Here is the before & after shots of the bathroom. I think I changed it a lot. I plan on doing something to cabinets but not sure just yet. But for now I'm going to work on another project until I'm sure.
I believe my next project is the kitchen. I got this wonderful idea from a fellow blogger. I don't know who she is personally, but her work is amazing. Her blog is called Lemonade.
This lady has the same type of cabinets as I do. And I just love the way she re-did them. Above is the link on the idea I have for my kitchen. Let me know what you think?!
I've just been a busy body since the New Year started. And that's a good thing. Before I've just been sitting around. Now I'm still sitting around, but I'm also throwing in some crafts/redecorating into the mix. Spencer isn't really happy about all the changes happening so fast but is happy that's it's getting done, especially since our taxes will be done soon, we will be able to get a lot more done with more money.
I do have some more, I guess you want to call it information, about the baby front, no news that I want but I will fill you in more on the Baby Blog.
Well that's all I can think of for now. Laters!