Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

August 31, 2010

It's been a while...

Okay this is like my 5th attempt at writing and I finally have a chance to finish it. The dogs kept barking at something, and Hayden was screaming because of a bug, and he accidentally changed the channel, or he ran out of apple juice. So Hayden is in bed for a nap, the dogs are outside and my phone is on silent for a few minutes so I can finish this post that's probably not going to be that long or important. Just want to get a post on here since I haven't been up to writing...well...more like typing.
So ya it's been a while since I've been on here. Not much important going on lately. Yesterday I took down the front part of the fence in our yard. I'll be taking down the side pieces either today or later this week. I like being different in the neighborhood but I didn't really like the white fence in our yard. Also needing to take down the other brick column and get a actual mailbox. Like I said not much going on.

Oh I would like to give a big welcome back to my friend's husband who just made it back from overseas. We are glad he made it back safe and sound. So WELCOME BACK CORY!!

So Spencer is on his way home. So I guess I end this short and get off and sit my butt down on the couch and watch my recorded shows. Laters!

August 25, 2010

I think.....

I think we had a cool front last night. I never watch the news or weather so I never know anything unless I look it up, and that VERY rarely, like a hurricane or something. I let my dogs outside this morning and it was sooo much cooler than it was yesterday. Feels good!! Now if we can keep it like this temperature it will be perfect. No colder, no warmer. LOL I know...don't hold my breath! I like this weather that's between Summer and Fall/Winter.

Yesterday was so cool. I got my first Avon package trough the mail, with more brochures and some samples I order. It was like Christmas. I was soo excited.

August 24, 2010

Good Morning!

Yesterday (Monday) was my birthday and it was great. We celebrated most of it on Sunday since Spencer had to work yesterday. He let me sleep in, which that time it actually worked since the past couple of times that I've tried my body decided to be a butt. He also tried to make me breakfast in bed but the planned failed since I had to pee, so I told him to take it to the table so we can all eat it together. We watched movies and later the afternoon/evening he BBQ and we relaxed the rest of the day. Yesterday was good too, Hayden was misbehaving a little bit but I figured he wanted to make Mama's Birthday extra special. Which I thank him so much for.
I got soo many Birthday wishes from my friends and I'm glad that I so loved.

August 21, 2010


I am now an Avon Representative. I started yesterday. I am currently going through the training videos and setting up my site. I will keep you updated on specials and new products coming out. I will also work on getting a tab to go along with this blog to help separate the topics.

August 19, 2010

Spencer is funny, and Rain is not

He told me last night that whenever we do get pregnant he hopes for a girl. And then he says that if it's not a girl we've got to try again until we get one. Hahahaha! He's funny, he's not the one who has to carry the load for 9 months then push the big head out. And trust me Hayden's head was pretty big. LOL. I just laughed and walked away. I wasn't about to finish that conversation with him.

Well, apparently that small little rain cloud I saw on our radar was a little bit bigger than what they weather man thought. It rained for a little bit during the day, but after 7pm-ish it hit. For a while too. It ended up doing a power surge and of course that didn't help the cause with Hayden. He was already freaking out with the thunder. We were watching the rain through our back door and lighting hit, next thing I knew I saw our fence. LOL. And Hayden ran to the couch and hid under the blanket.

August 17, 2010


Well, my plan that I had for going to Texas in October just went down the toilet. Looks like I'm stuck in North Carolina for the whole month Spencer is off training. I'm bummed that I won't be able to see my friends and family but that's okay. Money is the main issue here. $600 for a freaking round trip to TX and back. Forget it! And I'm not driving by myself with a toddler. No way! Spencer may be able to get Christmas off and we drive down then. But until then, saving money.

Guess that's okay, I can get everything set up for Halloween. I love decorating for Halloween. I try to go all out as much as possible. (You can ask my parents) Halloween and Christmas are my favorite holidays to decorate. I mean Thanksgiving has some decorating in it but its mainly all about food. I go all out on that too. And since we have our house now....I don't have to worry about decorating restrictions. Don't worry, I "WILL"be posting pictures of my decor after it's all up. I'm sooooo proud of myself after I do it. I will in fact have to invest in a ladder before then tho, especially before Christmas so we can do the light. Ohhh, I can't wait. I like the heat (some) of Summer, but I'm ready for it to be fall now.

August 15, 2010

Toys....For Real??


Are we really running out of ideas for toys? I understand this may be for a baby shower or a prank or something. But really? Barbie has now done everything. Barbie has the car, the masion, she turned into a slut with Ken, GI Joe, and having kids without being pregnant and enduring the wonderful wonders and pains of labor. BUT...they are getting there now. She is now pregnant. I can't wait for a Barbie being made with a head sticking out of her crotch, and an epidural needle coming out of her back. Actually what would make this better is if they do make this "Labor Barbie" is have Ken and all her boyfriends included with the box. Hahaha.
I'm sorry but this Pregnant Barbie has sent me back in time when I had Barbies. My barbie went through EVERYTHING. Even an occasional haircut, and a brother pulling their heads off.

