I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
December 31, 2011
I'm just so horrible posting lately. Don't know if it's the will of posting or nothing interesting to post.
Christmas was good. Hayden made out like a bandit. For being the only child, and the only grandchild. He was, well let's say "Spoiled". He got basically everything he asked for & then some. Scooter, Drum Set, Whack-a-Mole, etc.
Me& Spencer did well too. Spencer got the video games he wanted & a new Xbox controller since the other ones were sticking. He also got a new beanie (Cowboys) since Hayden stole the other one, a Cowboys coffee mug, & a Cowboys Hoodie. His mother also got him 2 extra hoodies. She doesn't bother buying me hoodies because I just use Spencer's. Spencer has like 20+ Hoodies. We are converting the Hallway closet just for those hoodies. Funny but also sad at the same time.
Me I got an iPhone, bath pillow, one of those neck pillows you can heat up in the microwave, and some earrings. The earrings I got from my mother. She got them at the Renaissance which the make their gage a tad but bigger than Department Store's so I stretched my ear open a little. I wore them all day when I got them so my ears wouldn't hurt so much later.
I've got some videos of Hayden playing the Drums & he's got rhythm. I try to post one later.
Stay tuned to the Iguanas blog. I'll post a few things soon. Nothing new on the Baby blog.
Well that's it for now.
December 14, 2011
Elf on the Shelf
Elf on the Shelf means: It's a pretty new concept-- something to get the kids to behave for Christmas because they think the Elf will go back and tell Santa if they were good or bad. So check it out.
Had an okay Halloween, could've been better. It started out rainy, so we opt. out and went to the mall, which was obviously packed. Then came home for the last hour and noticed little kids running around. So we did our turn at Trick or Treating. Hayden had fun and that's all that matters. This year his was a Red Power Ranger.
K, November. Thanksgiving....again started out good. I cooked an Amazing Dinner since I'm a Culinary Genius LOL. ... Then shortly before going to bed, got sad news. My grandmother passed away. She was living in a nursing home, with Al-chimers & Dementia, and was in & out of the Hospital from falls. But the amazing part out of this was my mother & my aunt were able to visit her the week before & she was so clear, and remembered everything. I flew to my parents & was able to help my mom & aunt with the Funeral arrangements.
December. Came back home on the 8th, and got the tree up, and this weekend we are putting up the lights. A little later than what I wanted but at least its getting up. We had to buy new lights this year since 2 strands had some lights out on it. Also still need to catch up on a few Christmas shopping trips, but know me, a ninja of shopping, I shouldn't have a problem. Lol.
Well that's it for now. Hopefully I'll get back on here soon and give you more updates. Don't forget to check out my other 2 blogs. Tomorrow I'll try to get on the Iguanas and do a little update there. Until then, ... talk to later.
October 29, 2011
October 28, 2011

