We had a blast. We got to the hotel around 2 o'clock. Had enough time to go down stairs a swim for a little bit before Supper and then our session. The whole seminar was about bringing families together and making bonds stronger. Well, I thought the whole thing was a load of crap. Like I need someone else telling me on how to raise my family. Some of the information was good and there were jokes but the other stuff I just sat there, like "why the hell are we doing this?". We had an hour and a half seminar on Friday, 2-hour and half on Saturday and a two hour one on Sunday. Thank goodness, they provided babysitting because there was NO way that Hayden would sit through that B.S. that long. They did let us loose around noon on Saturday so we can go have fun.
Hayden ended up taking a nap around 4-5ish along with me. All that excitement just got to him. LOL
He kinda, enjoyed the beach, he wasn't too sure about the waves coming in. But I was having a blast. So much clearer than Galveston beaches, and not just the water I'm talking about.
Maybe next time we go he might enjoy the water a little bit more. That's okay, we spent most of our time in the pool anyways. They had 3 different sections for the little kids (toddler), a section for people to play basketball (yes in the water), 4 hot tubs, a lazy river, and a normal pool. You better believe we hit ALL of them.
Wish I got more sun than what I got, but that's okay I still have a backyard I can tan in. Speaking of that, 4th of July is coming up soon. Can't wait to do some Hot Dogs, Hamburgers, Steaks, etc. And Spencer will be happy because he can fire off some Fireworks. Hope they still work. We bought them 2 years ago and only used half of them.
I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
June 27, 2010
June 23, 2010
June 21, 2010
5 Stars

I am sooo excited about this weekend. This weekend the Army is sending us (me, Spencer and Hayden) to a 5 Star Resort in Myrtle Beach, NC. Right on the beach. The only catch is we have to go to this seminar but that is fine. I've got the dogs set up for the vet. to drop off on Friday and pick up on Monday. This week before we go I'm going to be getting all the laundry done and Thursday I will be packing and making sure we have everything. I can't wait. The Army finally came through with something other than screwing with us. They have it set up were when we show up on Friday a paid for Supper, on Saturday paid for breakfast and lunch but we've got to pay for supper, and finally on Sunday before we leave a paid for breakfast. Ahhh I can't wait. Relaxation here I come.
And to top off the deal, the Resort has a brand new Kids Water section. Doesn't that look soo cool. I think Hayden will have a blast. Hell, I'll have a blast. LOL. There's more pics but you can see those later.

June 20, 2010
Father's Day (part 3)
Father's Day (part 2)
So far so good. This morning I had Spencer fix the garbage disposal, but that's it. He's been playing on his game some more and he had to run to post to get something for this week coming but I think he's having a good father's day.
Oh another is happening today. Christie is hopefully having the baby either tonight or tomorrow. She woke up this morning around 9am and her water broke. Yup, I think Ms. Brooklyn is finally ready to come see the world. And in perfect timing for Father's Day. At least now we know why she was taking her sweet time. As of an hour ago still no
change, well except for the contractions.
Patient Mommy & Daddy waiting for their arrival.
Oh another is happening today. Christie is hopefully having the baby either tonight or tomorrow. She woke up this morning around 9am and her water broke. Yup, I think Ms. Brooklyn is finally ready to come see the world. And in perfect timing for Father's Day. At least now we know why she was taking her sweet time. As of an hour ago still no

Patient Mommy & Daddy waiting for their arrival.
Happy Father's Day!
Happy Father's Day to all the Dad's out there. Letting Spencer sleep in today, of course he also stayed up to 4am playing his game so I kinda got to let him. Have nothing really special planned out for him. I would though if we had the money. It's good thing too because he said all he wanted was me and Hayden to be here. I basically said "DONE". He wasn't here last year, due to the damn Army. But at least this one he can spend with his family and I can either make it up on his birthday or next year. I wanted to get him a new grill so maybe I can get that for his birthday.
