When I went into being a Representative for Avon...I was just looking into it for money. I wasn't really thinking as for my using much of it. I mean I've only been in it for about 2 months now so I'm still giving it time. I mean...advertising is the main issue, because once I get talking to someone I have no problem, but getting the word out there is the issue. I always hated, still do, having someone coming to my door and soliciting...so I've been leaving them by the door/porch/etc. But as a family of 3, and only 1 car, it's hard to get out there...ya know?
Guess maybe I should've gone with Pampered Chef...since I like cooking. Maybe I can do both....I dunno...I'm going to stick with Avon for a little while longer and if nothing I'll switch to something else. It should pick up since I'm going through the airport(s) next week so "BROCHURES AHOY!!"
Hahaha! Anywho...hopefully while I'm in Texas I can get my transcripts from my High School & College so I can sign up and take classes this next semester....of course I'm going to need my car fixed before then, and also get Hayden set up for daycare...and all that wonderful fun stuff.
I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
September 29, 2010
September 28, 2010
OMG! Yesterday was sooo traumatic for me...went into the kitchen & the roach from the garage decided to come into the kitchen and go belly up for me. Worst part was that it wasn't dead. When I went to "TRY" to take care of it, I scooted the dust pan towards it and it started to kick it's legs. At that point I start screaming & freaking out. Next I grab the can of Raid from the garage and drown it, I think I used half the can. I waited 30 minutes before I went back in there with the vacuum hose and sucked it up. I was still freaking out because when I sucked it up I felt it hit the sides of the hose where my hand was.
Now the reason why I'm so freaking scared of these damn f'ers is because 5-6 years ago I was at my friend Christie's house. She had this tree that hung over the driveway (it was like 10pm-11pm ), I was holding a flashlight for her aunt so she could see inside the car since the light went out and I soon then felt something on my head. Yup, your right, a roach! I start freaking out I drop the flashlight and started screaming, then more of them start to fall.
At this point I am freaking the "F" out and I'm running down the street screaming without a shirt. About 10-15 minutes later, cops show up, and I had to apologize for freaking out like that. The cop gave me a warning and drove off. I soon then got in my car and drove off myself freaking the fuck out.
Never been the same since. LOL
So Christie and me now have our own site. It is called Tutu's, Tote's & More. I originally had this site created for my crafts, but recently Christie has started making Tutu's & Bows, etc so I figured that we should combine our creative selves and our minds together and make a site. Now, my part of the creative-ness won't be available until I get back from Texas but Christie's is still good to go. I know not a good way to start a site, but it was kinda out of the blue.
I can't remember if I told you if I was going to Texas yet or not. (I'm not going back and searching right now) But anyways, me and Hayden are going to Texas in Oct. Spencer won't be joining us, :( , because he's going to be doing some training for the Army. (sorry can't tell you where, or when) BUT, we are still going to have fun. Going to the Texas Renaissance Festival too. I think I have been EVERY year except for the year Hayden was born. Too close to the due date, etc. Wasn't going to chance it. But anywho, I can't wait. Hayden will be old enough this year to do more stuff and understand it.
Now the reason why I'm so freaking scared of these damn f'ers is because 5-6 years ago I was at my friend Christie's house. She had this tree that hung over the driveway (it was like 10pm-11pm ), I was holding a flashlight for her aunt so she could see inside the car since the light went out and I soon then felt something on my head. Yup, your right, a roach! I start freaking out I drop the flashlight and started screaming, then more of them start to fall.
At this point I am freaking the "F" out and I'm running down the street screaming without a shirt. About 10-15 minutes later, cops show up, and I had to apologize for freaking out like that. The cop gave me a warning and drove off. I soon then got in my car and drove off myself freaking the fuck out.
Never been the same since. LOL
So Christie and me now have our own site. It is called Tutu's, Tote's & More. I originally had this site created for my crafts, but recently Christie has started making Tutu's & Bows, etc so I figured that we should combine our creative selves and our minds together and make a site. Now, my part of the creative-ness won't be available until I get back from Texas but Christie's is still good to go. I know not a good way to start a site, but it was kinda out of the blue.
