Well this day started okay, but became quit interesting. Started off by me cleaning out the garage, which was surprisingly successful, then Spencer get "my" car to work, and up to the repair shop to finish, then off to the movies to see HOP. Which by the way was really funny. Once the credits came on they cut the sound, and I guess the manager spoke, and let us know that we had a tornado warning. Hmmm....well I knew we were getting rain, and while I was cleaning the garage we had bad wind. When we were heading out we heard a couple people talk saying that one touched down 2 blocks away (from the theater).
Once we got home Spencer got a call from one of his work buddies asking if they could stay the night because 1. their power was out and 2. a couple houses down from them got torn through. So we got cleaning out the spare room. We needed to do that anyways but still. But if you think about it, I finally got Spencer to help me clean, and I didn't have to ask. Hehehehe!
So now we wait.....
Here are some photos I stole from the local news website:

These 2 photos are the weather conditions....

Here is some damage.....

These last 2 photos "WAS" a Lowes in Sanford about an hour from us.
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