Payday is almost here and hopefully I can get some stuff for the house. Little things at least. I've gotta do something. Lol. Not really anything to talk about. Stuff right now is calm..and relaxing. They way they should be. But I fear that something sneaky and unexpected is going to pop its ugly head up and throw everything out of balance.
Well, I should get off and spend some time with the hubby since it's Saturday and he's off. When the little one wakes up from his nap I've gotta go to Wal-mart and get some wipes. 2 left..OH NO!!
I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**
March 27, 2010
March 24, 2010
ewwwww i want to barf
so i was pulling weeds outside left from the previous owners of the house ... and in a massive section that i pulled was a used condom....ewwwww..*barf*....i immediately ran inside and washed my hands 7 times in the hottest water and put on layer after layer of hand sant. ... I'm giving up on lawn work for right now until I get some gloves
I may called the husband in a bit and tell him that I'm putting gas in the car and going to the dollar store and buying some gloves so i can get that out of my front yard....that is sooo gross!!!
in a way I'm glad that I found instead of on...when ever we buy the next house later on down the line...I'm going to ask for lawn care so I won't have to go through this dramatic situation again
March 23, 2010
So I was waiting for hubby to finish cooking...his night to cook....i love everyday we take turns to cook....keep less meaningfulanyways...I waiting and it was sooo the dogs looked and watched his every move making sure he doesn't drop something. I had to take a picture of it. 
Rebecca, my lab, she was so funny. I was calling her name and she just kept on staring.
Eventually today I've gotta get some pictures hung up on some walls. It seems so bare. I want to wait though on some of the wall cuz I don't know if we are going to keep furniture there or not. But at least I can get some on the hallways and such. Not putting any in the kitchen cuz as soon as the tax refund comes in. We are re-doing the kitchen. Painting, new appliances and such. You can look into the other page to check up on the renovations.
Eventually today I've gotta get some pictures hung up on some walls. It seems so bare. I want to wait though on some of the wall cuz I don't know if we are going to keep furniture there or not. But at least I can get some on the hallways and such. Not putting any in the kitchen cuz as soon as the tax refund comes in. We are re-doing the kitchen. Painting, new appliances and such. You can look into the other page to check up on the renovations.
Time to waste
I just thought...more than likely many mom's hate putting on fitted sheet on a toddlers bed? Well I wouldn't say had as in dislike. It's worse than putting one on our Queen/King beds. LOL.
Today it just seems like it's going really slow. I even TRIED to watch a movie to help it go faster but I just got bored with it. I would take my little one on a walk but it's to windy and I would go walk around the mall, but no gas in the car to get me there. I know, your probably thinking go fill it up. Well, till the 1st there's no money in the account, well enough. Oh, the life of moving into a new house and waiting for the next pay check.
Oh well, as soon as we get paid, go do the amendment to our taxes and then go shopping for stuff to do. I'm just a girl who loves to keep her hands busy, decorate, sew, cook, etc. I guess you would call me one of those wives who is called a home maker. LOL.
Today it just seems like it's going really slow. I even TRIED to watch a movie to help it go faster but I just got bored with it. I would take my little one on a walk but it's to windy and I would go walk around the mall, but no gas in the car to get me there. I know, your probably thinking go fill it up. Well, till the 1st there's no money in the account, well enough. Oh, the life of moving into a new house and waiting for the next pay check.
Oh well, as soon as we get paid, go do the amendment to our taxes and then go shopping for stuff to do. I'm just a girl who loves to keep her hands busy, decorate, sew, cook, etc. I guess you would call me one of those wives who is called a home maker. LOL.
March 22, 2010
I love animals I promise
Waking me up this morning at 4:30....yes 4:30AM. He woke me up asking me to come here. So I walk out into the front yard just to have him show me that there was a lost dog, and he can't get rid of it, because it has no tags. Usually I'm all for lets help lost animals, but at 4 fucking 30 in the damn morning, it's not happening. I just told him to get in his damn car and go to work. Luckily enough the dog left and chased after the car. So when I woke up later around 8:30AM, the dog has not returned. Sorry if I sounded a little selfish but I just moved into our new house but I'm not into bringing in new companions/visitors.
