Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

March 8, 2010

A New Beginning


Okay..I figured I need/wanted a blog...and not Facebook/Myspace. Mainly Facebook is for the apps. and keeping in touch with Family and Friends. So I need something that will work for what I'm up to. we go! lol

Well let's see. Spencer has CQ duty tonight so just me, Hayden, and the dogs...Woo!
The dogs are driving me nuts, maybe cuz they are bored. Can't wait to sign for the house on Monday, big backyard to throw the dogs in. Probally the same with the kiddo too. He's getting to everything. Especially with all these boxes pilled up in the dining room. NO MORE APARTMENTS!! I'm bored too. I'm tired of looking up stuff to do/design. I want to go ahead and do it.
When I start decorating I'll start do the before and after pictures up. I've got so many ideas, and trying to figure out how to do it all.

Maybe I should go to school for Landscaping and Interior Design instead of Culinary. I dunno, I guess I should take care of the house and see how I do before I go and make that big of a decision.

Okay well I think that's enough for the 1st blog/entry. Plus the kid just woke up from his nap so later.

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