Well, a little update on the front yard re-do/construction. Me, Myself and I, finished on taking down one of those towers in the drive-way. I am a little pissed at Spencer for that because yesterday I was finishing up on it and he's inside play his damn game while I'm out there not only sweating my ass off but hurting myself in the process. I also cleaned the garage too, on top of that. So I'm still on talking terms with him but I am a little pissed. He made up for some of it by cooking supper, so it's all good.
That was soo cool. As I was sitting here a little Finch, I think, flew up to the window and started chirping. I had the window cracked a little bit, and Rebecca saw it and was about to jump for it. She had that bird in her sight. I'm hoping it will come back longer so I can get a picture of it. It would be so cool. I know, I'm a little corny but it's not everyday that you can have a bird on your window.
Well, a little update on the front yard re-do/construction. Me, Myself and I, finished on taking down one of those towers in the drive-way. I am a little pissed at Spencer for that because yesterday I was finishing up on it and he's inside play his damn game while I'm out there not only sweating my ass off but hurting myself in the process. I also cleaned the garage too, on top of that. So I'm still on talking terms with him but I am a little pissed. He made up for some of it by cooking supper, so it's all good.
That was soo cool. As I was sitting here a little Finch, I think, flew up to the window and started chirping. I had the window cracked a little bit, and Rebecca saw it and was about to jump for it. She had that bird in her sight. I'm hoping it will come back longer so I can get a picture of it. It would be so cool. I know, I'm a little corny but it's not everyday that you can have a bird on your window.
June 18, 2010
Omg!...now I'm probably over-reacting a little bit but come on. Okay here's the deal. I had called a friend of mine (Amber) to babysit Hayden because Spencer wanted to take me out last night. Well, I ended up canceling that because Spencer said his friends wife (Ashley) was going to babysit. I met her a few times and hung out with her so it wasn't like a total stranger was going to watch him. So Ashley is pregnant, so watching Hayden would be good practice, and Hayden is a good kid. So we ended up driving 30 miles just to drop Hayden off at his place around 8-815. Ashley's husband, Spencer's friend(Tyler), said we had to be back at 10 to pick him up because it was cutting into his sleeping time.
Okay first, he's in the Army so he should be used to not have sleep. Second, he's about to have a child of his own so he's going to be screwed on sleep. And third, if he didn't want to be so called "sleep deprived", he shouldn't have volunteered to babysit. Wait, let me correct myself, shouldn't have volunteered his wife, who didn't say shit when I walked in.
So we left shortly after dropping him off, and got to the bar around 845, and we were there maybe 30 minutes before I started getting calls from Tyler saying, "You need to come pick him up". Okay we told him that we would be leaving the bar around 10 and be there to pick him up shortly after. We were there an hour. An HOUR! Oooohhhh...I had sooo much fun spending an hour at the F***ing bar!
Like I said, I maybe over-reacting but I hardly ever get to go out and do something for myself. Without a 2-year old up my ass. I deserve a little bit longer than an hour. Especially after everything I do, not jut for Hayden either. I can tell you one thing, I'm never having Ashley and Tyler babysit ever again. (unless its life and death but that's a different story) Until then, Amber is going to do. She at least has a child and knows how a child can be. I would invited her along other than she's under age right now, and I hardly see her drink anyways.
Okay first, he's in the Army so he should be used to not have sleep. Second, he's about to have a child of his own so he's going to be screwed on sleep. And third, if he didn't want to be so called "sleep deprived", he shouldn't have volunteered to babysit. Wait, let me correct myself, shouldn't have volunteered his wife, who didn't say shit when I walked in.
So we left shortly after dropping him off, and got to the bar around 845, and we were there maybe 30 minutes before I started getting calls from Tyler saying, "You need to come pick him up". Okay we told him that we would be leaving the bar around 10 and be there to pick him up shortly after. We were there an hour. An HOUR! Oooohhhh...I had sooo much fun spending an hour at the F***ing bar!
Like I said, I maybe over-reacting but I hardly ever get to go out and do something for myself. Without a 2-year old up my ass. I deserve a little bit longer than an hour. Especially after everything I do, not jut for Hayden either. I can tell you one thing, I'm never having Ashley and Tyler babysit ever again. (unless its life and death but that's a different story) Until then, Amber is going to do. She at least has a child and knows how a child can be. I would invited her along other than she's under age right now, and I hardly see her drink anyways.