I can't remember if I told you if I was going to Texas yet or not. (I'm not going back and searching right now) But anyways, me and Hayden are going to Texas in Oct. Spencer won't be joining us, :( , because he's going to be doing some training for the Army. (sorry can't tell you where, or when) BUT, we are still going to have fun. Going to the Texas Renaissance Festival too. I think I have been EVERY year except for the year Hayden was born. Too close to the due date, etc. Wasn't going to chance it. But anywho, I can't wait. Hayden will be old enough this year to do more stuff and understand it.
September 25, 2010
Okay so I started some new stuff. I have obviously had a Youtube channel/ account. Well I have decided to make it/turn it into a VLOG. What's a vlog? Well, that's basically like putting your life on Youtube. Like for example, this is a blog, your reading it, your reading what's going on in my life....but if I turn it into a Vlog, it is a video blog. Get it??...good!
I got this idea from another Youtube blogger that I'm actually subscribed to called ShayTards, I know weird name but sooo funny. Anyways he's been on Youtube for like 2-3 years. Possibly 2 going to 3, but anyways. I don't want to really copy him or anything, but I'm going to start off that way. I already have some videos on there for my Avon, but being a stay-at-home mom, working for Avon, having a kid and 2 dogs, and a husband that works all the time....gotta keep myself busy. There are going to be some limits, having my hubby dear in the military I can't show you everything. So if I film something that can't be seen or Spencer doesn't want it to be public I'll be cutting it out. Sooooooo.....
http://www.youtube.com/user/SHAYTARDS <----------Channel I'm subscribed to
http://www.youtube.com/user/adburgett23 <-----------My Youtube Site
.........anyways check out those two links, have fun. And don't forget to check out my other blog that I link ALL of my Avon stuff on. Just click on my picture on the side and scroll down. Not hard to miss.
I got this idea from another Youtube blogger that I'm actually subscribed to called ShayTards, I know weird name but sooo funny. Anyways he's been on Youtube for like 2-3 years. Possibly 2 going to 3, but anyways. I don't want to really copy him or anything, but I'm going to start off that way. I already have some videos on there for my Avon, but being a stay-at-home mom, working for Avon, having a kid and 2 dogs, and a husband that works all the time....gotta keep myself busy. There are going to be some limits, having my hubby dear in the military I can't show you everything. So if I film something that can't be seen or Spencer doesn't want it to be public I'll be cutting it out. Sooooooo.....
http://www.youtube.com/user/SHAYTARDS <----------Channel I'm subscribed to
http://www.youtube.com/user/adburgett23 <-----------My Youtube Site
.........anyways check out those two links, have fun. And don't forget to check out my other blog that I link ALL of my Avon stuff on. Just click on my picture on the side and scroll down. Not hard to miss.
September 22, 2010
Brother and Sister Dental Odyssey
No this is not anyone I know...this video was just really funny so I had to share! Enjoy!
September 20, 2010
Snot, flem, and baby rub
Thank goodness Hayden is feeling better today. Still has a cough but def. better than what it sounded like last night. I ended up going up to Wal-mart since Walgreens was closed. I got him some more Benadryl and some baby rub to go on his back and chest. Had to be careful with the baby rub though because it's from the makers of Vicks, and Spencer can't have Vicks anywhere near his lungs. Can't remember what he said what happens to him but I'm guessing make the matter worse. But Hayden got that put on his back last night and he passed out. Woke up a little earlier this morning but I would too if I was coughing that much. Before the coughing he had the sniffles, so hopefully this coughing will be done and over with soon.
18 more days till I leave for Houston. Can't wait. Not a big fan of flying but I'm not driving the 20 hours by myself with Hayden from here to Houston. Not gonna happen, plus my mom would kill me.
