Definitely feeling better today. Better than the past couple days. Still having some cramping but truthfully I would be surprised if I didn't have it. I cheated last night I had some Dr. Pepper. I not only had a headache since I hadn't had one in a couple days, but it was soooo calling my name. I drank so much Water and Gatorade yesterday I figured One little glass of Dr. Pepper sweetness couldn't hurt. Spencer looked at me but didn't say anything. I figured he was afraid Don't mess with me and my Dr. Pepper.
Got out and mowed yesterday since not only did it need it, but I was so bored of being inside. Plus my skin needed a little sun. Hell, I also edged. I kinda scalped a few spots but hey, it's grass it will grow back. Plus I am still learning. This morning when I let the dogs outside I noticed that I missed a few spots in the grass. Hey, it was towards the end of the day and it was really hot and I was trying to hurry up and finish. I wasn't trying to make it perfect, I was just trying to get it cut. I also removed the damn vines that were up and down the back fence from our neighbor. I had to take the saw to a couple pieces but got it.
Also Hayden found a dead butterfly yesterday and I thought we would have tears. But no, he looked at it, went Oh, Noooo, and walked away. Lucked out on that one.
I also made Spencer cook last night. After cleaning inside and then outside I was in no mood to do anything else. One thing Spencer forgot was cleaning up the kitchen. I am getting really tired of the damn computer game he plays. I mean he watched a movie with me yesterday and he cooked for us. But thinks that doing those things would make up for the time he spends on the game. I can't put Facebook or this blog before Hayden and the house duties. And having him say, "Well I worked all day that should mean something". NO, it doesn't Work and Home are 2 different things, places, and situations. Yes, at Work (Spencers work) he has no choice but to do stuff, home there are responsibilities that need to be done. He did laundry yesterday BUT for work.
We had a deal/agreement (no it wasn't written or in blood) but who ever cooks, the other one cleans. But the past couple times I've been cooking and cleaning. So when he cooked last night I clean most of it but I told him that he had to take care of the rest. Which was to pan on the stove and clean the table and counters since the dishwasher was already running and full. Something so simple. I told him that and he said I'm playing a game. That "game" is going to get deleted one of these days. I'm sooooooooooo tired of this BULLSHIT. I've tried everything.