cheese on top. Enjoy!
Simple Right?! It was so easy. It does have a kick to it. If it's too spicy for you, add a tiny bit of soy sauce to it. If you try this out, let me know what you think of it.
It's been a while since I've been on. Like I keep saying, I'm trying.
May 2, 2012
It's May
Oh goodness, it May. And Blogger has changed. Took me a while to figure it out, but not too long considering I'm on here. Well here's a lil' summary since Jan. (last post). Still no pregnancy, don't think it will ever happen. Spencer is getting out of the Army due to his headaches. We should know the exact date soon, but we suspect before October this year. I'm so excited. We are Renting out the house & moving back to Texas. Yay! My parents are happy that we are coming back, and are friends are also. No more 6 states, 20 hours, difference. Army said they are going to be coming in & help us pack, but some things I want to pack my self. Like the China Cabinet stuff, and my underwear. (some things are not to be touched)
Now the process on getting 3 people, 2 dogs, 2 iguanas, and "maybe" a guinea pig in a hatchback focus for 20 hours is going to be interesting.
There's really not much going on. Not of importance anyways. If you want to know more add me on FB. When adding me, just let me know that your from my blog.
Now the process on getting 3 people, 2 dogs, 2 iguanas, and "maybe" a guinea pig in a hatchback focus for 20 hours is going to be interesting.
There's really not much going on. Not of importance anyways. If you want to know more add me on FB. When adding me, just let me know that your from my blog.
January 24, 2012
I'm such a busy body....

Here is the before & after shots of the bathroom. I think I changed it a lot. I plan on doing something to cabinets but not sure just yet. But for now I'm going to work on another project until I'm sure.
I believe my next project is the kitchen. I got this wonderful idea from a fellow blogger. I don't know who she is personally, but her work is amazing. Her blog is called Lemonade.
This lady has the same type of cabinets as I do. And I just love the way she re-did them. Above is the link on the idea I have for my kitchen. Let me know what you think?!
I've just been a busy body since the New Year started. And that's a good thing. Before I've just been sitting around. Now I'm still sitting around, but I'm also throwing in some crafts/redecorating into the mix. Spencer isn't really happy about all the changes happening so fast but is happy that's it's getting done, especially since our taxes will be done soon, we will be able to get a lot more done with more money.
I do have some more, I guess you want to call it information, about the baby front, no news that I want but I will fill you in more on the Baby Blog.
Well that's all I can think of for now. Laters!
January 16, 2012
Found this site called Pinterest. And it has given me awesome ideas/projects/help/etc.
It also has introduced me to a Calendar of a Daily De-Clutter Organizer
I don't have printer but was able to find a calendar I wasn't using & copied it. I skipped out on a few items, & changed/added a few. A few days left open, due to birthday's, holidays, etc. And just a relaxing day.
Hope this works out. My house is mess & I don't feel like doing everything at once. So this calendar should work.
Once I find something else that could be useful to you. I will try to post.
It also has introduced me to a Calendar of a Daily De-Clutter Organizer
I don't have printer but was able to find a calendar I wasn't using & copied it. I skipped out on a few items, & changed/added a few. A few days left open, due to birthday's, holidays, etc. And just a relaxing day.
Hope this works out. My house is mess & I don't feel like doing everything at once. So this calendar should work.
Once I find something else that could be useful to you. I will try to post.
January 3, 2012
Bathroom Renovation
After almost 2 years of having an ugly bathroom, for our (my) New Years Resolution we finally started on the bathroom.
Behind our giant mirror is the last of the ugly wallpaper, that will be no more
The Green stripes that the previous owner thought was so amazing. Not!
My Inspiration (Shower Curtain Holder)

Painted the first coat. And finally the new light fixture that will be added later after we call an Electrician. Previous owner did something weird with the wires so ....
Stay tuned for the rest/more of the Bathroom Pics on the "Our House in Movement" section.

Stay tuned for the rest/more of the Bathroom Pics on the "Our House in Movement" section.
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