Hopefully when I take my trip through the airport I can drop off a few brochures at random places to boost my sales through Avon. I'm just hoping that business with Avon gets better. I know everyone doing a at home business deal like what I'm doing has a rough start but I'm keeping on trying.
Don't forget that I made an Avon blog. You can get to it by clicking on my picture on the side bar and it will take it straight to it. It should be able to help you know all the new products that are coming out. I'm linking all my videos from YouTube to them, and all the news, specials, etc. If there is anything that you would like to see let me know and I'll do my best to add it.
18 more days till I leave for Houston. Can't wait. Not a big fan of flying but I'm not driving the 20 hours by myself with Hayden from here to Houston. Not gonna happen, plus my mom would kill me.
Hopefully when I take my trip through the airport I can drop off a few brochures at random places to boost my sales through Avon. I'm just hoping that business with Avon gets better. I know everyone doing a at home business deal like what I'm doing has a rough start but I'm keeping on trying.
Don't forget that I made an Avon blog. You can get to it by clicking on my picture on the side bar and it will take it straight to it. It should be able to help you know all the new products that are coming out. I'm linking all my videos from YouTube to them, and all the news, specials, etc. If there is anything that you would like to see let me know and I'll do my best to add it.
September 16, 2010
Okay Mommy has had enough. I'm tired of it. When Spencer comes home today I am going grocery shopping by MYSELF! No followers, just me, myself, and I. Don't be surprised that I take forever, or go to a bar and get a drink or two. Mommy needs a break. And since a certain someone only behaves when another certain someone is home, that certain someone can watch the other certain someone for while.
I actually considered switching places with Spencer last night for about a week. He can be Mr. Mom, and I'll go to work. Yup, I think that will work. At least for a week. He thinks my job is so fucking easy. I know his is hard and shit and I'm not saying it's not but he thinks that he will do a great job at it. Yeah....okay.....so that's why when I came home last night from Verizon he was still on the computer....still haven't taken a shower....and the kid destroyed the living room, oh and still haven't eaten. Sure......good fucking job.
I actually considered switching places with Spencer last night for about a week. He can be Mr. Mom, and I'll go to work. Yup, I think that will work. At least for a week. He thinks my job is so fucking easy. I know his is hard and shit and I'm not saying it's not but he thinks that he will do a great job at it. Yeah....okay.....so that's why when I came home last night from Verizon he was still on the computer....still haven't taken a shower....and the kid destroyed the living room, oh and still haven't eaten. Sure......good fucking job.
September 15, 2010
Wow Okay, well I have spent the last oh I don't know 2 hours working on getting a stain out of my carpet in the closet. Guess, go ahead and guess what it is?...................nothing...................Nail Polish. And not just any type of nail polish, it is HOT PINK. Oh and it wasn't just a little ... it was the whole dang bottle, well, except for a drop or two. Go ahead and guess who caused that stain/mess.......yup you guessed it right, MR. Hayden.
I heard him crying (cuz he knows he's in trouble) and I'm walking into the living room and I already smell it. I'm like what the hell is that smell. I see pink on his foot so I'm already thinking, CRAP! So I follow the smell and low and behold, HOT PINK NAIL POLISH. Just what I needed for the day. To clean, like I don't have enough already.
I will post pictures later. I'm going to go soak it some more.
I heard him crying (cuz he knows he's in trouble) and I'm walking into the living room and I already smell it. I'm like what the hell is that smell. I see pink on his foot so I'm already thinking, CRAP! So I follow the smell and low and behold, HOT PINK NAIL POLISH. Just what I needed for the day. To clean, like I don't have enough already.
I will post pictures later. I'm going to go soak it some more.
September 14, 2010
As you can tell I have deleted 2-3 tabs above. I have removed the New Discoveries tab, because if I found something interesting I'll be sharing it with you anyways. I also removed the Avon tab. I have opened up a new blog. So if you would like to go to that click on my picture on the side and you will be able to get to it. It will have my YouTube videos and everything Avon/Mark, etc. Hope you enjoy.
