Not to be confused with the Wine Company (which I have yet to try)

I never thought I would be a blogger but I'm glad I tried it out. It took sometime to get used to it and now I can't stop. This is about the day to day excitements of being a mom, wife, daughter, friend, or just a plain woman doing her thing.

**Beware I may cuss, so if you think that I might offend you, don't read.
Thanks for reading. Have a nice day!**

January 2, 2013

Happy New Year!! 2013

OMGoodness. It's January! Happy New Year Everyone.

Pregnancy still going great. I am 17 weeks right now. Thanks to an ER trip (explain soon) on New Years Eve we got to see what we are having early. Unfortunately there's no picture since it wasn't done & my Dr's Office. We have the actual anatomy scan on the 17th.

But we are proud to announce that we are going to be bringing into this world another BOY! And wasn't shy about showing us either. Spencer was so happy to see the ultrasound since he missed the last two thanks to school. Got to see him moving around. We got asked by a few people if we have a name yet, and unfortunately we do not, yet. Soon tho. We are thinking. This is a hard decision to make as some of y'all know.

So as for the ER trip. As we were coming back home from MO, from seeing Spencer's Mom for Christmas. I started a UTI infection. And for those who know me, I knew the symptoms as soon as they hit me. With the 14+ hour trip home the intensity didn't hit me until night was closing in. We were 3 hours away from home & thought I was going to die. So I made Spencer get a hotel room for the night so I can have a chance to rest instead of sitting in the ER forever.....But that didn't seem to matter. We drove home on New Years Eve, the last 3 hours, and before he went home he dropped me off at the ER. After being transferred to multiple rooms, being lost for 2 hours, & finally getting me the stuff that I came there for since my Dr's were closed. I was there for 8-1/2 hours. I got to see people who were there for less serious illnesses, come in after me, & leave before me. I was getting annoyed.

We went to MO to see Spencers mom, Peggy, Randi, & Mamie. Got there Wednesday night, & left Sunday. We went Ice Skating, well Hayden, Spencer & Randi as I was pregnant. Then went to the Science Museum for a warm up. The next day we went the St. Louis Arch. And to my surprise with my fear of heights, I went to the top. I'm Alive!!! I did really well. I looked out the windows, didn't hyperventilate or anything. Now Spencer may have a few finger nail indentations in his hand from the ride to the top of the arch but I think I did really well. Lol.

For now if you want to see any recent pictures since my last blog post, you'll have to see on FB.

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