June 16, 2010
I can't believe it....
I know at my age I shouldn't be worried about weight but for 2 years my abs haven't been the same. Well, you know after Hayden. I was lucky. I lost almost all of my baby fat. But please don't put this as complaining, because I am really happy I lost it. But a couple days ago I couldn't fit into my pants, size 5 (I know, I know, I'm lucky so shhh), and I noticed in a couple of pictures I've been taking that my face has gotten a little rounder. I wouldn't mind it, if I was pregnant, but I'm not. So it kinda bothers me, I've always been skinny and would like to stay that way. I look at my stomach with any kinda of pants/shorts, and I notice that I have a muffin top. Plus, I asked Spencer and told him to be totally honest. I know bad thing but he said that I was kinda was putting a little weight on. Which kinda made me a little depressed because I in a way I knew about it for a while but didn't do much to prevent it.
I am not going to go out into a public pool with a 2 piece kinda thing. Like I said, I'm not complaining (much) but the muffin top has got to go. So walks, and a little exercising, and getting rid of some junk food. Junk food is my problem, I eat when I'm bored. Plus this would Hayden out of the house and have him be healthy too. I mean I'm not going to be this health freak but at least be healthier and active, instead of a couch potato.
I've been a healthy person. I mean I had issues but not life threathening. You know like UTI's, Bladder infections, PID, normal stuff. Nothing like heart or lung problems. But maybe if I cut out some junk food I can stay healthy. Well not that my age is a problem but it needed to come to this soon. One thing I can't cut out but can reduce is caffeine. I am horrible with Dr. Pepper. LOL. Dr. Pepper is like my drug.
I am not going to go out into a public pool with a 2 piece kinda thing. Like I said, I'm not complaining (much) but the muffin top has got to go. So walks, and a little exercising, and getting rid of some junk food. Junk food is my problem, I eat when I'm bored. Plus this would Hayden out of the house and have him be healthy too. I mean I'm not going to be this health freak but at least be healthier and active, instead of a couch potato.
I've been a healthy person. I mean I had issues but not life threathening. You know like UTI's, Bladder infections, PID, normal stuff. Nothing like heart or lung problems. But maybe if I cut out some junk food I can stay healthy. Well not that my age is a problem but it needed to come to this soon. One thing I can't cut out but can reduce is caffeine. I am horrible with Dr. Pepper. LOL. Dr. Pepper is like my drug.
June 15, 2010
Oh man I love going to bed with a massive headache and waking up and no headache. Last night I went to bed around 1130 after taking a Vicodin and half and a Phenergan (nausea), and 10 hours later of wonderful sleep, I feel amazing. Hungry like crazy, but sooo much better. I have sooo much energy today, gotta go to Target again and buy another pair of sunglasses. They keep breaking. This time they broke in my purse, Hayden was swinging it around so I get either he dropped it or hit it against something. Anywho, I still need another pair of sunglasses to drive with. Then off to Walmart to finish up on the grocery shopping. Fun Fun Fun.
Yeah, Spencer told me last night that if my sunglasses keep on breaking that I'm going to get the more expensive/durable sunglasses. I was like okay, I think I can do that. HA! A shopping I will go, a shopping I will go, hi-ho-cherrio, a shopping I will go. Wow. I know I'm so weird. LOL.
Yeah, Spencer told me last night that if my sunglasses keep on breaking that I'm going to get the more expensive/durable sunglasses. I was like okay, I think I can do that. HA! A shopping I will go, a shopping I will go, hi-ho-cherrio, a shopping I will go. Wow. I know I'm so weird. LOL.
June 12, 2010
Am I really?
So the other day Spencer told me that his buddies at work think I'm intimidating when they first meet me. Not sure if this is a good thing. Like they expect me to be a total bitch or something. We are going to a party tonight so lets see if notice anything with the new guys. LOL. When I think of it, it's kinda funny, because truthfully if I wanted to be a bitch, I can do bitch. It won't be a problem. I told Spencer that and he was like, "Noooo", and then I laughed.