No new additions of stories lately. I really am trying to get on here regularly but when nothing to talk about happens, kind of hard to write about nothing.
No new additions of stories lately. I really am trying to get on here regularly but when nothing to talk about happens, kind of hard to write about nothing.
September 9, 2010
Early Morning?...I think so
Okay so far this morning has been some what interesting. Had to drive Spencer to work....at 5am. I haven't taken him to work in a very long time. I think the last time I've taken him to work was back before he deployed. Which is a long time... It was really funny coming back home the freeway was so backed up for the gates it went on forever. It looked like 2 strings of Christmas Lights. It's just as bad as traffic in Houston. So made it home and had Hayden lay in my bed for at least a good hour watching the end of some movie on HBO. It's actually kinda sad that at 6am there is nothing on T.V. until at least 7:00-7:30am.
But it's all good. I needed to wake up this early anyways, so I can deliver my brochures. Which I've been putting off for a while. I still need to make out notes and put them in the bags, which I think I need to make 25-30 notes. So I've got to make the note short as possible so I'm not writing forever.
But it's all good. I needed to wake up this early anyways, so I can deliver my brochures. Which I've been putting off for a while. I still need to make out notes and put them in the bags, which I think I need to make 25-30 notes. So I've got to make the note short as possible so I'm not writing forever.
September 8, 2010
Avon Animal Testing
So a friend of mine asked a very important question yesterday about Avon products. If anyone is particular about their make-up (I know I am) and are against Animal Testing. We DO NOT test on animals.
Click Here to My Site
Avon is known for its leading efforts to eliminate animal testing. On June 2, 1989, Avon became the first major cosmetic company to announce a permanent end to animal testing on all Avon-manufactured products. In place of animal testing, our safety evaluation process utilizes data from in-vitro tests (test tube/cell culture) or clinical tests (on human volunteers), and references existing animal-testing data.
Click Here for ReferenceClick Here to My Site
September 5, 2010
A day in the life of....
Okay so once again ... on a weekend I may add..that I had to do everything by myself. Omg, he irritates me soo much sometimes. Yes, I know that's a guy's duty to do but I can only take so much. It's like 9-10am before the heat of the day was going to hit. I gave him PLENTY of time to wake up, considering we woke up at the same time. I told him that I was going to get dressed and go outside and mow the front yard.
Okay I like having a clean cut yard, I don't want it looking like trash. Also, since I took down those fences I needed to run over those spots to even out the yard.
Anyways, I went outside and mowed, edged, and took the leaf (grass) blower to everything. I'm finishing up edging on the side and Spencer comes out and says, "I was going to do that". I laughed, I couldn't help it. Sorry but ummm...if you were going to do it, you should have been out here helping me DO IT, and not play that damn stupid game.
Which in fact, he played that damn f-ing game ALL day! I even went to sleep without him. There's no telling what time he decided to come to bed. Oh, there was one thing he did do. Make pasta. He also wanted to go for a walk at one time and it was like 730-8pm...yes I want to take my 2 year old son walking while it is pitch black outside.
I was watching t.v. at one point and he said he was off, nope...5 minutes later he got back on. Whatever. All I know is that mess he made in the kitchen last night, I'm gonna end up cleaning it.
Okay I like having a clean cut yard, I don't want it looking like trash. Also, since I took down those fences I needed to run over those spots to even out the yard.
Anyways, I went outside and mowed, edged, and took the leaf (grass) blower to everything. I'm finishing up edging on the side and Spencer comes out and says, "I was going to do that". I laughed, I couldn't help it. Sorry but ummm...if you were going to do it, you should have been out here helping me DO IT, and not play that damn stupid game.
Which in fact, he played that damn f-ing game ALL day! I even went to sleep without him. There's no telling what time he decided to come to bed. Oh, there was one thing he did do. Make pasta. He also wanted to go for a walk at one time and it was like 730-8pm...yes I want to take my 2 year old son walking while it is pitch black outside.