So last night we had the opportunity to carve these pumpkins. Spencer did most of the cleaning out the pumpkins. We had a hard time trying to get Hayden to help out. Somehow, a few minutes later we ended up having a pumpkin gut fight in the kitchen. No, Hayden wasn't part of it. It was just Spencer & me. I can tell you one thing, we will be cleaning up pumpkin for a while. Well, we had issues with the biggest pumpkin, and when I went to pick it up after it was carved, it broke. So we had 3 pumpkins to start off with, but ended up with 2. I was soo mad at myself last night because I have never done anything like that before.
Grrrrr........but all is good. We spent the next hour picking out the pumpkin seeds so I can roast them today. A step by step is listed below.
Pumpkin Seeds!
Mix desired amount of butter, brown sugar, salt and honey in a bowl. Add the pumpkin seeds and toss to coat.
Pour the seeds onto a pan and spread them out.
Bake the seeds for 15 minutes. Remove from the oven, turn them and place them back in the oven for 15 minutes.
Remove the seeds from the oven and sprinkle with sugar. Return the pan to the oven and bake for 7 to 15 minutes & repeat once more time.
October 18, 2011
Let's see.......... July we celebrated Spencer's Birthday. August we celebrated my birthday. September I worked for 3-4 weeks, but had to quit that due to the fact that Daycare we were putting Hayden in was $120/week....and I wasn't even making $100/week. So in order to save money I had to quit & pull Hayden out of Daycare until I find another job.
My parents came in early October for a week. We went on a mini-road trip over South-Mid North Carolina. The plan was go to Asheboro Zoo, & then down to Charlotte for some shopping. Well, we still were able to do that but had a bit of scenic route first. I got town's mixed up & we ended up going through Charlotte to Asheville. Pretty but not where we needed to go. We stayed 1 night in Asheville, back tracked to Charlotte & did some shopping at the mall, & stayed a night there. Then the next morning we left & went North to Asheboro to the Zoo.
July 22, 2011
As I promised.....
I was not the girl who read or followed up on Comics or the Marvel story line when I was a kid. I was more of the Video Game, T.V., Computer girl. Come to think of it, I never really followed the movies based on books either, unless it was a school project.
I believe that The Avengers included obviously Captain America, the Hulk, Thor, Iron Man, Black Widow, (in the Comics the Fantastic Four, not sure if they are the movie), and Nick Fury. That's from just what I researched and what Spencer told me. I love the character for Nick Fury, Samuel Jackson. I think they picked the perfect person to play him, even though I know nothing about him. LOL.
So after the mid-night showing we came home and I didn't get to bed until 4am. Choice I was watching another movie on HBO. But finally woke up around 12:30, wow, I can't remember the last time I was able to sleep like that. Spencer cleaned the kitchen, and the living room.
Also, today Spencer got a call from our insurance company asking him if he still remembers what happened when he had the accident back in May. (2 months ago) Apparently the guy that hit him, even tho he has a ticket stating that he caused the accident with 2 witnesses, is still trying to fight it, stating he didn't cause the accident. Whatever dude.... ::eye roll:: .... I told Spencer that they need to put those nifty little annoying cameras on Post & then we won't have this problem.
July 20, 2011
July 10, 2011
Hayden: Mommy there's monster's outside
Me: No there's not, your fine
Hayden: What about Zombies??
Me: No, your fine.
Hayden: Daddy took care of them?
Me: Yes, baby. Daddy made them go away.
Hayden: Ahhh, okay, now I can go to sleep.
When is daddy coming home??
Me: Later while you are sleeping
Hayden: Okay, fine, I just miss daddy. He needs to kill more monsters & zombies
Me: Okay baby, go to sleep.
Hayden: I love you Mommy
July 1, 2011
New Guinea Pig Cage
June 29, 2011
Me: Yes?, you called?
Spencer: No, I didn't
Me: Yes, you did
Spencer: No, I don't think so
Me: Yes you did, twice, I was on the phone with my mother
Spencer: Ooooo, yeah, that's why you didn't answer
*eye roll* (like he can see...lol)
**Tells me something he could've texted, then says he has to go**
Yup, soo important he had to call twice....
June 28, 2011
Power Rangers Go!

June 14, 2011
Mommy & Hayden Time
When we got there, paid admission & bought a bucket of bread. We first went through it seeing a Tortoise & then a Pig (which Hayden told me on the way that he wanted to see a pig, I think he got his wish.) Lots of goats at every turn, A miniature horse, and a regular. And with my experience with Horses I showed Hayden how to feed them. By holding out your hand, making sure your fingers are next to each other, and letting them eat out of your palm. He thought that was the coolest thing since Ice Cream.

We saw some Peacocks, a bunch of ducks, quail, a donkey and some deer. We then started to continue down the path to view the alligator that didn't want to come out, which I don't blame him since the sun was out. Before we were able to do that, we were followed by the quail, geese & the ducks. I made a video of it, and is on my Facebook if you would like to view it. I may add it later. Hayden thought that was cool, but made me feel like Mother Goose being followed like that. But I guess that's what I get for carrying a bucket of bread.
Then continued on to the more treed area. We passed by the Bison area which they were on the other side so couldn't get a good picture of them. Visited the Llama, and when I went up to feed it, I prayed "Please don't spit on me". LOL. We continued and got some scenic pictures, had some fun.

There was a tree vine on the path, and I saw this as an opportunity as some goofing off by swinging. Hayden attempted it, but it was too cute. Yes I was surprised that I didn't yell out a Tarzan yell. LOL. But I had fun, a for 5 seconds, I was no longer a mom, I was a trouble maker, an example to run around and be crazy.

Okay now I'm like terrified of heights. Not sure if because of the height or if it's a fear of falling. But, we got to this bridge that was a good distance above the ground, but surprisingly I wasn't afraid. It was really cool. So I took a couple more scenic pictures. As we were leaving for the last attractions more goats, and a Camel. I took a picture of the camel but he was to far away to tell that he was in the picture. Since we had some left over bread in the bucket and these ducks were waiting soo patiently, Hayden dumped the bucket upside down. And of course I took one more picture of the goats, and ......