Another random two year old thing just happened. Hayden came up to me, sat down, layed his head down on my stomach, and then quickly bounced up and said,"I want Ice Cream". Ummmm, okay. I didn't have anything else to say besides, "Go ask Daddy". Next thing I heard, Spencer saying, "We don't have Ice Cream, why did you tell him to come ask me?".Like I knew. LOL. And of course now he's moved onto Nemo Gummy. He's now sitting in the middle of the living room floor swaying side to side saying, "Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy". Funny how quickly their minds switch to one thing after another. Ha!
I'm having a hard time typing right now, my space bar is sticking and I'm having to slam down on it. Gonna go clean it now, and get Spencer dressed since he rushed me and Hayden to get dressed for this party. Laters!
Another random two year old thing just happened. Hayden came up to me, sat down, layed his head down on my stomach, and then quickly bounced up and said,"I want Ice Cream". Ummmm, okay. I didn't have anything else to say besides, "Go ask Daddy". Next thing I heard, Spencer saying, "We don't have Ice Cream, why did you tell him to come ask me?".Like I knew. LOL. And of course now he's moved onto Nemo Gummy. He's now sitting in the middle of the living room floor swaying side to side saying, "Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy, Nemo Gummy". Funny how quickly their minds switch to one thing after another. Ha!
I'm having a hard time typing right now, my space bar is sticking and I'm having to slam down on it. Gonna go clean it now, and get Spencer dressed since he rushed me and Hayden to get dressed for this party. Laters!
June 10, 2010
Update: it's been a while
Father's Day is coming up. June 20th, and I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what he wants. I don't want to really ask him what he wants because that will basically be easier by going to get his present himself. Occasionally he looks at new BBQ pits, but I'm still waiting for the house refund to come in. Plus, it keeps on raining so it would be a while by the time he gets to use it, not only because he works Monday-Friday anyways. By the time I have a chance to get it, it will probably be time for his birthday in July. Maybe a new video game but I haven't been to a game store with him in a while. OR I just get him a case of his favorite beer. Ha! Hey, if I don't get him anything for Father's Day, I'll probably just do an IOU and combine it with his birthday, or tell him to get it himself.
My sister (best-est friend) is about to be a mommy again, another girl. Before June 24th, she's almost 3 cm, and her doctor said that if she doesn't increase by next week they are going to induce her. Since I've moved and everything I' haven't had a chance to make the baby something. I am soo happy that this time around the father isn't a dead beat. (another story for another time)
Well guys there's not that much really to talk about. I'm trying to think of stuff but it's not coming to me. If I think of something I shall return. Ha!
My sister (best-est friend) is about to be a mommy again, another girl. Before June 24th, she's almost 3 cm, and her doctor said that if she doesn't increase by next week they are going to induce her. Since I've moved and everything I' haven't had a chance to make the baby something. I am soo happy that this time around the father isn't a dead beat. (another story for another time)
Well guys there's not that much really to talk about. I'm trying to think of stuff but it's not coming to me. If I think of something I shall return. Ha!
June 3, 2010
Okay so I have 2 dogs, Rebecca & Julie. Rebecca is a Chocolate Lab, and Julie is a Lab/Dachshund/Chihuahua Mix. I know weird mix and don't try to figure out who did the dirty deed first, it will just confuse you, lol. Well, Julie I'm also thinking she's part Cat and part Goat too. She lays on the top of the couch like a cat, and she's eating grass. Ha, I know, funny. I know, I know, some dogs eat grass to help sooth their stomach, like we drink hot tea, or ginger ale, or take Pepto. I just like to make fun of Julie sometimes, she's a funny dog, and funny looking too. I know rude, but since her breed mix, her bottom jaw is shorter so her tongue sticks out like a lizard but stays there.
(This is an old Photo but it works, see how her tongue is long. He He. If I find a better picture I'll edit it.)
She so cute, and funny. I love both my puppies.