I was watching t.v. at one point and he said he was off, nope...5 minutes later he got back on. Whatever. All I know is that mess he made in the kitchen last night, I'm gonna end up cleaning it.
September 3, 2010
My Grandfather's Pickles
Okay so far today seems to be okay. No stupid questions...blah blah blah. Now with the whole Avon thing, I'm actually getting really bored with it. I know it's only been like 2 weeks since I started but this whole making sure the brochures are out to everybody kind of thing, isn't really my thing. I truthfully I don't even know why I signed up for this. I hardly wear much make-up to begin with. I usually where eyeliner and eyeshadow and if I have some important thing to go to I wear foundation. Yeah, Avon is more than just make-up, it has fragrances, and bath & body stuff but the beauty department life really isn't what I wanted to do with my life. I've always been about food, cooking, baking, etc.
Now my mom just recently just gave me my grandfather's recipe for making Hot & Dill Pickles. Now that's something I can do. Turn my grandfather's pickles into a profit. Now I'm not talking about going big like the ones you see in the store. I'm talking about Flea Markets, or Farmer's Markets. That's something that's in my area. Plus I want to do something that is going to make me happy. And Avon...not really.
I am going to give Avon a try though. Possibly when I get the pickle making going, I can do Avon part-time. Just for a few extra bucks. But I truthfully think making my grandfather's pickles will be a better, happier, and not time wasting job/hobby.
Now my mom just recently just gave me my grandfather's recipe for making Hot & Dill Pickles. Now that's something I can do. Turn my grandfather's pickles into a profit. Now I'm not talking about going big like the ones you see in the store. I'm talking about Flea Markets, or Farmer's Markets. That's something that's in my area. Plus I want to do something that is going to make me happy. And Avon...not really.
I am going to give Avon a try though. Possibly when I get the pickle making going, I can do Avon part-time. Just for a few extra bucks. But I truthfully think making my grandfather's pickles will be a better, happier, and not time wasting job/hobby.
September 2, 2010
Another Day Another Drama

So I've done it again. I haven't been on Twitter for for like a year at the least. I got back in it. Not sure why. (Mom, please don't sign up for Twitter, you have to much stuff already) Basically lately I've been just trying to get the word out online that I'm working with Avon. I guess I'm doing okay in the business. Hasn't been a full month yet. So as some businesses go you've got to give them time. Spend money to make money. Well me not so much of the spending part.
OMG! I woke up this morning at 7:20am to the damn doorbell and the dogs barking. Of course that woke up Hayden. But this dude at the door asked if he could take the stuff by the side of the road. Ummmm....DUH! That's why at it's on the side of the road aka CURB! It's like an unwritten rule that once someone doesn't want it anymore and it's too big for the trash they "Curb It". Free to all may want. I just really hope today isn't "Ask Stupid Question Day". I'm sorry but DUMBASS!
Yesterday Spencer got paid and he said we are going to Buffalo Wild Wings. So we got there and by the time we sat down and got our food it was 2HOURS!! And it took 30 freaking minutes for our ticket to get to our table. So much for going grocery shopping. It was soo freaking slow, we only gave our server a dollar. She should have been happy she got that. They supposedly dropped Hayden's food and had to remake it. But we had 3 different people come to our table and tell us a different story on why Hayden's food still wasn't there. Lies! The server said she put Hayden's order in with the appetizer so it would be out faster. NOPE...it was after we got our food. And with the normal food..our fries were cold. And we had to ask multiple times for napkins and refills.
I'm sorry. I'm a server..I mean was a server. I worked in 3 different restaurants. If you can't handle your job ASK FOR HELP! Don't be afraid to ask for help. You get more "respect" from the customers, and your co-workers if you ask for help. And don't take on more that you can handle too. If you have to many tables and you can't do it, your going to struggle and piss off your customers.
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