9:39am- The drink is down. "Double" the sugar than I had for the 1 hour. The 1 hour cut off level is 130, and I was to be the lucky one who got to go to 133. There has to be a better cut off limit because this is ridiculous, but my Dr. wanted to make sure.
They really need to come up with a better way of testing for this test. It had to be a guy that came up with shoving a pure sugary drink down a "fasting", empty stomach, pregnant woman's throat. I really hope that I don't throw this Red Sugary drink up, because I prefer not to go through this crap again. I barely made it through the 1 hour without puking, but I can tell you one thing...I am sooo not cleaning up the mess if I do throw it up, and I'll make sure to cover everything & dye it red. This tile floor they have, will be red. If I'm going to puke, I'll make sure it's all for nothing. So every time some sees the Red stain, they think of ME! Lol
So now I sit here for an hour for my second needle poke. I'm lucky enough to get 4 blood draws.
10:31- 2nd Blood draw is complete. 2 more to go. Fighting nausea like crazy right now, & it's not helping when Gavin is moving around like crazy. Too much sugar at once. I don't think I have dizziness, but I also feel like I'm I'm about to fall asleep.
I'm so ready to open up the packets of Goldfish in my purse like a crazy hyper active kid at a birthday party after cake.
On another note, I am soo glad Hayden is a good wonderful child when I bring him to Dr offices. There are two kids that here that, if I was the parent, the child needs a swift pop to the butt.
11:07- Just had a powerful Braxton Hicks contraction. All this sugar is making him way to active & putting me into uncomfortable mode. Tightening of stomach & taking my breath away. Good thing I'm at the Dr.
11:32- 3rd Blood draw done. 1 more to go. Dizziness passed, & nausea is slowly going away. Gavin still isn't happy with me. He keeps trying to give me the hint,
"Hey Mom! You need to eat something. I'm hungry. Your not paying attention."
So glad this is almost done.
11:51- Told Spencer
"All I know these goldfish in my purse are gonna go through a massacre as soon as the last needle comes out of my arm."
He doesn't believe I will. But he isn't here to see what grief I'm going though. Hell if I could record myself destroying the goldfish in a cheesy, crunchy, crumbly massacre, I would. (Just for laughs) But I doubt the cheesy goodness will have a chance for me to even reach for the record button on iPhone. If it even makes out of the building alive will be a miracle.
Not to mention little man is starting to get demanding. Swift kick, punch, & ROLL! My stomach hasn't moved this much. I think the person sitting next to me noticed it & is starting to worry if he's about to jump out & start break dancing.
12:40 And finally I am DONE! So glad!
Later- on my way down the elevator I popped open my goldfish & finished it off before my mom picked me up. We quickly ran off to Chili's couldn't pass up an appetizer too.
Now I'm laying bed resting up. Debating on taking a nap or not.
I pray never to go through the 3 hour Bs ever again. And never wish this on anyone.
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