When we got there, paid admission & bought a bucket of bread. We first went through it seeing a Tortoise & then a Pig (which Hayden told me on the way that he wanted to see a pig, I think he got his wish.) Lots of goats at every turn, A miniature horse, and a regular. And with my experience with Horses I showed Hayden how to feed them. By holding out your hand, making sure your fingers are next to each other, and letting them eat out of your palm. He thought that was the coolest thing since Ice Cream.

We saw some Peacocks, a bunch of ducks, quail, a donkey and some deer. We then started to continue down the path to view the alligator that didn't want to come out, which I don't blame him since the sun was out. Before we were able to do that, we were followed by the quail, geese & the ducks. I made a video of it, and is on my Facebook if you would like to view it. I may add it later. Hayden thought that was cool, but made me feel like Mother Goose being followed like that. But I guess that's what I get for carrying a bucket of bread.
Then continued on to the more treed area. We passed by the Bison area which they were on the other side so couldn't get a good picture of them. Visited the Llama, and when I went up to feed it, I prayed "Please don't spit on me". LOL. We continued and got some scenic pictures, had some fun.

There was a tree vine on the path, and I saw this as an opportunity as some goofing off by swinging. Hayden attempted it, but it was too cute. Yes I was surprised that I didn't yell out a Tarzan yell. LOL. But I had fun, a for 5 seconds, I was no longer a mom, I was a trouble maker, an example to run around and be crazy.

Okay now I'm like terrified of heights. Not sure if because of the height or if it's a fear of falling. But, we got to this bridge that was a good distance above the ground, but surprisingly I wasn't afraid. It was really cool. So I took a couple more scenic pictures. As we were leaving for the last attractions more goats, and a Camel. I took a picture of the camel but he was to far away to tell that he was in the picture. Since we had some left over bread in the bucket and these ducks were waiting soo patiently, Hayden dumped the bucket upside down. And of course I took one more picture of the goats, and ......

.....I leave you with this. "Uh, duh ....."
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