This post was inspired by another blogger. I just happened to make my own version of it.
Click Here to Travel to Her Blog
10 Sucky Things About Being Pregnant
1. Sneeze & Pee I can no longer sneeze without peeing myself a little. And lately that's all I do. My nose hates me, constantly itching with a nose bleed I had a week ago.
2. Charlie Horse? The dead-of-night surprise of sudden foot & leg cramps so painful I
shoot out of bed from a deep sleep, like a murder was breaking into the house, or the house was on fire. I then stand or bounce until it goes away. Somehow Spencer sleeps right through this crap every
time. Which just makes me want to smother him with a pillow and then say, “Man, that really hurt. Sorry I woke you.”
3. Morning sickness. Thankfully I was done with as soon as the 2nd Trimester came along. I couldn't really say that it was worse or better than what I had with Hayden. Just all I know it sucked. With Hayden he didn't like KFC chicken, & Oranges which on both I channeled the exorcist & sprayed it all over the bathroom door, completely no where near the toilet. Causing it to go up & over the door, also hitting the ceiling. All I could do is sit on the floor next to the toilet, trying not to spew again while poor Spencer had to ask for help from my parents to clean up the mess that ended up staining the paint on the wall/door.
As for this little guy, he didn't want me eating anything meat. I thought I was going to turn vegetarian during the pregnancy. Thankfully he changed his mind or got over it. During Hayden's birthday party we had Burgers & Hot Dogs. I ate chips & veggies with dip. While I looked at the juicy burger grilling thinking, "Oh , I should be fine." Then reaching for the closest carrot stick.
4. Stretchy pants & big shirts. I'm very picky on the clothes I wear. I'm not going to spend $50 on one T-shirt that I'm only going to wear for a few months & pass onto the next pregnant woman I know or put it into a box in the back of the closet & forget about it, just to remember about it 10 years later. Gotta have those pants & belly bands. When you have a baby pushing down on your bladder & pelvic bone 24/7, you need that extra lift.
5. Boobs. In my case I wasn't blessed with the triple increase of size that I would have to change my whole wardrobe. Just a small 36 to 38, with the constant leaking of breast milk. If I'm not wearing a bra I can feel it running down from my boob to my knee in seconds.
6. Cravings Surprisingly I haven't had any weird cravings with this kiddo. Just constantly hungry, Spencer may have a different look on this topic. When I was pregnant with Hayden, I had a constant craving for Mexican food & Cheese. Now with this one, the closest I came to a craving, which I managed to curve a bit with Spencer's awesome Seafood cooking skills, is the Steam pot from Joe's Crab Shack. Which I think most of the cravings went to dear ol' hubby. He claims he doesn't have sympathy cravings, but when you want BBQ 6 out of 7 days of the week, it's kinda hard to argue away from it. (Your argument is invalid, LOL)
7. Blinded by the belly The inability to see anything under my belly, most notably, my
bikini line. I grab the razor, shave blindly, and bravely hope for
intact private parts. Also not to mention not being able to properly put on shoes. Which I'm thankful we are getting to warmer weather where I can slip on those wonderful Flats, & Flip Flops. Those boots were getting difficult to put on I almost had to get Spencer to put them on for me.
8. Sleep deprivation A recently acquired inability to sleep through the night, which
I’m sure is an indication of the future sleeping disposition of the
child I’m carrying. I toss and turn all night — no easy feat with a big
belly and a giant body pillow. Plus having to push over the husband who has to sense of personal space at night & thinks it is cool to roll on top of the pregnant wife who is already getting to a point of not being able to breathe.
And then there’s the handy internal
hormonal alarm clock which goes off every morning around 2-4am just to tell me that I need to empty my bladder. And if I'm lucky I'll be able to go back to sleep. Just what my family and
friends need — a cranky, hormonal pregnant woman who is even crankier
because she can’t freaking sleep.
9. Tears It could be over nothing. I could be something I've seen 100+ times & sonme stupid reason I start tearing up. And then of course there's the shows that automatically make me tear up without being pregnant, then BAM---> Pregnant=bawling like I found the worst news in my life.
10. Well-meaning strangers This usually hits in the check-out line at the
grocery store or Target, who all ask the same questions. “When are you
due?” Followed by, “Is it a boy or a girl?”It's like you want to wear a sign around your neck advertising just to keep them from asking, but also thinking if you do, would that open up more questions for them to ask.
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