March 18, 2010
New House w/ sutff to do
Okay, I finally had a chance to get back on here. Well, we got everything moved into the house, cable/net turned on (of course), and but 4 boxes emptied because the bookshelf in the uhaul. Almost broke the washing machine, but I had to call the plumber and appliance repair guy out. Unfortuntally it almost cost me and arm and a leg. But got it fixed and did the 5+ loads of laundry.
Well on better news.
My little man is sooo happy that he has a backyard, and a bigger house. I'm happy too I was able to put his daily snack on an actual table instead of a box and a t.v. stand. 2-3 months of boxes taking up space is no more.
This is the first St. Patty's that I really didn't celebrate. I did wear green but didn't decorate cuz you know I got a house.
This is funny, I'm watching Dr. Oz recordings and he's talking about the Ten Commandments of Weight Loss. Well, he's saying that I can't eat meat from animal with 4 legs more than once a week. Well......hmmm.......we will see about that. Sorry but I eat meat. Sorry I just think this episode is funny.
Well I need to end this entry. Got some stuff to do. Like getting rid of those boxes.
Well on better news.
My little man is sooo happy that he has a backyard, and a bigger house. I'm happy too I was able to put his daily snack on an actual table instead of a box and a t.v. stand. 2-3 months of boxes taking up space is no more.
This is the first St. Patty's that I really didn't celebrate. I did wear green but didn't decorate cuz you know I got a house.
This is funny, I'm watching Dr. Oz recordings and he's talking about the Ten Commandments of Weight Loss. Well, he's saying that I can't eat meat from animal with 4 legs more than once a week. Well......hmmm.......we will see about that. Sorry but I eat meat. Sorry I just think this episode is funny.
Well I need to end this entry. Got some stuff to do. Like getting rid of those boxes.
March 11, 2010
Before Bed
So I was watching House on T.V. last night and House said "Oh..My..God".
Well, can you guess who repeated that same busy 2 year old. And is now running around the apartment this morning saying it. So cute. But getting annoying. LOL.
Okay well, I've got to make this entry short, or at least try. In less than 2 hours we will be signing for our First House!! OMG I can't wait. I need to get dressed and then Hayden dressed and finsh up as much packing as I can.
I will not be able to get back on until Monday or Tuesday. I'm not sure. But if I have the chance I will save it to my computer and you can read it later.
But for now. Later.
Well, can you guess who repeated that same busy 2 year old. And is now running around the apartment this morning saying it. So cute. But getting annoying. LOL.
Okay well, I've got to make this entry short, or at least try. In less than 2 hours we will be signing for our First House!! OMG I can't wait. I need to get dressed and then Hayden dressed and finsh up as much packing as I can.
I will not be able to get back on until Monday or Tuesday. I'm not sure. But if I have the chance I will save it to my computer and you can read it later.
But for now. Later.
March 10, 2010
alrighty...waiting for the husband to come home...probally last entry for the night. Gotta start supper..even thou it is 6pm..a little late..but not really. I don't know I'm just ramlbing
Since I tried something new for supper yesterday I kinda figured I stick to something simple and lazy. Hamburger helper. LOL. Plus I don't want to spend much time cooking. I've got a headache and need something soon. Just gotta get Hayden to help me out on picking out which box.
I need to make a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get in easily. I've been getting dizzy and almost blacking out. I either get up to fast, or my body is missing some kind of nutrients. Something. I just need to figure out what's going on. I'm just afraid of it getting worse and have me driving, especially with Hayden in the car. Possible stress. But like I said I don't want it to get worse.
Since I tried something new for supper yesterday I kinda figured I stick to something simple and lazy. Hamburger helper. LOL. Plus I don't want to spend much time cooking. I've got a headache and need something soon. Just gotta get Hayden to help me out on picking out which box.
I need to make a doctors appointment tomorrow. Hopefully I'll be able to get in easily. I've been getting dizzy and almost blacking out. I either get up to fast, or my body is missing some kind of nutrients. Something. I just need to figure out what's going on. I'm just afraid of it getting worse and have me driving, especially with Hayden in the car. Possible stress. But like I said I don't want it to get worse.