.....I leave you with this. "Uh, duh ....."
June 7, 2011
Sooooo......I left it for an hour to collect my thoughts on how I'm going to clean it. Because there was no, "just flushing it". I had to empty the wet, soggy, toilet paper, poop filled, wad....from the toilet that I had cleaned spotless the day before.
I ended up using my yellow cleaning gloves that I will be getting new one, a bucket with a plastic bag, and attempted not throwing up. Every second that I was in there, either looking, or even think about touching it, I was gagging. Not just because the poop was in there but for some stupid, odd reason I was gagging at the soggy, wet, toilet paper.
I can handle baby poop, dog poop, dog vomit, and sometimes other people vomit, and even some butt explosions that Hayden had produced when he was a baby, that they seem to produce out of no where..........but why is it that I can't handle wet, soggy, toilet paper. But I'm thinking about it now...I've always gagged at some of those wet napkins some restaurants give out. Odd I know
June 6, 2011
Okay so I've been MIA for a while
The next morning we took it a little slow but we got into my fathers rental care and drove to Myrtle Beach for a day. Wish we could have stayed longer. But it was nice to treat my parents to the real ocean instead of the nasty looking water at the Gulf. Hayden didn't really enjoy it that much. I don't think he really understood why the water was moving in that way. That was okay, we sat Grandma down and they built sand castles together. After that we went back to the hotel room cleaned up and went out to eat. Took the out to the Boulevard I think it's called. And ate at Laundry's. Yummy food. That night we threw Hayden in their hotel room while me & Spencer went next door and played some night Putt-Putt. It was a great date-night. Haven't had that in a while.

The rest of the week it was mainly relaxation for my parents while Spencer went to work. Went out to eat a lot, which I loved because I haven't done that in while. My dad was helped out with the yard, and got us a couple bags of Mulch, for the front flower bed. It's still a work in progress thing. I still need more flowers.
Also having my dad here we took advantage and he helped us Co-sign again. But this time on a Motorcycle for Spencer. We figured it would be cheaper for right now, to save money, cheaper on gas (since they are going up) and we couldn't afford a new car. At least for now, and I wanted my car back.
Now for today/this week I will be cleaning the house, organizing, and trying to get back to a routine. So much excitement for me! Weee!!
I also recommend checking out Cake It's from a fellow-blogger and I think this is just too funny! I was rolling.
May 21, 2011
The new song by Justin Moore-If Heaven Weren't So Far Away, really spoke to me today. Because if Heaven weren't so far away I'd be there right now celebrating his birthday with him.
It's been 7 months, but still feels like a fresh cut.

I miss you Little Brother. And love you very much, just wish you would have known that. See you later, but not now.
May 20, 2011
*dumbasses everywhere*
Got a call this morning, and thankfully, the car rental place is going to honor the price for the car, so we can keep it. I'll be talking to Spencer in a lil' bit, after he wakes up, about seeing if we can switch. Maybe. I like the rental we got. He received a convertible. Ah, I'm in love. LOL
In all the madness of everything after a year of wishing, hoping, waiting, waiting, and continue to wait. I finally got my car fixed. Sad, took this long, and in order for it to get fixed the new car had to break. Ugh!
Now we are waiting to hear from not only the insurance company, but also the car dealer ship to see when we can get another car. For a moment there yesterday we were only able to receive 95% of the damage payback, which would put us to still pay of what we owe, and until we pay that back, we couldn't get another car. Thankfully we don't have to do that, well, I dunno. Still have to wait to hear from people. Hopefully we can get a new car soon. If we can't get the same car, we are thinking of getting a truck. But hopefully get the same car so we can save on gas mileage.
May 14, 2011
Hershey the Guinea Pig

Opps...lol....got caught ^^^^^^
Craigslist had him up on the Free section. Apparently he's aggressive towards other guinea pigs. So they had to let him go. Not sure on how old he is. This will also be a good thing for Hayden. Something more to interact with other than a fish. Told Hayden that if we get him, he's gonna have to help take care of it. He agreed.

