This past weekend we made the trip to the local pumpkin patch. Well, local wouldn't be the correct word, since we had to drive 30 miles to get there. It was a blast either way. We didn't have enough money do everything they had there, so we stuck to the patch. We got 3 pumpkins, 50 cents/per pound. Not bad.

(More pictures up soon...)
So last night we had the opportunity to carve these pumpkins. Spencer did most of the cleaning out the pumpkins. We had a hard time trying to get Hayden to help out. Somehow, a few minutes later we ended up having a pumpkin gut fight in the kitchen. No, Hayden wasn't part of it. It was just Spencer & me. I can tell you one thing, we will be cleaning up pumpkin for a while. Well, we had issues with the biggest pumpkin, and when I went to pick it up after it was carved, it broke. So we had 3 pumpkins to start off with, but ended up with 2. I was soo mad at myself last night because I have never done anything like that before.
Grrrrr........but all is good. We spent the next hour picking out the pumpkin seeds so I can roast them today. A step by step is listed below.