August 13, 2010


What ever the correct term people are using these days...Supper...Dinner...does it really matter? Anyways...Last night was sooo funny with Hayden I cried. I was preparing a 5lb Chicken for supper (recipe later) and I un-wrap the chicken and wash it. I go and put in the bowl so I could marinate it and Hayden goes, "Wow, Mom, The chicken has no head!!!" And he seemed very concerned. He noticed that it still had part of the neck attached but he was more worried about the head missing. But I can tell you one thing...I would have not bought that chicken if it still had it's head attached.
I laughed so hard, I thought I was going to wake up Spencer. Don't know why I thought it was so funny but at that particular time it was.
But later on when I pulled the chicken out of the oven, Hayden didn't care about anything but eating it. The chicken was devoured, only the bones were left. I mainly ate the skin, *drool*, the way I cooked the chicken left the skin crispy, and the meat tender and juicy. Sooo good, probably not the healthiest chicken but lets just say that it would be perfect for Thanksgiving for those who don't like turkey.

August 4, 2010

Just another day in paradise....

Definitely feeling better today. Better than the past couple days. Still having some cramping but truthfully I would be surprised if I didn't have it. I cheated last night I had some Dr. Pepper. I not only had a headache since I hadn't had one in a couple days, but it was soooo calling my name. I drank so much Water and Gatorade yesterday I figured One little glass of Dr. Pepper sweetness couldn't hurt. Spencer looked at me but didn't say anything. I figured he was afraid Don't mess with me and my Dr. Pepper.

Got out and mowed yesterday since not only did it need it, but I was so bored of being inside. Plus my skin needed a little sun. Hell, I also edged. I kinda scalped a few spots but hey, it's grass it will grow back. Plus I am still learning. This morning when I let the dogs outside I noticed that I missed a few spots in the grass. Hey, it was towards the end of the day and it was really hot and I was trying to hurry up and finish. I wasn't trying to make it perfect, I was just trying to get it cut. I also removed the damn vines that were up and down the back fence from our neighbor. I had to take the saw to a couple pieces but got it.
Also Hayden found a dead butterfly yesterday and I thought we would have tears. But no, he looked at it, went Oh, Noooo, and walked away. Lucked out on that one.

I also made Spencer cook last night. After cleaning inside and then outside I was in no mood to do anything else. One thing Spencer forgot was cleaning up the kitchen. I am getting really tired of the damn computer game he plays. I mean he watched a movie with me yesterday and he cooked for us. But thinks that doing those things would make up for the time he spends on the game. I can't put Facebook or this blog before Hayden and the house duties. And having him say, "Well I worked all day that should mean something". NO, it doesn't Work and Home are 2 different things, places, and situations. Yes, at Work (Spencers work) he has no choice but to do stuff, home there are responsibilities that need to be done. He did laundry yesterday BUT for work.
We had a deal/agreement (no it wasn't written or in blood) but who ever cooks, the other one cleans. But the past couple times I've been cooking and cleaning. So when he cooked last night I clean most of it but I told him that he had to take care of the rest. Which was to pan on the stove and clean the table and counters since the dishwasher was already running and full. Something so simple. I told him that and he said I'm playing a game. That "game" is going to get deleted one of these days. I'm sooooooooooo tired of this BULLSHIT. I've tried everything.

August 3, 2010

Yet another one

Well for the past 2 weeks I have been feeling like crap. My stomach was hurting, I felt bloated, my back hurt, etc. I went to the doctor last Friday and all he did was feel of my stomach and say that I had something wrong with my gut. Whatever. I won't be seeing that Doctor again if I can help it. I didn't get any tests. If he did test me he would have found out that I have yet another bladder infection/UTI.
I'm am so prone to this stuff. I called my mother yesterday and asked how many Cranberry Pills I can take in one day, then told her that I have another infection. She then reminded me about me having "Interstitial Cystitis" back in 2006. And having the surgery to fix it. I'm not saying this is it, because I haven't gone to a specialist yet about it. But not saying it's not. But I can tell you that I do have a UTI, and don't have to go to the doctor to say I have it. Definitely uncomfortable.

Can I stop being sick? For at least a month. Is that so much to ask? I'm tired of feeling a mopey, and a couch potato. Well, it hasn't helped much having it being so hot outside.

Oh, on a positive note. A couple of ladies came this weekend and picked up ALL of that damn gravel, rocks, wire, etc. Not only the stuff that I had in Spencer's truck but also the stuff in the garage. Spencer is happy that he not only has more room in the garage again but he has his truck back. The tires on his truck had been looking a little low with all the weight on top of it. So after the ladies took it (for their blown out dam), we cleaned out the garage and re-arranged a few items. So much room in it now.