Spending Time
Hey Guys!
Well watching Dr. Oz right now, while also trying to figure out what Hayden is doing in the other room by listening.
Well didn't seem to work very well. He ended up in the fridge. Which I thought the gate to the kitchen was closed. Oh well, got him his cheese and he's now hiding behind the couch to keep it from the dogs. Smart
Anyways. Okay well, good news. We are signing for the house on Friday. And this time it's final. Spencer called our realtor and loan agent like every 2-3 hours to make sure that they had all the paperwork, and information that they needed. Ugh, they have to every piece of info. which is a pain in the ass. But soooo glad that this stuff is almost over. I went ahead and reserved a uhaul too. Which I'm thankful I don't have to do any heavy lifting this time either. Spencer is having his Army buddies working for beer.
Which Spencer also thinks we are going to be having a kegger the beginning of April. Ya, well, we will see about that. I want a few things done to the house before bringing people into it.
We need a new (bigger) fridge, a new stove, and a new dish washer. Plus other stuff.
I just can't wait for me to get started on the decorating.
Well watching Dr. Oz right now, while also trying to figure out what Hayden is doing in the other room by listening.
Well didn't seem to work very well. He ended up in the fridge. Which I thought the gate to the kitchen was closed. Oh well, got him his cheese and he's now hiding behind the couch to keep it from the dogs. Smart
Anyways. Okay well, good news. We are signing for the house on Friday. And this time it's final. Spencer called our realtor and loan agent like every 2-3 hours to make sure that they had all the paperwork, and information that they needed. Ugh, they have to every piece of info. which is a pain in the ass. But soooo glad that this stuff is almost over. I went ahead and reserved a uhaul too. Which I'm thankful I don't have to do any heavy lifting this time either. Spencer is having his Army buddies working for beer.
Which Spencer also thinks we are going to be having a kegger the beginning of April. Ya, well, we will see about that. I want a few things done to the house before bringing people into it.
We need a new (bigger) fridge, a new stove, and a new dish washer. Plus other stuff.
I just can't wait for me to get started on the decorating.
March 8, 2010
A New Beginning
Okay..I figured I need/wanted a blog...and not Facebook/Myspace. Mainly Facebook is for the apps. and keeping in touch with Family and Friends. So I need something that will work for what I'm up to. we go! lol
Well let's see. Spencer has CQ duty tonight so just me, Hayden, and the dogs...Woo!
The dogs are driving me nuts, maybe cuz they are bored. Can't wait to sign for the house on Monday, big backyard to throw the dogs in. Probally the same with the kiddo too. He's getting to everything. Especially with all these boxes pilled up in the dining room. NO MORE APARTMENTS!! I'm bored too. I'm tired of looking up stuff to do/design. I want to go ahead and do it.
When I start decorating I'll start do the before and after pictures up. I've got so many ideas, and trying to figure out how to do it all.
Maybe I should go to school for Landscaping and Interior Design instead of Culinary. I dunno, I guess I should take care of the house and see how I do before I go and make that big of a decision.
Okay well I think that's enough for the 1st blog/entry. Plus the kid just woke up from his nap so later.
Okay..I figured I need/wanted a blog...and not Facebook/Myspace. Mainly Facebook is for the apps. and keeping in touch with Family and Friends. So I need something that will work for what I'm up to. we go! lol
Well let's see. Spencer has CQ duty tonight so just me, Hayden, and the dogs...Woo!
The dogs are driving me nuts, maybe cuz they are bored. Can't wait to sign for the house on Monday, big backyard to throw the dogs in. Probally the same with the kiddo too. He's getting to everything. Especially with all these boxes pilled up in the dining room. NO MORE APARTMENTS!! I'm bored too. I'm tired of looking up stuff to do/design. I want to go ahead and do it.
When I start decorating I'll start do the before and after pictures up. I've got so many ideas, and trying to figure out how to do it all.
Maybe I should go to school for Landscaping and Interior Design instead of Culinary. I dunno, I guess I should take care of the house and see how I do before I go and make that big of a decision.
Okay well I think that's enough for the 1st blog/entry. Plus the kid just woke up from his nap so later.
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