Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

April 26, 2011

ANEW SOLAR ADVANCE Sunscreen Body & Face Lotion :: Sun exposure can cause visible signs of aging. Protect, Repair, & Reverse the Damages the Sun causes. :: Just in time before Summer!

Face--45SPF................................... Body--30SPF

Skin looks and feels dramatically tighter and toned. Dramatically reduces the look of wrinkles and visibly diminishes discolorations.
Easter was somewhat of a success. Spencer slept half the day, while I cooked. Nothing special since it's just the 3 of us. Ham, Salad with fruit, Pineapple Slices, & of course my Banana Pudding. Then I set up the eggs in the backyard. The dogs helped hide the eggs by laying on them. LOL

As of right now, Spencer is playing his video games, the new "Mortal Kombat". LOL Hayden is cheering him on. So cute. Also today is raining.

Me: I'm trying to finish before it rains
Spencer: It's not gonna rain
*hour later* *thunder* *pouring rain*
Spencer: Okay you win

I love winning. :) I mean come on, dark clouds, wind blowing cool air....that's all the makings of rain coming. At least we were able to mow the grass before it happened. It was just really funny that he says it's not gonna rain.

April 23, 2011

Banana Pudding!

I just wanted to share my latest creation....

Banana Pudding!!! YUM!!
The recipe & how I made it is on my food section.....

4 Years Togther!! ♥

Okay so this morning was an interesting way to start off our 4th Wedding Anniversary. Around 1am, Spencer was coming to bed, & heard a gunshot, and Rebecca barked. At first I didn't realize Spencer heard anything so I told Rebecca to shut up so I can go back to sleep. Spencer then got up, grabbed his shotgun, & went outside to check it out. After a few minutes I got up, (still not realizing what's going on), I went outside & there's like 6-7 cop cars on our street.
3 teenagers, breaking curfew, thought it would be smart to shoot at a cop, instead of getting in trouble by breaking curfew. 2 of the teenagers were caught but the 3rd one ran while shooting at an Officer. An hour later, the side of my house & 3 houses were Yellow Taped to find the rounds & the missing gun. By the time they left, & I went back to bed, they found the gun. Apparently the teenager dropped it when it jammed. Still have no clue if the other teenager was caught but glad it's over.

With all that said....


April 16, 2011


Well this day started okay, but became quit interesting. Started off by me cleaning out the garage, which was surprisingly successful, then Spencer get "my" car to work, and up to the repair shop to finish, then off to the movies to see HOP. Which by the way was really funny. Once the credits came on they cut the sound, and I guess the manager spoke, and let us know that we had a tornado warning. Hmmm....well I knew we were getting rain, and while I was cleaning the garage we had bad wind. When we were heading out we heard a couple people talk saying that one touched down 2 blocks away (from the theater).
Once we got home Spencer got a call from one of his work buddies asking if they could stay the night because 1. their power was out and 2. a couple houses down from them got torn through. So we got cleaning out the spare room. We needed to do that anyways but still. But if you think about it, I finally got Spencer to help me clean, and I didn't have to ask. Hehehehe!
So now we wait.....

Here are some photos I stole from the local news website:

These 2 photos are the weather conditions....
Here is some damage.....
These last 2 photos "WAS" a Lowes in Sanford about an hour from us.

April 15, 2011

2 New Projects

Using a simple bathroom over-the-toliet rack
By turning this........

Into this.....
Sooooo.....much better, more room on the rest of the counters, and now I have space on top of my fridge. I think I'm so

Also turning this....
*****Picture coming soon, as soon as Spencer comes home with a part****

April 14, 2011

J'aime the Extreme Coupon Diva - As Featured on TLC Extreme Couponing

J'aime the Extreme Coupon Diva - As Featured on TLC Extreme Couponing

I'm thinking I'm gonna start coupon-ing. This woman had a $1,900 grocery bill and only paid $103! I don't mind spending hours clipping if I save this much money!

April 11, 2011

This weekend was fun. Saturday we went to take Hayden to see the Easter Bunny. Not the best phone picture below, but it works. I think the picture itself came out great!
Also tried to see the movie HOP, but got side-tracked with the new Putt-Putt next to the movie theater. We played a few games & took Hayden on the Go-Kart track. He just now was able to ride passenger. So Spencer took Hayden & I rode by myself. Spencer taunted me saying I wouldn't be able to pass him. So I took his challenge & on the 2nd to last lap, I proved him wrong. And of course as every man, they don't want to admit that they lost.

Sunday, we went fishing early in the morning. Of course I had fun. Hayden was able to catch 3 fish, I caught 4 fish, and poor little Spencer caught 1. Hahaha! But I still love him.


I would like to take a quick moment and announce a New Line of Baby Products coming out. Tiny Tilla by Avon!!
If you have not seen this blog before, I do work for Avon/Mark so if you have any questions please ask. I'm trying not to make my whole blog about my Avon business, so very soon I will be making a page, attached to this blog just for my Avon. So stay tuned.
If you would like to see any of the products Tiny Tilla is offering you can visit or Tiny Tilla Tiny Tilla will be Opening up tomorrow Online.
If you would like to see what Avon has to offer visit My Avon Online