May 13, 2011
Wam, Bam
I would have posted this yesterday but Blogger was doing an update thingy. Pictures would be up later.
Two days ago our brand new car that we haven't made a single payment on yet got into 2 accidents. The 1st one DH made out to be more than it was.When the other guy was backing out of a parking spot he hit our car (parking lot)
He came home to take his meds, & eat, and then go back to work. I was able to look at the so called scratch that the other guy did, I could barley see it. Well as soon as he got back to work, they sent him home. I thought awesome.
He called me and as soon as he hung up, he stopped at a red light, waited a few seconds and the light turned green. As the safe driver as he is, he waited a few seconds and started to move. A guy, obviously running a red light and obviously speeding, slammed into my husband on the front passenger side & literally F@#$ing up the car. Having the air bags go off. The other guy's car only had bumper damage. (Oh, and he was on the phone, but the cops couldn't prove it)
My husband is a recovering TBI patient (tramatic brain injury), so they took him to the hospital & gave him a CT scan, and it came up clear so sent him home. So now we have 2 claims, and so having the other guys insurance get us a new car. Because this is B.S. Today I've gotta get my car up & running a lil' more & then go deal with our car in the junk yard, take pictures, etc.
Just a fun filled day for me!May 9, 2011
Pt.3 Conclusion
I ended up reminding him after almost half the day (that we've been awake) has passed. I eventually told him that "I was doing NOTHING today"...and he, sounding surprised, "I'm can tell". I asked him if he knew what today was, and he stopped, ducked his head, and mumbled "Shit". He knew.....
He told me he was Sorry, and he felt like an a**hole. I accepted his apology but still didn't forgive him.
I'm not really big on tattle telling on my husband on the internet, but he hurt my feelings. Yes, I know it wasn't my birthday, or our anniversary. But Mother's Day is a big this for me. It's to celebrate me, being a mommy.
(I knew yesterday wasn't gonna turn out good)
May 8, 2011
Pt. 2
So far this morning, I have not been able to sleep in, where he has. I have bagged up the trash, unloaded & loaded the dishwasher, told my son to do multiple things. And for what, nothing to be appreciated. This is my day to be appreciated & I'm getting the complete opposite. I'm not expecting bubble baths, back massage, breakfast in bed, etc, but a simple Happy Mother's Day. But so far, nothing, but a headache.
Happy Mother's Day to me.
Happy Mother's Day!!
May 5, 2011
Before I was a Mom
or forgot words to a lullaby.
I didn't worry whether or not
my plants were poisonous.
I had never been puked on.
Pooped on.
Chewed on.
Peed on.
I had complete control of my mind
and my thoughts.
I slept all night .
I never held down a screaming child
so doctors could do tests.
Or give shots.
I never looked into teary eyes and cried.
I never got gloriously happy over a simple grin.
I never sat up late hours at night
watching a baby sleep .
I never held a sleeping baby just because
I didn't want to put her down.
I never felt my heart break into a million pieces
when I couldn't stop the hurt.
I never knew that something so small
could affect my life so much.
I never knew that I could love someone so much. I never knew I would love being a Mom .
I didn't know the feeling of
having my heart outside my body..
I didn't know how special it could feel
to feed a hungry baby.
I didn't know that bond
between a mother and her child.
I didn't know that something so small
could make me feel so important and happy .
I had never gotten up in the middle of the night
every 10 minutes to make sure all was okay.
I had never known the warmth,
the joy,
the love,
the heartache,
the wonderment
or the satisfaction of being a Mom.
I didn't know I was capable of feeling so much,
before I was a Mom.
May you always be overwhelmed by the Grace of God rather than by the cares of life.
May 2, 2011
Justice Has Come
As a military wife, I feel very, very strongly about this. Not only am I happy that he's dead, but families of the 9/11 Victims finally have Justice. And Yes, Justice is the correct word, no where in the sense cheesy. Yes, the war is not over, and yes it took 10 years to get to this point but it's one step closer to a long road. A lot of lives were lost on 9/11, and a lot of more lives were lost during the war, but now those families can rest in peace knowing that the one person who started this whole mess, causing those deaths, is finally dead. And I believe that it is something to celebrate.
Yes, it is possible that someone will take his place. But we just proved that Justice will be answered for. And if anyone who tries to do this again, you will be caught, you will be punished for it, and you will die.
Here is a poem I guess you would call it, that I copied from one of my Facebook friends. I thought it was really neat.
"Now I lay me down to sleep, one less terrorist this world does keep. With all my heart, I give my thanks, to those in uniform regardless of ranks. You serve our country and serve it well, with humble hearts your stories tell. So as I rest my weary eyes, while freedom rings our flag still flies. You give your all, do what you must... with God we live and God we trust, Amen"
April 26, 2011
ANEW SOLAR ADVANCE Sunscreen Body & Face Lotion :: Sun exposure can cause visible signs of aging. Protect, Repair, & Reverse the Damages the Sun causes. :: Just in time before Summer!

Face--45SPF................................... Body--30SPF
Skin looks and feels dramatically tighter and toned. Dramatically reduces the look of wrinkles and visibly diminishes discolorations.