Yesterday, me and a few extra friends had an argument with an old friend back from High School over Facebook. Well, she didn't say much but she had a hissy fit and deleted our comments. Basically she's 21 and on baby #3 and this is baby-daddy #3. Long disscusion I'm not saying anymore but she was being immature and delete ours comments when everyone else knows about it anyways. Plus, if she didn't want anyone to say anything about it, don't post it on Facebook where everyone in the world can read it. Whatever. I think its a little ridiculous. 21 years old, #3 baby, #1 & #2 are a year apart and this #3 is going to be a year apart too.
(This is an old Photo but it works, see how her tongue is long. He He. If I find a better picture I'll edit it.)
She so cute, and funny. I love both my puppies.
Yesterday, me and a few extra friends had an argument with an old friend back from High School over Facebook. Well, she didn't say much but she had a hissy fit and deleted our comments. Basically she's 21 and on baby #3 and this is baby-daddy #3. Long disscusion I'm not saying anymore but she was being immature and delete ours comments when everyone else knows about it anyways. Plus, if she didn't want anyone to say anything about it, don't post it on Facebook where everyone in the world can read it. Whatever. I think its a little ridiculous. 21 years old, #3 baby, #1 & #2 are a year apart and this #3 is going to be a year apart too.
June 2, 2010
rain rain and oh did i mention rain
Well i was able to take a quick walk around the block with Hayden before it started pouring down AGAIN.....all week its supposed to be raining and Spencer is pissed....he is at work till Fri. and all of it is outside. He calls it fielding but a better way to describe it would be like Survival Man crossed with camping. Of course if I would to say camping in front of him he'd yell at me for calling it camping. LOL..Whatever. Anyways. Looks like a pizza/soda and movies with Hayden tonight. Hayden isnt too happy about the thunder though and don't blame him. A couple of thunders ago the power went out, but like just for a second. It was more like a light switch when kids are playing with it.

Like I said to someone earlier, "April Shower brings May flowers.....Not April Flowers brings May and June Showers". Also said, that Mother Nature is having a PMS moment.
My backyard looks like a have a stream running across the fence, and the street is getting there. But sadly, I'm used to it. I'm from Houston so I'm used to standing knee deep in water and know how to deal with it. These NC people are freaking out over a sprinkle. Ha! Paaleeasee!!
No but seriously this is another reason why I'm glad I moved away from Houston. To be away from the rain. Enough already. I would like some sun, or at least a sun behind the clouds. But no rain. Weird I know a couple of posts ago I was wanting rain but now...I think we've had enough. I can water my plants now.
Speaking of plants. The front yard construction is actually doing good. The rain is actually helping on this part. Washing away some dirt,sand, mud, little rocks. So now I can get to the bigger rocks I've left behind. Once we get our tax refund, we plan on getting some dirt/SOD and placing in down and getting some plants and putting them in the door way. I am so glad the hard part is done, well for up against the house. We still need to get the pillars and fencing down. The fencing should be easy, but the driveway pillars, ugh! I'll just wait till a day I'm pissed off and need something to hit or destroy. LOL I'll teach that brick!

Like I said to someone earlier, "April Shower brings May flowers.....Not April Flowers brings May and June Showers". Also said, that Mother Nature is having a PMS moment.
My backyard looks like a have a stream running across the fence, and the street is getting there. But sadly, I'm used to it. I'm from Houston so I'm used to standing knee deep in water and know how to deal with it. These NC people are freaking out over a sprinkle. Ha! Paaleeasee!!
No but seriously this is another reason why I'm glad I moved away from Houston. To be away from the rain. Enough already. I would like some sun, or at least a sun behind the clouds. But no rain. Weird I know a couple of posts ago I was wanting rain but now...I think we've had enough. I can water my plants now.
Speaking of plants. The front yard construction is actually doing good. The rain is actually helping on this part. Washing away some dirt,sand, mud, little rocks. So now I can get to the bigger rocks I've left behind. Once we get our tax refund, we plan on getting some dirt/SOD and placing in down and getting some plants and putting them in the door way. I am so glad the hard part is done, well for up against the house. We still need to get the pillars and fencing down. The fencing should be easy, but the driveway pillars, ugh! I'll just wait till a day I'm pissed off and need something to hit or destroy. LOL I'll teach that brick!
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